Reviews from

in the past

fun game, and in spite of the improved graphics and gameplay it just doesn't live up to the first game. the decision to base this around civil war only leads to a whatever story and less interesting environments. the most iconic marvel locations visited here are latveria, new york city, and wakanda. there's also a fun washington dc level, but every other setting is bland and forgettable. doesn't help that there's a level that takes place in the negative zone, yet you're stuck in a prison that might as well be on earth. in the first game, at least you got to go through the mandarin's palace, atlantis, murderworld, hell, asgard, the shi'ar empire, the skrull planet, and doom's castle. the actual civil war story is fine, but this game isn't a great vehicle for exploring its themes (i don't really care for the civil war story in the first place so meh). while the first game felt like a great tour through the marvel universe, this feels much more limited in scope. it feels like something that would come out of that era where literally everything had to be based off the mcu. but, at the very least, it plays well and there are some fun character additions. carnage is absolutely busted