Reviews from

in the past

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Admito que fiquei triste por não jogar em alguns momentos (por causa da criatividade nos filmes escolhidos pros mundos), mas olhei a gameplay e fiquei feliz em ver só as cutscenes.

Mais um boss final pra lista de desgraças que Kingdom Hearts me proporciona, nível 30~35 deveria ser mais do que suficiente pra não ter dor de cabeça

suffers from a lot of the problems as bbs did but the art direction is better and at least flowmotion is fun and cool

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good story, terrible gameplay.

perhaps my opinion on the gameplay was bound to be negative when i chose proud as the difficulty for my first playthrough

i'm also not a fan of the new designs for sora and riku. sure, they're in dream worlds and taking their mark of mastery exams which means stripping them of certain abilities but that doesn't justify them being shorter, resembling their younger selves from KH1, especially with their deeper voices.


I only finished on 3DS. Honestly it's not bad as people made think, but I can understand how the Sora-Riku sleep gimmick can be annoying and feel narratively bad.