Reviews from

in the past

Esse review vai ser bem superficial porque se eu pensar muito nesse jogo eu fico mal da cabeça mas é muito bom viu. o Charles é tão relatable pra mim que me dói no fundo do fundo do lado esquerdo do meu esôfago, a história desse jogo dói nas juntas de tanto que eu gosto parabéns viu ! além dessa parte a experiência de jogar esse jogo depois dos outros 2 anteriores é tão satisfatória porque tudo vai fazendo sentido e aí eu fiquei com vontade de jogar tudo de novo pra pensar mais nisso ! e eu def vou jogar de novo no futuro ! quem sabe trago uma review mais detalhada ! minha única reclamaçãozinha é que o jogo podia ser mais... bonito... aos olhos... mas eu entendo 100% as escolhas estéticas do jogo faz sentido ele ser como é ! então nem é bem uma reclamação snif

<After all... doesn't fiction exist to free the mind? That's why I will crush you, too.

I swing the hammer.

There will be no war. There will be no revolution. There is no need for it.
Our existence is meaningless. But that's okay.
There's no need for a meaning.
We will not fight god. There is no need to.
It won't change anything.

No matter how wretched we are...
No matter how broken we are...
No matter how lost we are...

We will hold our heads high and march on.
Our stories will continue.>

My impressions through the Hello Charlotte series were pretty ambivalent, sometimes very negative, but after Childhood's End I can confidently say that I really liked these games, and especially EP3. It’s the best of the bunch, and just a very strong game. My grievances with former episodes never really went anywhere, but EP3 made a surprisingly good finale, both in thematic sense, and in the sense of tying most of the narrative's loose ends. It retroactively made former episodes a lot more interesting.

Hello Charlotte is a really interesting example of semi-amateur work that doesn't really have writing that I can call “good”, feels very juvenile, but also has an inner drive, a burning desire to say something, and it really goes through to the player despite all problems in the construction of its narrative that it may have. The way it operates all the elements of its story has glaring weaknesses, but it feels really sincere despite that. I still think that this story has way too broad number of themes it wants to touch, and point it wants to make is still barely comprehensible sometimes, but in EP3 it started to feel like torturous tangledness of this story is a proper artistic choice, an emotional state this game wants to put you in, a state which complements the overall story.

And I like this ardent juvenile energy. Sometimes not being “professional” contributes to the raw, sincere feeling of art. Hello Charlotte is one such case.

Ceci conclut parfaitement la série, là le jeu m'a direct accroché dès les 1ères minutes, j'ai vraiment trop kiffé tout le déroulé, l'ambiance encore plus pesante, comment certains mystères se sont éclaircis petit à petit et son dénouement (bien qu'il y ait quelques points de confusion vu que je pense que c'est pas un jeu que tu comprends dès le 1er playthrough) mais aussi les arts qui n'hésitent pas à être gore quand il le faut (petit côté malsain de ma part) Mais tout ça pour dire, HC a été une très plaisante expérience et découverte que je suis pas prêt d'oublier.
Je recommande chaudement si vous êtes à la recherche de jeux indés à l'ambiance unique qui saura vous marquer