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maravilla de juego hacen falta mas juegos de este estilo

A game that gives a twist to what this genre is.

They could have gone for the easy way by creating the typical rhythm game, but instead they decided to innovate and create a hack slash to the beat of the music.

Whether you like rhythm games or not, it's worth giving it a try.

ritmo e um ótimo hack'n slash, o lançamento que me surpreendeu positivamente e me rendeu bons momentos de diversão e alegria. acho a temática bem legal, as artes muito bem desenhadas e a trilha sonora impecável

First off, can I just say how much I LOVE THE LOOK OF THIS GAME?? THIS IS SUCH A COOL LOOKING GAME THAT I'VE NOT SEEN DONE IN A LONG ASS TIME. If you weren't already charmed by this games visuals you'll be happy to hear that it doesn't slack on anything else either, how the fuck is a game that looks better than most Triple A titles on the market only 30 DOLLARS?? But i'm getting ahead of myself here, Hi-Fi Rush is a unique game because instead of following the conventional action game mechanics they decide to have a focus on rhythm based fighting. What does that mean? Well everything in this game is tweaked to sync with the in-game music, so when a beat happens you know exactly when an enemy will strike or move. All you have to do is get with the rhythm of it and plan accordingly, now this may seem like it'd be complicated but I assure you this game is very accessible when it comes to people who suck at rhythm games. So even if you're having trouble the game is not shy to throw you a bone, but once you get it, holy shit it's one of the most satisfying combat systems i've ever had the pleasure of playing with. This games levels aren't just combat though they also like to put a spin on it by having it be like a mini 3D platformer with puzzle elements and I appreciate that a lot. It's not just boss to boss as you'd think.

Main characters are extremely likeable, Chai and the others have some fun interactions between them, the story is pretty enjoyable and for a rhythm based game the music is rad as hell. It uses a lot of licensed music but you have the option to turn that off to listen to this games actual ost which i'd also recommend before you start. This game has endless loads of replayability because for starters its not a long game, so beating it will net you possibly the biggest post-game i've seen especially with the DLC add-ons in the newer versions of this game. I played on the PS5 and it was a perfect experience, no frame drops, everything ran well, and little to no bugs.

Yeah I mean if I haven't made it obvious, just buy this game, if you got a PS5 or an Xbox Series X you're doing yourself a disservice by not playing it, this used to be an Xbox exclusive but then they realized how peak this game is and they NEEDED to bring it to other consoles cause they were missing out on it. So happy it did finally come and I got to experience a new personal favorite game of all time. Will definitely be playing this one for weeks after I finished it.

This review contains spoilers

An absolute blast. I’m ass at rhythm stuff but I got the hang of this quite easily. Perfect length, fire songs, addicting gameplay, flawless design, it doesn’t get much better than this. Close to 5 stars but a little too repetitive and not something I’d consider a masterpiece but pretty damn close. Wolf boss fight is my definitely one of my new fav bosses ever.

Great smaller title with excellent pacing and just a fun attitude. This is an excellent combat and a more casual take on the Japanese action games that really started with Devil May Cry.

Wonderful art style and animation, and a great cast of colorful and likable characters. Great set of enemy lieutenants that make up the games boss battles.

Some negatives - Chai's walk speed is ridiculously slow and you spend a lot of time navigating environments that make this blatantly obvious. His walk is timed to the BPM of the music playing in any given level, and due to the combat being all rhythm based, it seems like they had no other choice than to give Chai this slow run speed, but it does slow things down and drag on at times.

Another small complaint. Not every enemy lieutenant has a boss fight, and all the best ones that do exist are stuffed into the last two hours of the game. I would have liked to see bigger more bombastic bosses in the first half.

Among these kinds of action-games, I think HiFi Rush is one of the weaker entries (when compared to Wonderful 101, Bayonetta, DMC) but is still a great game and certainly the most refreshing thing to come from Xbox Game Studios since Sea of Thieves.

