Reviews from

in the past

Extremely disappointing game, with a lackluster prosecutor, lackluster cases, and same amount of gameplay as the rest of the series.
But god DAMN that last case is good.

pearls forehead, pearls eyes, pearls hair, pearls clothes, pearls forehead. the lowest point in the trilogy, but also the highest. which cases are which? that's for you to find out.

ace attorney is a lot like Doctor Who, in that the quality of each installment can vary a lot between each case/episode. The worst games still have some phenomenal cases and the best games still have a tedious case or two. In JFA:s case, "farewell, my turnabout" is a masterpiece and easily one of the best cases in the series, but you have to go through a lot of trash to get there. At least the second case is also pretty enjoyable. Ben Woodsman should die i think

No geral é meio tanto faz alguns casos, mas tem personagens mais marcantes, gostei muito do caso final do Matt, primeira vez que fiquei tão imersa nesse jogo que cheguei a suar de nervoso quando pediu pra escolher entre duas personagens na reta final. Bem bom.

Localisation is real magic; imagine labouriously finding appropriate replacements for hundreds of bad legal puns only for people to hammer the button and skip past them.

I think case 1 is a perfect re-introduction to the world of Ace Attorney and is a lot of fun in top of that. Case 2 is okay but I'm not crazy about it. A little forgettable in my opinion. I don't think Case 3 is as bad as people say, other than the pedophilia part (I know 16 is legal in some places but it's still weird). Case 4 is easily one of the best in the series, though, I loved every minute of it.

Overall I have the same opinion on the game as I do the first, however it does have my favorite OST of the original trilogy.

Farewell, My Turnabout is generational...