Reviews from

in the past

Not as good as the standard Base Postal 2, but Paradise Lost is definitely worth checking out, but the game definitely crashes a lot near the end which gets pretty annoying, but it's fun, definitely feels a lot like the base Postal 2 then something like Apocalypse Weekend, so that's a plus.

Postal 2 for redditors.
All the offensive humour and political satire has been replaced with le wacky randemness ecks dee and completely misses what made the original Postal 2 so good.

So great of an expansion it could be a full on sequel to Postal 2.

This review contains spoilers

So I procrastinated finishing this DLC because... I suck at fighting in this game :/

But I got to say, I quite enjoyed it, like I knew I would. As I am disappointed in my tired self for skipping the ending where you to go each faction and fight their leader to see Alternative Dude give you an ending... I realized my game actually ended up glitching back at the Bitch fight.

Instead of Dude following Alt Dude and the boulder falls... Dude and Champ were stuck in front of where the boulder fell, so instead of them talking.... It just showed the cutscene, no voices, and only Alt Dude staring at a wall like he's schizophrenic.

Maybe that was implemented in the game on purpose, I wouldn't know. But I had a fun time playing, as much as I hated Postal Dude giving me shit for achievement hunting.

(I wouldn't grant the PooMaster and Hobo Sexual achievement hunt towards my worst enemy.. Or maybe I will, getting those achievements was actual torture.)