Reviews from

in the past

pearls forehead, pearls eyes, pearls hair, pearls clothes, pearls forehead. the lowest point in the trilogy, but also the highest. which cases are which? that's for you to find out.

ace attorney is a lot like Doctor Who, in that the quality of each installment can vary a lot between each case/episode. The worst games still have some phenomenal cases and the best games still have a tedious case or two. In JFA:s case, "farewell, my turnabout" is a masterpiece and easily one of the best cases in the series, but you have to go through a lot of trash to get there. At least the second case is also pretty enjoyable. Ben Woodsman should die i think

No geral é meio tanto faz alguns casos, mas tem personagens mais marcantes, gostei muito do caso final do Matt, primeira vez que fiquei tão imersa nesse jogo que cheguei a suar de nervoso quando pediu pra escolher entre duas personagens na reta final. Bem bom.

- The same as all other Phoenix Wright games, just continuing the plot with more cases and more wacky characters.

Honestly worth it for Farewell, My Turnabout alone. Turnabout Big Top does kinda bring it down, but again, it's followed by my favorite case in the series.

Still a great visual novel, but not as great as the first one.

Not as consistent as the first game. Has some way more cryptic puzzles, and a few of them that require a lot of guesswork and assumptions in order to progress. Not everything is solvable in a natural way, and some cases develop purely by evidence that the player has no access to. I will say the last case is very suspenseful throughout and justifies its longer playtime much more than the other cases. I would recommend using a guide to avoid some headaches.

This ranga bitch has a Lotta Hart FOR FUCKING ME OVER

Not as good as the first (that damn circus case…) but still fairly decent!

acts 1 - 3 are really rough. 1 is just super forgettable and basic. 2 has really awful investigations due to so many rooms close together (phoenix makes one funny british joke tho), and i am not big fan of the characters. 3 has worst characters and writing. and von karma thru out all 3 is super annoying bc of her whip. These 3 are very very boring and made me almost stop playing.

act 4 is so so good. the writing is witty and funny and emotionally charged. edgeworth is great as always. the new characters are all developed very interestingly. not as many twists and turns as last two cases of the first game, but unlike the first game, the investigation here is much more consistent (but still not great). there is still issues with really specific answers that require a guide, and the fact that you cant skip intro texts, among other things. the ending of the case caps everything off nicely. so far this case is in top 3 for me among these two games.

so how do u rate a game that is 75% trash and 25% godlike? really prob more than 25 percent but estimation. well idk. im not replaying those parts of the game again if i ever play this again. it sucks, if the game was just act 4 it would get a very very high rating. ah well.

Achei os casos do Justice for All mais fracos que os do primeiro. O caso 3 do circo lá principalmente é bem bobinho e previsível e tem um negócio que é tão esquisito que até removeram isso na adaptação em anime. O segundo é melhor mas ainda assim a resolução é bem simples também. O quarto caso dá uma compensada porque é realmente muito melhor que os outros, mas ainda assim achei o primeiro jogo melhor no geral, até porque ele tem 5 casos e tanto o 4 como o 5 são muito bons

a step up in gameplay, but about 4 steps down in writing; about a third of the game is frankly upsetting to play (and you know which third).

Replayed AA JFA. Pretty good probably not as good as the first but it brings great stuff to the franchise and its final case is absolutely fucking masterclass

I think case 1 is a perfect re-introduction to the world of Ace Attorney and is a lot of fun in top of that. Case 2 is okay but I'm not crazy about it. A little forgettable in my opinion. I don't think Case 3 is as bad as people say, other than the pedophilia aspect. Case 4 is easily one of the best in the series, though, I loved every minute of it.

Overall I have the same opinion on the game as I do the first, however it does have my favorite OST of the original trilogy.

Farewell, My Turnabout is generational...

Veredito: Melhor do que eu dava crédito.

