Reviews from

in the past

US SNES version on a Wii emulator using the Tatsunoko vs Capcom Arcade stick.

I played through this as Haggar, not sure if it was on Normal or Easy, but I saw the ending without using all the credits you’re given. The graphics are solid but unspectacular, what music is there is good (heavy basslines) but the three main themes are overused throughout the game. Even the last boss didn’t get a new theme! Gameplay was pretty good I thought. Haggar is a lot more swift in movement than in Final Fight 1 for the SNES which I tried briefly beforehand. He had a good variety of moves such as throws, dash attack and supers.

A big step up from 2 but still not as good as 1. All 4 characters feel good and have a lot of unique moves. The enemy roster is some how more forgettable then 2 and by the end of it you will never want to see Dirk or Arby again in your life. Health drops also seem to hard to come by, but its okay cus the game is really easy with super lenient check points.