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in the past

Not as good as the standard Base Postal 2, but Paradise Lost is definitely worth checking out, but the game definitely crashes a lot near the end which gets pretty annoying, but it's fun, definitely feels a lot like the base Postal 2 then something like Apocalypse Weekend, so that's a plus.

Postal 2 for redditors.
All the offensive humour and political satire has been replaced with le wacky randemness ecks dee and completely misses what made the original Postal 2 so good.

Prefiro o Postal 2, mas o Paradise Lost é tão bom quanto

This expansion is literally Postal 2 but so much better. The errands all having plot relevance and actual gameplay besides just going and grabbing something made playing through the week way more engaging. I couldn't believe how much better they managed to make the game, and I wish they would have just kept making games like this instead of what they did.

Finally, some good freaking Postal. Shows there's still some gas in the tank for both Postal 2 and maybe the franchise as a whole. After 11 years away and a disastrously received outsourced third main entry Paradise Lost immediately retcons as a nightmarish coma dream of the Dude, Running with Scissors returned to develop this expansion for themselves. I’ve got to say, all the growth you would hope to see from them after such an extended absence is on display here as they deliver not only their typical demented wit, but evidence that they’d genuinely been refining their craft during that period as well.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m not proclaiming this to be some massive step forward for the property. At the end of the day, it is just more Postal 2 (which as it turns out is exactly what I wanted) on a slightly reskinned map. Yet it features markedly improved writing, level-design, vision, and boss battles compared to Apocalypse Weekend. It's also the first Postal to make me legitimately laugh out loud. Stuff such as the robot factory with its hilarious Claptrap parodies (voiced by David Eddings himself) and occasional copycat G-Man sighting, alongside an overall goofier assortment of tasks that include shutting down a nightclub by performing bad karaoke led to a campaign that might actually be more imaginative, amusing, and better paced than even that of the base game.

Another aspect I particularly enjoyed as well was the increased amount of effort that went into fleshing out the map with a greater variety of fun things to uncover. The sorely missed open-world format gets resurrected after far too long and RWS ensured there are more secrets, Easter eggs, and personal touches than ever before to successfully revitalize the setting of post-apocalyptic "Paradise," Arizona by giving you extra rewards for wandering off the beaten path and exploring a setting that had previously always felt kind of barren before. FYI, there's a house where you can find two Postal Babes kissing in a backroom. Happy hunting you horny nerds.

Now, as much as I'd love to keep heaping praise onto this and happily declare it as the best entry in the series (not quite, but very close), there are some issues. A couple of which are pretty serious. Once you reach Thursday on your to-do list for the new week you can tell they either ran out of time, ideas, or most likely money knowing these guys during development. The areas you revisit from the main offering stop featuring enough changes to keep you from realizing you’re basically playing recycled content, causing the last hour or so until you reach the finale in Hell to drag a bit. It probably wasn't overly noticeable or that big of an issue for those who had been waiting on Paradise Lost for roughly a decade, but as someone who had only beaten P2 a mere month ago it stuck out like a sore thumb. A much worse flaw however comes from the option you're given to create a desktop shortcut that will allow you to jump straight into the experience rather than having to go through two different main menus to access it, since opting to go that route results in your Steam achievements bugging out.

There are some other, less significant problems along the lines of minor audio quirks and whatnot. Although ultimately, large or small, none of the faults prevented me from thoroughly enjoying this. It's a fantastic and perfectly befitting send-off by Running with Scissors for easily their biggest success that doubles as a thank you/apology for all the crap that was released in between to the fans, while painting a promising picture for future installments. I know my enthusiasm and optimism for the rest of the property that followed has been somewhat restored after struggling through a string of lackluster to downright awful sequels and spin-offs recently. Perhaps the first definite proof that there's real talent at the Tucson-based studio behind all the controversy.


one of the greatest dlcs of all time

combines the open worldness of the base game and mixes it with bits of the linear level design from apocalypse weekend. the boss fights are fun and while normal postal 2 is my favorite way to play this game i still had a good time with this.

This DLC is the continuation of the Postal 2 story. This is what I call a real DLC, good content with an extended story with interesting twists in it.

Essentially a sequel, this DLC brings you back for another week doing more errands in the nuclear wasteland of the town of Paradise. Nice content but doesn't quite live up to the base game.