Ace Attorney 2 é exatamente o que parece: a continuação do mistério criminal de advogados. Tudo que eu falei do 1 vale aqui também: 4 casos, aventura gráfica, visual novel, etc etc etc. Mas este aqui é conhecido como o pior da trilogia original, e não é sem motivo. Todos os defeitos do jogo anterior voltam com tudo.

Lembra como muitas vezes você empacava num ponto que tinha várias soluções lógicas, mas o jogo só aceitava AQUELA ALI super específica? Como algumas vezes tu perdia o saco com isso e só passava na força bruta? Pois é, isso tá pior ainda. Lembra dos problemas de ritmo? Que o jogo te forçava a dar uma volta do caralho com umas coisas nada a ver (tomar no cu do roteiro me obrigando a desvendar o Monstro do Lago Ness) só pra avançar na história? Nesse sentido, o pior caso de toda a trilogia está aqui. A sexualização de uma médium adolescente incorporando uma morta gostosona? Agora é de uma garotinha de 8 anos. Sim, uma médium de 8 anos incorpora o fantasma de uma adulta peituda e fica com um DECOTE BIZARRO.

Mas nesta partida de agora, sou forçado a dar mais crédito pra ele do que eu dava antes. O 1º caso eu achava bem chato, mas é bacaninha sim, na pior das hipóteses ele é inofensivo. Costumava detestar o 3º caso. E agora entendo perfeitamente por que eu não gostei dele antes, mas mesmo assim, como eu fui capaz de não gostar dele?!?! Beleza, rola um triângulo amoroso com dois homens adultos e uma adolescente, maqporra. Sem contar que é muita volta desnecessária que ele te obriga a dar, meu deus do céu, se ele tivesse 1/3 do tamanho seria consideravelmente melhor. Valeu, não nego isso. Mas ao mesmo tempo, os motivos do assassino, a arma do crime, o método, as questões morais que ele me obrigou a lidar, tudo isso foi perfeito. Quando terminei ele eu tava destruído por dentro, o final acerta a gente em cheio no coração.

E o 2º e 4º casos são tão absurdos de fodas que chega a ser surreal. Questões como a chegada da vida adulta, famílias desestruturadas, suicídio, até onde estamos dispostos a ir pelos ideais que acreditamos, morte de pessoas queridas, doenças e tragédias causadas por condições merdas de trabalho, tudo isso percorre todo o jogo e é tratado com uma maturidade surpreendente. AINDA MAIS se lembrar que estamos falando desta franquia, que é famosa pelo senso de humor e pelos personagens caricatos.

Ace Attorney 2 é sim o pior da trilogia original, não é mentira. Mas essa é uma verdade pequena, não seria justo com o jogo a gente não alargar essa verdade. Também é verdade que ele faz coisas fantásticas que só uma continuação consegue fazer. O desaparecimento de Miles Edgeworth depois do final do 1º jogo. O fato de Phoenix e Maya terem aprendido com o que aconteceu nele, e já estarem mais maduros antes mesmo deste aqui começar. A introdução de ótimos personagens novos, e os relacionamentos entre eles e com o elenco que já existia. Tudo isso e muito mais são coisas Ace Attorney 2 tira de letra e passa com louvor.

É uma pena que ele tenha repetido e exacerbado os defeitos do antecessor. Se não fosse a mania de rankear e comparar os jogos, tenho certeza que ele seria lembrado com muito mais carinho.

Regresando un poco a él después de completar la trilogía, fue un juego que disfruté mientras jugaba pero a la vez me quemó mucho como segunda entrega. Solo el segundo caso me parece realmente destacable tanto en sí mismo como en la trilogía en su conjunto. De 2-3 han corrido ríos de tinta (aunque me lo esperaba peor, la verdad) pero donde me di de bruces fue en 2-4, que porta el aura de ser de los mejores casos de la saga y a mí me aburrió hasta el extremo. Quizá el mayor problema que tengo con JFA es que los juicios son complicadísimos porque las pruebas y la forma de presentarlas son excesivamente crípticas (usé guía casi todo el juego), y si intentas contar una historia como 2-4 haciendo uso de unas mecánicas oxidadas de base... no sale nada bueno.