Es excelente. Divertidísimo, y super creativo. Con una atención al detalle y un nivel de pulido exquisito. Los juegos de acción del estilo no suelen ser lo mío, pero el hecho de que me haya enganchado y gustado tanto habla de su calidad. Posta, me parece ridículo la cantidad de excelencia que tiene este juego; todo anda muy bien y está demasiado bien pensado el tema de los beats y el gameplay. La música es una locura, obviously, y se nota que es un proyecto de muchísima pasión. Los dialogos son divertidísimos y pensaba que la historia iba a ser una boludez pero me encontré hasta emocionándome un poco por momentos. Realmente me gustó muchísimo, voy a seguir jugándolo seguramente de vez en cuando a ver si logro mejorar un poco y si me lo paso una seguna vez (Pero después del Persona 3)

this game slaps so fucking hard holy shit.

also can we get more Scottish mommy in future games please...

The Devil May Cry format, set up as a rhythm game - and while its not uncommon for the game to fail you for QTEs, the real magic lies in how Hi Fi ties every aspect of the game to the beat. Encouraging (instead of strictly requiring) rhythm promotes a groove within players, a sense that with every action they take they are jamming along with the game - achieving a potent and unbelievably addictive sense of flow when synchronized.

Frankly, I think Hi Fi’s aesthetic would otherwise be a liability for me. Garish color palettes, generic and undiverse enemy design, even the music selection is not my favorite. The supreme, engrossing nature of the combat puts me on a wavelength that elevates every other aspect of the game, I can forgive significant holes in the character writing because I am actually, literally vibing. Any mission thats mostly a gauntlet of enemies is a great time - the opposite of how I usually feel about the genre.

Combat was so fun and satisfying. Varied enough in the short runtime to make it interesting. And while the characters were a bit predictable it was still charming in a way I never expected from Bethesda lol

Nossa, de verdade que jogo maravilhoso! Eu realmente não esperava a emoção que esse jogo trás e a diversão que ele proporciona. Fui de cabeça nesse jogo sem nem pensar muito, pois tinha ouvido falar muito bem dele, mesmo sendo o primeiro jogo de ritmo que eu jogo. Por isso acabei estranhando um pouco no começo, mas com o tempo esse jogo me prendeu de uma forma inexplicável. A gameplay é muito bem pensada e gostosa, os gráficos são lindos demais, o estilo do jogo me cativou muito, as músicas, os ritmos, absolutamente tudo nesse jogo é incrível! De verdade, eu super recomendo!

Xbox's first great exclusive in a while and they have to port it to PlayStation to keep the company afloat.

Um dos jogos mais criativos de 2023!

Impressionante como a Tango Gameworks, nome por trás da criação de Hifi Rush, consegue ser um estúdio tão versátil e maestro. Confesso que não conheço a maioria das músicas desse jogo, mas a forma como ela se conecta com o mundo e com a gameplay é algo que jamais vi. Qualidade surreal. Quando eu puder, irei voltar a jogar para finalizar ele. Mas até a parte onde cheguei, achei o jogo lindo, divertido e cativante. Um jogo aos moldes antigos.

Super entretenido y divertido, el juego va de menos a más agregando cada vez más elementos al gameplay y con un elenco de personajes carismáticos que te hace querer seguir jugando para verlos interactuar. Posee una gran rejugabilidad para sacarle un monton de horas de juego. Me encanta la musica de los niveles y como es un gran acompañamiento, sumado a los hermosos graficos que me recuerdan a spiderverse.

I'm not normally into rhythm based games like this, but the charm of the game and the art style really drew me in. The problem i had was pretty much my fault, I was playing on game pass on my steam deck on the go and this game is not recommended to play streaming. Latency is a huge factor in being able to solve most of the puzzles that you will run across, but the combat is pretty forgiving otherwise. Don't do what I did, and play this on physical hardware.

Every time I thought I've played the coolest parts of the game, it got better. 'Nuff said.