Same repetitive nature as the main game. Although I sat threw the slow moments of base game, this game was just annoying from start to finish. Great humor but it doesn't help it's shitty combat.

gotta be my fav from postal 2. so much fun my god......

the dlc is really just a remixed postal 2 same map same locations but its still fun. i also liked how it retconned postal 3. i have a complaints but still overall a good dlc

Even though it was released in 2015 (released 12 years after Postal 2), Paradise Lost is perfect for fans who are looking for a fresh new coat of paint for Postal 2!

a brilliantly stupid ending to my favorite shooter ever made. an absolute labor of love that does something a little different than the original by having more restricted areas, but greatly expanding on the content and atmosphere of each area. here are a few of the improvements:

- cowboy western shootshoot bangbang
- six shooter bitch booter spinny revolver
- adorable gun monkeys
- terminator 2 shotgun
- corey cruise
- ninja wife bossfight
- dinosaurs
- deliberately screwing with the og secret paths and hidden items as to confuse me
- more metal music (hell yea bruther)
- Milo Yiannopoulos decapitation
- extended uwe boll/zach ward piss take
- ebola cows
- oopsie we put a satanic seal where your house used to be teehee
- bruce willis

the list goes on. paradise lost RULES. absolutely recommended for fans of all things needlessly crass and violent.

Back to Regretting Nothing. Other then the final part drags a little bit.

So great of an expansion it could be a full on sequel to Postal 2.

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So I procrastinated finishing this DLC because... I suck at fighting in this game :/

But I got to say, I quite enjoyed it, like I knew I would. As I am disappointed in my tired self for skipping the ending where you to go each faction and fight their leader to see Alternative Dude give you an ending... I realized my game actually ended up glitching back at the Bitch fight.

Instead of Dude following Alt Dude and the boulder falls... Dude and Champ were stuck in front of where the boulder fell, so instead of them talking.... It just showed the cutscene, no voices, and only Alt Dude staring at a wall like he's schizophrenic.

Maybe that was implemented in the game on purpose, I wouldn't know. But I had a fun time playing, as much as I hated Postal Dude giving me shit for achievement hunting.

(I wouldn't grant the PooMaster and Hobo Sexual achievement hunt towards my worst enemy.. Or maybe I will, getting those achievements was actual torture.)

better than base game!!!!!!!!!!

Honestly didn't know how much I needed this game and it's just kind of wild how gonzo it all is and just how it's so offensive to the point where it eclipses offensiveness and becomes more like something out a surreal nightmare or something. Really admire how this game is always so inventive with its level design and scenarios even though it also definitely does have a feeling to it like the rest of it is just stitched together with scotch tape but it's utterly compelling all the way through. See I think these games are just something that appeal to the misanthrope in all of us and there's a genuine sense of catharsis that I get from playing this and what's more is that it is genuinely funny. I dunno, but something about a game featuring Al-Qaeda becoming a hippie movement or the insistence this game has on integrating Uwe Boll's Postal movie as part of its narrative and again, just how surreal it all really is, definitely sticks out to me.

Smart thing that this game does is how it simultaneously appeals to the woke and anti-woke crowds, with a really good example being about how Milo Yiannopoulos is featured in this as the owner of a gay bar that you have to ruin karaoke night in. Now either you find him affable or charming or you find him obnoxious as all hell, but good news with the latter one, you can also murder him, dismember his corpse, set him on fire and then urinate all over his remains, if you wanted to. I marvel at how inventive and interactive these games are, to be honest. Nothing else like them.

dlc muito foda até melhor que o postal 2 original (que tb é mt bom)

Postal 2: Paradise Lost is a follow-up to Apocalypse Weekend built on top of Postal 2 as an apology to fans for Postal 3. Postal fans often consider it to be tied with 2 as the best game in the series, with some even referring to it as the “real” Postal 3. I disagree with both of these sentiments. Paradise Lost is very much just more Postal 2. It reuses the entire map from the base game, has most of the same characters, and contains just about every system and mechanic in the base game. The few original mechanics it does have were added into the base game in one of the anniversary patches, which in turn makes it feel like even less of a standalone package. More than anything else, Paradise Lost is an unabashed work of fan service.

But unfortunately for me, even though I’ve played all of these Postal games, I am not a fan of the series. In fact, I’m getting pretty fucking sick of it. Postal 2 is the only one I enjoyed, and everything else ranges from horrendous to mediocre. Paradise Lost is in the mediocre category. It is Postal 2 with an Apocalypse Weekend skin and a reference to Postal 3 that doesn’t do anything interesting. I’ve put off writing about this game for nearly a month and a half because I genuinely cannot think of anything interesting to say about it (and frankly due to irl things too but whatever). I am putting minimum effort into this review because I was already exhausted from both this game and the franchise less than halfway through playing it. Since the game is based around a (rather terrible) story and each day begins at a different area of the map, the general pacing of the game is fucking terrible. It is exhausting to walk across the same ugly, retextured map over and over again for seemingly every chore. I just want to stop thinking about this game because I’ve already said most of my thoughts when I wrote about Postal 2 and 3. Maybe 4 and Brain Damaged will be different. I hope they are. I just want to stop thinking about Apocalypse Weekend and Paradise Lost. They are neither good games, nor interesting to think about. I’m tired of RWS, and I don’t know how they aren’t tired of being known for nothing but Postal. It’s a shitty franchise with 1 game that is remotely engaging and another game that is so bad that it’s entertaining.