That last case was so peak like holy crap it couldn’t have been better. I LOVE NARUMITSU AND I LOVE MAYA FEY!!!

I'm a Turnabout Big Top defender, it's way overhated. Like cmon y'all, it's not that bad.

This review contains spoilers

For personal reference more than anything else. Have done the spoiler warning just in case though.

First time doing a full playthrough.

To start off with I wrote something for each case after I played it and its slightly chronological so I'll have that first and then discuss anything else afterwards.

Case 1: The Lost Turnabout.

An alright case that had a neat concept regarding Phoenix having amnesia. Some funny lines here and there. Maggey was a likeable character and Wellington was pretty fun as well even if his dialogue was a little repetitive. A couple of solutions I didn't really like (knowing the baseball glove would go on the non-dominant hand (it was made pretty clear by the game though) and realising that the antagonist had Phoenix's phone).

Case 2: Reunion and Turnabout.

A good case that despite being kind of obvious (which wasn't helped by the game practically giving away the answers early on) was quite interesting. The characters are decent here, it was nice seeing Lotta again, I really liked Ini and Pearl was kind of funny. I wasn't quite as interested in Morgan or the doctor though. Franziska was also entertaining and I'm excited to see her in more trials, although her calling everyone foolish got kind of old after a while. Gameplay wise though I really wasn't having a good time, a lot of the answers in the trials didn't make a whole lot of sense to me and most of the time I had no idea what the game wanted from me. Psyche-Locks seemed like an interesting idea but I found them kind of annoying as all it did was make the already kinda tedious investigation sections even more tedious.

Case 3: Turnabout Big Top.

I don't think that this is a particularly great case in all honesty and just kind of disliked it despite it getting better in the second half. The majority of characters suck with the only remotely decent one being Acro but even then he's only just sort of interesting. The love triangle between Regina, Max and Trilo/Ben was just uncomfortable and gross. The resolution is kind of stupid as well I think, with how exactly the 'flying figure' was created. In terms of gameplay though I actually had a better time with this case compared to the last, the logic made more sense to me and I even enjoyed playing most of this case except for the trial on the first day. Psyche-Locks aren't really growing on me but they were more tolerable in this case.

Something I've noticed though with the last case and this one is how little actual investigating it feels like I'm doing, I'm not really a fan of the investigation sections but I understand why they're there. It seems though that I'm just not really finding clues and instead just talking to people in the hopes that they come out with something relevant to the plot which wasn't really happening in the first half of this case as the love triangle which is explored then, doesn't actually matter in the grand scheme of things and it was only on the second day when the incident with Léon was discussed that we actually got something important.

I also felt there was an issue with the investigation sections withholding something because I wasn't supposed to get to it yet and it feeling kind of bad. The first is when you explore the Ringmaster's room on the first day and look at his tailcoat, Maya notices a bit of paper sticking out of a pocket and mentions it to Phoenix just for him to say something about how they shouldn't just take things, just for it to turn out that you need to wait an in-game day and talk to Max first so that you know its actually relevant before you can pick it up. The second is after talking to Regina about the incident with Léon, where I tried to present this incident to Acro just for him to come out with some placeholder text about how he doesn't leave his room so he has no idea what's going on outside of it. Only to then do Moe's Psyche-Lock where he asks who you think got bitten by Léon and me to immediately rule out Acro because of what he said, just for him to actually be the correct answer. I know the trials have the issue where the player will probably know something before it gets discussed but that makes some sense as the characters just aren't up to the same speed but in both of these situations it just felt poorly thought out.

Case 4: Farewell, My Turnabout.

