Reviews from

in the past

very sad but relatable in a lot of ways

music is so underrated

Gostei bastante do jogo! No entanto, não achei o plot twist do final muito bem inteligente; na minha opinião, só estava ali para shock value mesmo. Enfim, em geral, amei muito a narrativa, que é bem detalhada e riquíssima em detalhes: é possível observar isso pelo fato de eu ter mais de quarenta horas de jogo e ter alcançado apenas 51% das conquistas, sendo que exploro bastante em todos os jogos hehehe Parabéns aos desenvolvedores! Fico no aguardo do próximo jogo.

Vi apenas a review de um youtuber, mas a história me cativou tanto e os personagens são incríveis
Gosto de como mostra as situações sérias, de como tem momentos engraçados, é tudo muito fofo


Autism : the unadulting

Overall a Meh game
good ig

This game made me think a lot about what was going on in my own life. I'm not gonna lie it made me depressed, because it really made me realize how the people who I thought were my close friends really saw me, but at the same time it also made me realize that there were people around me that I never realized cared for me so much, be it other friends or my own family. It was hard to come to terms with, but I think I'll end up happier as a result.

Solid turn based combat, cute art style, fantastic soundtrack, but the overall package is held back greatly by the story because the big plot twist at the end that the whole game was building towards was kind of doodoo faeces. The idea is there, the execution just isn't. Has some pretty interesting secrets to discover if you're into that kind of thing.

bloated as fuck
i still think about the ending

If you think this game is peak you have severe mental illness

a good game with a few things that get on my nerves. the horror isn't too scary, but that's psychological horror for you. that's not a bad thing, either, as someone weak to horror. it's the perfect option for someone who wants to get a little spooked without sacrificing their comfort. original playthrough on mac, replayed on switch.

"oh well this game seems fun my girlfriend really wants me to play it might as well ah shit this is my favorite game ever now isnt it"

If you like Omori you should be on the sex offender registry

Me lo he pasado tras un tiempo que lo aparqué por cosas personales que me impedían jugar a un juego centrado en una temática algo deprimente.

Igualmente, me ha costado jugarlo, no necesariamente porque su trama trata aspectos serios, sino porque creo que no hace un buen trabajo sopesando su parte RPG y su parte más narrativa.

Narrativamente, el juego tiene bastante potencial. Habla sobre las relaciones entre niños, trauma y el pasado. Consigue establecer muy bien un setting de pueblo o lugar donde nada parece avanzar. Reconozco estos puntos y creo que establece muy bien un espíritu semi-aventurero adolescente mezclado con tintes de horror.

Peeeeero... Su estructura RPG es mediocre. El sistema de combate no me consigue encandilar en absoluto. Tiene aspectos interesantes en su forma de tratar los estados de ánimo pero sigue sintiéndose lento y muy simplista. Y el diseño de escenarios, sin ser necesariamente malo (sobre todo a nivel estético), me parece algo obtuso.

Aparte, narrativamente, las partes RPG, es decir, las partes de ensueño, suelen ser siempre las menos interesantes. Es una estructura demasiado repetitiva el: "Momento más siniestro -> Aventura cuqui -> Momento muy siniestro -> Mundo real"

Entiendo bien sus temas y lo respeto por ello y creo que no hace mal trabajo, pero la forma en lo que los presenta no ha conseguido llegarme porque se ven embarradas en tropos RPG que hacen que todo vaya peor.

It is a rather unique game.
The story is very deep and deals with very serious psychological issues in a way that hooks you and makes you want to find out what exactly is going on and why all the quirky things you experience throughout the game happen.
The gameplay could be more elaborate. The emotions in the fights are interesting since they fit very well with the theme of the game, although in the end it's a simple rock paper scissors.
There are also areas in the Headspace that become a little heavy and unnecessarily long.

Okay, so, this game is kind of weird.

On one hand: You have this game, with INSANELY good art, music, etc. There is a REASON all of these kids on Discord and Twitter have OMORI PFPs despite not playing it: the art direction of this game is just absolutely amazing.

On the other hand: oh my GOD, have I not had a worse time playing the actual game than I had playing OMORI. Playing the Headspace sections of OMORI is like walking through fucking molasses, and it doesn't help at all the combat itself isn't really that fun outside of the bossfights, where even then you don't really have to think TOO hard.

This is the same problem OneShot has, where everything BUT the gameplay is really good, except OMORI is 25 hours long instead of 4-6. However, if you can manage to get past the Headspace sections, the rest of the game is actually really good. Even after knowing the ENTIRE game's story before playing it for the first time, the ending still kinda got me.

Fuck Humphrey.

Omori is probably the deepest an RPG Maker game will ever be. It takes what was so special about those early 2000s horror games creates something so unique, yet polarizing. This game has main two tones that are constantly clashing and taking over. One side is whimsical, quirky, and admittedly less interesting. The other is dark, depressing, and genuinely scary at points. What stops me from making this a fault of the game is that its on purpose. The game uses these clashing tones to characterize and develop your main character. It all feels deliberate, which is why I never really felt all that bored by the headspace segments. You're playing through the delusions of a fucked up kid. After a certain point, you can literally kill yourself in your bedroom if you want to.

Blackspace is fucking peak and Redspace made me shit myself.

One Of The Most Emotional Games I Have Ever Played

Como um grande fã de undertale, esse jogo é bem foda e me lembra bons momentos de 2016. O foda é que eu só fiz um final, sendo o pior possível e o que você menos descobre coisas da história. Esse foi o único jogo que o fato de eu gostar de entrar no personagem em tudo que eu jogo me fez ficar fudido, a vontade do personagem que controlo nem sempre é o correto. Preciso rejogar pra talvez até dar uma nota maior depois de conhecer a história toda

A lot of heart thats totally overshadowed by its prenentious and predictable writing, and overflow of bloated filler. But what here is good, is really good.

"omori is cringe" stfu. people have no vulnerability nowadays...

Finally finished it (thanks to my wife and her steam library i love you sweetheart)
It was so beautiful both story wise and visually
The gameplay was also cool with the whole emotions system but damn man some segments of the story really got me thinkin bout some hard topics
I really don't think if I can rate this game
The game itself is fantastic don't get me wrong but i dunno i need time to rate this properly

I am biased to this title only because I played it with my best friend, so it holds a special place internally for me that I am very fond of. Critically, I believe its highs in its story lines and aesthetic are something unrivaled for indie titles. Its art direction is beautiful with its drawn backgrounds and pencil like scribble textures. Its character design can only be described as kawaii meets emo, which combined, makes for a great visual theme. Mix that with its lofi soundtrack and dreamcore sound design, and it leads to a great experience your first playthrough in. I will say, in contrast to its highs, its lows are abysmally low. Its battles get repititive, and its narrative, while great at its core, gets frustrating. It purposefully holds back the entire way through, as if its teasing you with its storyline at every narrative for the sake of padding and symbolic storytelling. It is show, not tell, at the max output. Ultimately, its a good game with a good message at its core, but I cannot rate it higher than this.