Reviews from

in the past

Hours and hours of unskippable tutorials for basic gameplay mechanics, paired with endless walls of flavorless dialogue. Just let me play the damn game.

The chibi character models look terrible and the environments aren't much better. Everything looks bland and sterile.

Combat is somehow even worse than in Minecraft. It has no weight whatsoever.

An excellent building game that really gives you a lot of room to play around and do whatever you like. The story is charming and sweet, and I absolutely love how Malroth was written. While it's pretty clear what inspired Dragon Quest Builders 2, I would say it does more than enough to stand out in its own way.

Dragon Quest Builders 2 is a great iteration on the formula set by the original Dragon Quest Builders. It's longer, more polished, with a lot more items to play around with, and a better written story and cast. Do I like it more than the original? ... Eh.

But I'm just being cheeky. It really is a better game! It's just that I feel the first one was funnier and more experimental. I do like a lot of the quality of life they added in (traversing the world in the first game did not feel great, it's much better in this one) and it's fun watching Malroth go through his growing pains. The new items are great, and swapping blocks around has never been faster and easier. That said, I'm not a fan of the changes made to cooking, and I do miss the points system when it comes to town-building. I feel like ultimately I didn't actually have to do much building to finish the game, especially since it has NPCs handle a lot of the structures for you. On one hand, I can understand why; the main blueprints are often massive, and would be slow and complex to build and gather for alone. On the other... well, maybe I did want to build more of the giant pyramid on my own, game. How about that!

Overall, though, this was a better experience than the first game, and I would love to see some version of this where it's possible to have more rooms and more little guys on your island. You have a great creative mode in there so it's sad that you can't do whatever you want with your main island.