This was a pretty good case and easily my favourite in the game. The story was really interesting and the characters are all great here, with the new ones like Adrian and Shelly being really good, the returning ones all being fun and the main characters getting solid characterization. Phoenix's inner struggle choosing between doing what is right and saving Maya, Edgeworth showing that he is truly doing things for the right purposes now and Franziska learning that she doesn't have to be perfect to be a good prosecutor, this chapter even sold me even more on Pearl who was entertaining throughout. Going back to the story I do slightly hope though that we end up defending another guilty character later on in the series as I feel like the concept wasn't used to its full potential here.

Gameplay wise was mostly good as the investigations had a nice flow to them (that and it actually feeling like I was investigating this time around) and Psyche-Locks were mostly decent, although I find it kind of annoying having to go back and redo all of one if health gets fully depleted. The biggest problem for me here though were the trials, the first one with Oldbag I enjoyed but after that I wasn't as keen. The second and fourth trials were just kind of there and not as fun to play although I quite liked the second one's impact on Adrian as a character. The third one though was just really boring, having to prolong a trial despite knowing that the defendant is guilty seemed really cool to start with but it just didn't work, there wasn't much flow and it felt pointless doing it. It may be because I knew Maya is in the later games but even if I didn't I don't think I would've entertained the idea that the game would actually kill her off (at least like this) and it was obvious that the game wouldn't let Engarde get away with his crimes, so where I was probably supposed to feel tension or something, I couldn't.

Now as for the rest of the game, I initially wasn't sure about the music but in the end it kind of grew on me and there were like two or three tracks I really liked. The Psyche-Locks were fine in the end but I think I just would have preferred if they weren't in the game or handled differently as they just feel like the normal trial gameplay without having to choose which sentence to present evidence to.

A problem for me as I went through the game is feeling my patience with it running out at times, I know that the game is Japanese and is somewhat representing how the court system works over in Japan (even if the game is set in America) but the Judge was constantly getting on my last fucking nerve. He is too stupid and I felt a sense of catharsis whenever a character would just ignore whatever inane shit came from his mouth, I actually kind of like the character but having to basically drill something into his head or explain the most basic things to him is unbelievably annoying. The whole section in 2-3 where it takes a whole half of a trial to establish that just because Person A is wearing Person B's clothes, that does not automatically make them Person B was genuinely infuriating, it made a little more sense when the witness changed from Trilo/Ben to Moe as at the very least he saw the face shape but even that didn't feel like enough to say with 100% certainty that the person was Max.

The other reason for my lack of patience was when the game did not bring anything new to the table, had a lot of repetition or had me press through every statement in a testimony and then press on something a second time to make progress. I think I've come to the slight realisation that while I am perfectly fine with playing Visual Novels I really do need them to be interesting most of the time as repeatedly tapping a button to get through a wall of text that just isn't worth reading is boring as shit and kind of irritates me. I don't mind the cases having slower pacing but I need there to be a valid reason for it and not just to elongate a case for no real reason.

As I didn't write anything for the first game on here I'd like to state my opinion on some things that were still present in this game just so I can talk how I felt in regards to them. I know this is a GBA game but I don't really like that completely losing all of my health in a trial sends me back to the main menu where I have to go from my last save, after running into an issue because of this with the last game I made sure to save constantly but I wish that there were checkpoints for the the start of each testimony or something as it is not fun having to go redo everything again. I also feel like the lack of voice acting isn't something I'm all too keen on, it does feel nice being able to go at my own pace when reading but there were multiple times that felt like missed opportunities when I felt that some dialogue or a particular moment would be enhanced with being able to hear the characters. Even if it worked like Danganronpa (this is more in relation to this being a remaster as I know that this game predates Danganronpa by a fair few years, I feel like optional voice acting could've been something they added to this re-release) and was only in the trials I wouldn't have minded as that's where I felt it could use it most.

Overall I liked the game, there were multiple pros and cons and when I got annoyed or harboured a dislike for the game I really felt it and I severely doubt I'll play this game again, but the good aspects were really strong at times and I was mostly having a decent enough time and was kept interested so I'd say the experience was more positive than negative.

