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Es divertidísimo y super interesante descubrir el misterio de The Stranger. Similar a Outer Wilds, excepto porque al no tener traductor la mayor parte de la información la obtenes a través de "film rolls" que no son tan interesantes como el texto. Aún así, el visual storytelling es fantástico. Siento que le falta un poco de desarrollo a la historia de la nave y hay algunas cosas que no me terminaron de cerrar. Las secciones de "terror" no me gustaron, no van tanto con el espíritu del juego. Aún así, sigue teniendo esa sensación de sentirte un genio por ir atando los cabos y conectando las cosas. La expectativa por empezar un loop de 0 y pensar que vas a hacer y que vas a investigar.

A really huge expansion pack, feels like it's almost as big as the main game. All the same cunning and storytelling is on display, with almost no written words either.

The only thing dinging it is, it got a bit long in the tooth for me. Every loop you have to jet back to the location of the expansion, and then you have another step of procedures to go through to navigate there, including some timed puzzles that you'll have to reset the whole loop for when you make a wee mistake. I hit a point where I more or less knew all that was going on, but still had several hours of mucking about with stealth sections and timing puzzles to wrestle with before I got to the end. It managed to make the trick of "you had the power all along!" feel a teeny tiny bit tired.

But it still tugged on my heart strings in all the right ways. Plus, it's on a spinning space colony!

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No está tan bien como el original hasta que llegas al final. Y lloras. No puedo no ponerle un 10.

This DLC may as well be a sequel, I think it actually took me longer than the base game. Man this game was incredible


el DLC da miedo y encima no me cambio la vida :(

Probably one of the best DLC's out there. I also enjoyed DLC more than base game. Which I think is due to the density of the new planet we are in. In the base game you have the whole space to figure out a puzzle, so it can get confusing. DLC holds everything both tightly and loosely in the same area, with different versions. Thus giving a better and faster puzzle experience, imo.

Not going in to the story, atmosphere etc. (as they are still perfect thanks to the base game), newly added horror sections give a fresh new gameplay to the game.

"What they could not unlearn was hidden away in darkness - obfuscated, then lost. They did not want to see their story end." -The prisoner

After beating the game I was really excited to experience more of the game with the DLC however the more I delved into the DLC the more I realized it strays somewhat from what made the original game special while excelling at using its own format to tell its story.

I do very much want to start with the positives as I genuinely find this to be a fantastic DLC. the setup towards it and getting there is so well done and when you finally get to the main area of the DLC they made it in such a way that you become so excited to see all the areas you could potentially explore.

The brand new gimmicks in this DLC while very different from what is expected and controversial I think are all so excellent and make for some of the best puzzles in the game. They go a long way to make the atmosphere feel so unnerving and unwelcoming which I believe goes really well with the message that the DLC wants to send.

And just like the base game this DLC has things that genuinely boggle me how they programmed these things in. They integrate the music with some thing so well it really does an incredible job of immersing you into its story telling.

Now unfortunately we reach to the bad and most of it come from while it branched out to do its own brand new ideas it neglects what made the original game so special and I believe that attributes to 3 major pillars: wonder, freedom, and drive to learn.

first half is incredible, i liked the more condensed and linear structure and everything just felt so smooth to figure out. then the dream started and it just became so fucking obnoxious

Ah, Outer Wilds. How good it feels to play you again. It is a Greek tragedy how a game as great as you can only truly be played once, so getting some form of DLC is a true blessing.

Though again, of all experiences, this one feels the most wrong to give it to. The entire game is so tightly designed, with everything weaving together like an intricate web, it is hard to imagine threading another needle into it.

Not only that, but the entire message of the game is about letting go and moving on, so to say that, then turn around and say ‘please come back for the DLC’ is quite a contradiction. One, that Echoes of the Eye does not manage to overcome.

Despite its strengths, the expansion never really manages to feel like it is a natural addition to the game’s mechanics or pacing. It is more like a sequel or spin-off that has been awkwardly crowbarred into its predecessor.

At first, it does work alongside the game, even adding purpose to things that it kind of lacked before. Then, after a short while, throws all of that out the window as it introduces a brand-new location that you will spend the rest of your time in.

You cannot even use your ship, an integral part of your experience up ‘till now, and later, as you explore deeper, you even lose your suit, leaving you with nothing of what you once knew.

In its place is an experience vastly different from what was once known. In some ways this works, while in others it falls short.

In the mysteries department, holy moly, is this great. Its puzzles feel just as mind-bending and satisfying to solve with many exciting reveals and discoveries. But without any kind of link to the rest of the Galaxy, it feels quite disconnected from everything else.

Though, while its story can feel a little contrived at times, it adds a new and unique perspective to the game’s themes and ideas. It explores and tackles a unique and more flawed reaction to the events of the game.

Also, what really is the glue that holds everything together is the big new gameplay change, horror. Do not worry, it is not particularly a spoiler, the game tells you it is going to be spooky right from the get-go.

In many ways the horrors work, while in many others they do not. On paper, it is basic, but Outer Wilds uses an ace up its sleeve, atmosphere. It uses its masterfully crafted music and sound design to take an otherwise plain spooky encounter and turn it into a tense situation.

If you just want more of the experience of Outer Wilds, you will get a kick out of this, with tons more mysteries to solve. However, be prepared for it to feel in some ways poorly implemented into the main game.

Still, fun to play though, and adds some nice additions to the ending.

its a banger mas puta merda a seção de stealth me emputeceu.

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The new lore was really cool, the stranger itself was extremely unique compared to the other planets and fun to explore, and I love some parts of the simulation like learning about and abusing the glitches.

I wasn't a fan of being so separated from your ship whenever you enter the stranger though, because being able to check the ship log at certain points would have been extremely useful, and I thought the stealth sections were just kinda frustrating.

Not only a DLC, a whole new game. Could very well be a standalone title. Different from the base game but still has the same wonder of exploration. Great new ideas and creative puzzles. Recommend.

Found it much less engaging and charming than the main game. There's no sense of wonder and exploration, you're basically just solving one isolated puzzle level instead of piecing together the mystery of an entire game world.

The light-based mechanics are very nice, and the planet is a cool addition to the roster, and obviously much bigger than all the main ones, but the things that made me look past the more annoying aspects of Outer Wilds are just not there anymore. Space plays virtually no role in the DLC, you're just booking it to the same place over and over again. The mystery seemed small and inconsequential compared to the multiple intertwined mysteries of the main game.

The annoying aspects themselves, however, are still very much there. The runback in the main game could feel brutal, but you just couldn't wait to explore more of the story, so you just bite the bullet and retrace your steps for the tenth time. In the DLC the runback is many times more exhausting (go into the DLC world, swim to the location you need, enter the subworld there, runback to the place you need there), and there's just not that much that compelled me to come back.

Might return to it later, but for now it even began to tarnish the good memories I had of the main game, which is just unacceptable.

Um complemento pra historia do jogo base com o mesmo nivel de qualidade, simplesmente os sentimentos que essa DLC passam são indescritíveis

Mobius has to be staffed entirely by wizards and clairvoyants because they somehow managed to wrangle this DLC entirely into the framework of their already compact game structure. Two back-to-back home runs is a feat many much larger and more well funded studios haven't come anywhere near achieving.