Reviews from

in the past

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Going into this relatively blind was a joy. Playing through this tight and detailed household full to the brim with Doomcute and watching things slowly breakdown was deliciously eerie. I got the blue skull key and managed to escape the household and I knew that there was more to this wad.

I went back in and explored some more but honestly, once the surprise had sunk in, I wasn't having a blast. I ventured around the various zones, eager to explore more of this strange world but I got stuck and had to look up a guide.

It was then I realized part of figuring this game out was collecting sixteen items located around the world– including places that the player can only visit once. For how esoteric this game experience is, it's weird how the ultimate goal is to collect 16 items. It's strangely gamey and ruined the mystique.

I dunno. Maybe I'll wait a bit then try again to get the "real" ending. Maybe I'll check out a YouTube video. I guess I went into this wad thinking it would be a little breezier, so my expectations were inappropriate from the getgo.

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I'm not sure if I really connected with the emotional narrative going on here much at all. It's decently written, don't get me wrong. The draw of the dead friend and unfinished map is strong but I think it lost me a bit with the Creepypasta Haunted Game leanings. It's a fun throwback to that era of internet horror but it's not exactly gripping to me, and if anything I feel like the supplementary material takes away from the atmosphere. My enjoyment of My House comes much more from the quality of the craftsmanship. This is one of the best DOOM maps I've seen in my 10 or so years of being invested in DOOM.

The use of GZDOOM's new engine features to craft such a seamless and immersive experience that wouldn't have been possible when I started really getting interested in DOOM. It's an absolute love letter to the community and the game that I've loved for so long. This is an aspect of My House that I think can easily be missed for someone who wasn't much a fan of DOOM and its custom mapping scene prior to playing. There's so many fun little references to community trends and jokes. It's a treat to go through.

The map design itself is phenomenal. My House dedicates itself to pushing DOOM to its limits. One particular room that stood out to me was the playground behind the daycare. I've never seen such a foreboding and thick tone portrayed in DOOM. Another that really stuck out to me as fantastic was the bathhouse. My House excites me to see what visuals come from creators using GZDOOM for their games in the future.

I think even if you aren't a fan of certain aspects of the mod's story or aesthetics you can't deny how well put together it is. Sure it may inspire some copycats but I really think it'll also probably lead to a renaissance for DOOM. We're gonna see some of the best maps this game will ever see over the next few years. I can feel it.

- One of the most interesting Doom wads.
- Recommend playing it before knowing anything about it.

Probably the best Doom wad I've ever played. Every new area or development was totally unexpected and half of them made me absolutely flip my shit. PLAY IT NOW IF YOU HAVEN'T ALREADY AND DON'T SPOIL YOURSELF!

I am among this WAD's fans who also hate vanilla Doom :)