For a while I was with the majority opinion on this one in saying that while good, this game was the weakest of the trilogy, but then I realized I actually like this one more than the first game. The game boasts two of the best cases in the series with 2-2 and 2-4, and two pretty decent cases in 2-1 and 2-3, which are way overhated in my opinion (even if there are genuine reasons to dislike those cases, I think Richard Wellington/Maggey Byrde and Moe the Clown respectively are funny enough characters to hold them up). Thus, when you mix two top-tier cases with two decent cases, you've got a pretty darn good game on your hands, and that's what this title ends up being.

القضية الرابعة شالت اللعبة كلها ورا ظهرها

not quite as strong as the first game overall but the last case is peak fiction so it balances out

Definitely not as good as the first one, but at the same time I think its such a vast improvement in the writing departament compared to the first (Honestly only the circus case drags it down SUPER BADLY but other than that this game is ACTUALLY GOOD)

Playing this immediately after the original shows its flaws a little. The cases and pacing aren't as strong so I found this even harder to enjoy than the original. Possibly should have waited before coming back for more.

this game is so messy and all over the place in quality it fucking HURTS man lmfao. highest of highs, lowest of lows, and nowhere inbetween

on the positives before i do a case by case breakdown:
- pacing is SO good, 2 days becomes the standard for a reason
- very little fluff or filler in cases
- the two good mysteries are really fucking solid
- great world building and lore additions
- phoenix gets a much more defined personality
- generally great charas as always
- great writing FOR THE MOST PART
- apart from like one or two songs, fantastic soundtrack and maybe the most underrated in the series tbh

- 4 cases feels a little short
- the lack of an overarching plot sucks tbh
- the bad characters are VERY bad
- i love franziska but she really does only properly go from good to amazing right at da end of the game sadly
- you can 100% tell how rushed the script was for this game in comparison to how solid 1 and 3 are
- inconsistent quality of cases

ok case by case basis time! 1 didnt get it cause it was consistent mostly

first case sucks; amnesia is stupid and doing it just to make it a tutorial for new players is stinky! and the case is annoying. but at least it gave us richard wellington's big bananas which is great

second case!! better than i remembered. like. significantly. gets better every time i replay it. great lore additions, great character drama, great mystery, fun witnesses and killer, great breakdown

bro has it all. why did i ever think this was mid filler!!

turnabout big top is the worst case in the series. even without the paedophilia. it's just a mystery that makes no sense with annoying characters. also everyone's a fucking paedo. it's bad. it's so bad. it never gets better. it never will. this was a mistake. it drags down a good game!!! it's so fucking dogshit!!! it's worthless and it's bad and i think it's so goddamn awful!!!! raging. anyone who wants to drop the series because of this case i totally can understand. i dont see any positives in this.

thankfully though theres something good acomin.....

2-4 is peak. 2-4 is a top 2 case in the series. 2-4 has a great mystery, the best twists in the series, great character writing and development, a new level of darkness, great comedy, great EVERYTHING

it's peak. it's so peak. shame it and 2-2 are stuck with 2-1 and 2-3

overall JFA is a fantastic game dragged down into being one of the messiest games I've ever played, and such a hard experience to rate. deffo the weakest of the trilogy for sure, all thanks to 2-1 and 2-3.

Great game. There's a bit of a lull in the middle but as always, a pleasant experience, cool characters, and great cases, especially the last one.

Ok now we're getting somewhere, the cases are more interesting, your known information evolves over time, the overarching plot is solid. First game that feels like the Phoenix Wright I know, even with all the corny and cheesy stuff

Case 1 is forgettable for good reason, case 2 is alright with good evolving information but bad plot, case 3 is funny (derogatory), and case 4 is THE BEST CASE out of the original trilogy especially when it comes to the major theme of realistic compromise for an unyeilding search for truth.