Reviews from

in the past

i dont understand but at the same time its the realest thing ive ever played

Çok şizofrenik oyun. Sevdim.

baby's first creepy pasta game

how am i supposed to review a game like this!!!!!!!!!!
i will play the outside version when i am mentally ready

was cool, sweet, & a true depiction of what happens when you don't take your medsz.

ironically enough I was eating a bowl of cereal while I played this.
I had the sequel to this wishlisted on Steam and then the creator just gave away all their games for free a couple of months ago on so that's nice

as for this game a unique visual novel despite a fairly abstract representation it's very grounded in its themes and makes for a fairly honest feeling take on mental health it's also short enough that it never feels like it drags so that's a plus its not for everyone but at this price and length its hard to say no to at least giving it a try

A short but memorable visual novel about one girl's quest to buy milk and the hallucinations she encounters as a result of her psychosis. Demented and surreal in all the best ways... at least from an outside perspective.

me indigna. alguien puede explicarme por qué los juegos con las mejores ideas, los mensajes más potentes, las emociones más fuertes y las mejores maneras de aprovechar su medio SON SIEMPRE INDIES DE 10 MINUTOS DE DURACIÓN Y 5 EUROS DE PRESUPUESTO??!??

no en serio, me jode. imagínate un juego con estos conceptos pero hecho como triple a y durando aunque sea 10 horas, eso sí sería una barbaridad......

pero bueno. este juego dura 20 minutos y es increíble. me da miedo eso sí jugadlo de todas formas

Horrifying , but especially really really interesting

I have no idea whats going on but I love it

i can see why schizophrenic trans girls like this game ngl

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk of a Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk of a Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk.

Its alright, this just isnt the type of game Im into

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk

Milk inside a bag of milk, un juego, sin duda, tiene su cosilla, una vez te lo pasas te pones a pensar, en verdad...


Sin más.

Milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of milk inside a bag of cum

The juxtaposition of the narrative between the character's thoughts and you, the reader, aside: This is a very nice (short) game that really shines in its use of audio and sudden, unexpected jumps from scene to scene.

Trauma is a very subjective and fickle thing to tackle, so a bit of subtext may be lost on me here, but the general feeling of dread is not. It's not really nihilism cause there is the need to overcome.

And all because mom wants that bag of milk.

EDIT: Don't forget to take your meds.

i gotta give it the 4.5/5 just because of how much stuff there is for such an short story. peak

Pouco se entende do que aconteceu quando se joga, mas é interessante e diferente.

A short, enjoyable (?) experience about mental illness couched in surrealism.

One of the most different and unique visual novels I've ever played, a short and good experience.

joguei lendo os diálogos para alguns amigos e acho que isso tornou a experiência mais interessante e divertida, é um jogo curto, provavelmente se você jogar sozinho ficará com tédio ou sono.

not into visual novels in general... all i can say is that i felt like shit, like i didn't already know i would never be able to talk to psychotics (yeah i do sometimes need to feel like shit)

got many steampianist music video's vibes, which is a big big plus for me