I loved this game and nearly everything about it. The genius gameplay, the art, the music, the funny and lovable cast, and voice acting. Only issue is that it felt like it ended just as it started to pick up more steam. I totally understand that game development takes a lot of time and this game has nearly no stone unturned, but I would love for it to be expanded upon in a sequel. Hopefully it will have a bigger budget with Xbox seeing how big of it hit this was.

Anyways I loved it, would give a 9.75/10

It has some flaws, most of all repetitive, often frustrating platforming. Plus, I'm just not a huge hack and slash game fan. But when this game delivers on it's premise, with amazing set pieces tmed beautifully to the soundtrack it is truly something special. A lot of fun when it gets it right.

This game has no right to be this damn good.

Pense numa mistura entre God of War, Devil May Cry ou qualquer outro hack n slash que você curte e misture com Guitar Hero e coloque um protagonista que quer se tornar uma estrela do rock, e temos esse jogo

Trilha sonora muito boa (melhor parte de tudo), um combate maneiro, que condiz e é o que faz com que o jogo brilhe e uma história até que legal

Só não dou 5 estrelas por causa do Kale, Kale pra mim é lixo

Se algum dia eu decidir platinar, vai ser só quando eu tiver um Series ou PC decente, pela núvem o imput lag atrapalha no combate.

Very positive and joyful experience. Top tier animations....great music rhythm action.

i tried, i really did.. it was visually and audibly appealing but it felt too repetitive

Que jogo divertido, não esperava nada e me entregou tudo!

Yesterday out of nowhere, Tango Gameworks announced and shadowdropped Hi-Fi Rush and I was captivated by it's trailer.
I booted up my series X and went straight to downloading it via Game Pass.
Little did I know what awaited me as the world had never seen this game before.
This is a hack n slash game at it's very core. However, what it offers is a rhythym based combat system where EVERY single aspect of the game is in beat. Enemy attacks, the world, your attacks. The freakin main character Chai's movement.
If you've played Bayonetta or Devil May Cry, you know the game structure. It's level by level, where combat arenas ensue as you progress with puzzle aspects and platforming.
As you go back to vist your homebase, you will talk with your ragtag crew in-between missions and prepare for your musical adventure.
You are Chai, an absolute dork who wants to be a rockstar and you get a robot arm. Hilarity ensues and you are tasked to go after a big corporation.
The plot of this game is actually fantastic and without spoilers, I can't say much but it is such a wonderfully written game. The dialouge never misses a beat (ayyye) and constantly made me laugh while always driving me forward. Looking out for the next bit of lore drop or quipy one liners as the characters all flesh out and become a team.
Props to the writing team because I think this games dialouge is so perfectly carved in all of it's intention. It's extremely smart in it's humour and delivery.
I never talk about looks of a game because I don't think they mater graphically. However, Hi-Fi Rush comes with the most jaw dropping animation I've ever seen. From in game to cutscenes, this game sparks with beauty and colourful landscapes.
There's a scene where Chai is smashed through a wall, tumbling as he goes and it will forever stick in my mind because it's so fluid and gorgeous.
This game has a visual style of American cartoons back when and it nails it.
It's a rhythm game baby! Nine Inch Nails and The Black Keys followed with other named bands all feature in boss fights with an orignal soundtrack that slaps hard.
You'll be fighting to the beat in no time as you just click your fingers on the buttons to the rocky jazz music that follows you throughout the game
Hi-Fi Rush will never have words to describe it for me because it transcends words. It is easily without a doubt, in my opinion, one of the greatest pieces of media to have ever released.
It is easily in my top 10 games of all time and it will be hard to beat this for GOTY this year. I love this game. I adore this game. It constantly gets better and nails every aspect.


I don't think a game has felt more like exercise than this, what a ride!

Direção de arte fantástica. Músicas divertidas, estética impressionante e um sentimento de nostalgia que eu não sei de onde vem. Incrível. Quero terminar.