Reviews from

in the past

Mais rápido e talvez mais "divertido" que o LOL de pc, possível que seja por isso que acabei jogando mais esse. Porém sofre dos mesmo problemas de seu antecessor, comunidade tóxica, e nesse caso ainda existe um descuido com atualizações e as grandes micro-transações, que torna quase impossível conquistar uma skin sem que seja necessário compra-la com dinheiro real. Cansei de fazer de tudo pra vencer a partida e a equipa não fazer por onde. Chega de competitivo! Único mérito dessa versão mobile é o de tornar a gameplay levemente mais fácil e acessível.

League Wild Rift is a fine version of League, and it has a lot of really good new things base League doesn't. It actually has onboarding and tutorialization with mechanics, even like a little quiz to make sure you understand some concepts. The models are generally better and you actually get to look at the models up close because you can set them to be your main menu and champion select has the models all standing there like HotS. They also look like they have some fun new skin lines exclusive to this version. Sometimes I feel like League is beholden to legacy skinlines and keep making more of them, and don't do fun one off skins that much anymore. Also just more quality of life stuff like thresholds that show you when you can last hit the minions (they use this shit for SOME champion ults in other stuff in base League, so I think they should add this to it too).

However, this is still a mobile game so actually playing it just feels worse than actual League. Using your thumb for all 4 of your abilities + summoner spells is quite frankly too much and makes it hard for those split second reactions you can attain in League. I'm sure you could get used to it, but idk if I would ever find it "good" feeling.

É um jogo bem decente, mas a empresa não parece ter deixado ele de canto

Continuation of my love sa League of Legends PC. Great gameplay. Ito nilalaro ko kapag gusto ko ma-stress sa buhay.

meu guilty pleasure né? odeio essa porra mas nn consigo largar nojo