I’m sorry this is rushed and repetitive, but I just want to be done with this. I’m not even editing this tbh.

I love postal 2, I'd say it's one of my favorite games of all time even. When I got Paradise Lost on sale for $0.99 I was excited because I recently finished Postal 2 and I watched the Pro Postal series made by Civvie 11 on Paradise Lost and I went in with high expectations.

now my actual thoughts on this is it's just alright. I didn't really have as much fun with it as Postal 2 and honestly it just feels kind of shitty to play. I like postal 2 for its mundane plot with batshit insane situations that go on, but with PL, RWS probably got such an ego boost from the overwhelmingly positive reception that they got the idea "people love our shit, we're the shit we must be geniuses when it comes to story-writing and jokes since postal 2 is being praised for it" or something like that. I just think everyone who worked on PL thought that they could make anything and it would be good. I may be completely wrong but that's the idea I get from playing this.

As I previously said this feels shitty to play, navigating the map feels harder and more of a chore with some roads being blocked off and needing to go underground adding just a few seconds of travel was just unnecessary and there's just too much shit in my opinion.

The objectives are also fucking atrocious, it’s been a while since i finished PL but i just remember not liking most of the tasks very much

I also think the game looks worse. I don't know why but the textures just look uglier in my opinion. I don't have much to add on that other than i dont like the way some things look

Also rick hunters voice for the dude is off putting because its not as deep as it was in Postal 1 or 2 and it just isn’t the same i don't know uhh anyways Paradise lost kinda sucks in my opinion

11 years later and THIS is the best you could do? undertale came out this same year. i would be embarrassed if i made this.

Fallout: Nagging Wife - Into The Dudeverse

In all seriousness, this is one of the greatest DLCs of all time, and it was released 12 years after the actual game! Exploring the same map after it's been wrecked by a nuclear blast is so exciting, especially for me since I'm a big fan of post-apocalyptic settings. Seeing familiar locations doomsday-ified is just so cool. Really funny that they put both the Postal 3 Dude and Zack Ward (Postal Movie Dude) in the game, I loved it. Rick Hunter will always be my favorite dude though, his voice is just so charming and iconic.

Another good thing is how it basically feels like it could've come out just after the original game, but also still feel new and fresh. Postal 2 didn't take itself very seriously, and I'd say this one takes itself even less seriously, and that's good!
Even though it is an expansion, I still see this as a sequel. It's got the same amount of content as the base game so you could even say this is the real Postal 3.

Gotta say, weird having a Milo Yiannopoulos cameo :/
(2015, I know...)

+ Mike J rules

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Fantastic addition of the original game.

Postal 2: Paradise Lost is the expansion and sequel for the main game Postal 2.
It picks up where the main game Postal 2 ended and gives a whole new adventure of 5 days with its own achievements and tasks. Although the game is basically a recycled version of Postal 2 (the map is exactly the same, but all the areas are named different and have different skins and landscapes), it still has much originality.

Believe it or not, Postal 2: Paradise Lost is longer and bigger than the original game. It has the same principle, complete tasks throughout the week but every day you face a new “faction” for which you must do some chores.
Like I said in my Postal 2 review, the game is amazing. It still has the humour and satire, and, in my opinion, it might even be better than the main game. This is because of some factors:

The new enemies like the p*ssbots are hilarious. They are a straight rip off and middle finger to Borderlands. The excessive use of zombies also makes this a more varied game in comparison.

The music in this game is epic, just epic. The battle themes for the bosses gives you a rush of adrenaline and makes you completely focussed on the fight. I especially love the “B!tch fight” music. Postal 2: Paradise lost features far more boss fights that makes the game a lot more fun than its predecessor.

The fact that they made this DLC in 2015 says something. Running with Scissors stands behind their games and no matter the current time, still works on their past jewels.

The only issue I had with this game was the same as the original game. The constant, constant crashing at random times. Although annoying, it was playable and with enough saving it did not matter too much.

In conclusion, this DLC is worth every penny, and like the first game, I really enjoyed it.

Buy it and you will not regret it.

A magical Postal sequel under the mask of an expansion. It got made years and years after Postal 2's original release, almost as a replacement for the mess that was Postal 3, and it more than made up for the disappointment of that particular title.

It's about as good as Postal 2 was, though I think I attach less strongly to its post-apocalypse setting. I don't think I'll replay it as much as I do the original game but I'm glad it exists and I had a blast playing it.

deliberately offensive posturing that has the ultimate effect of a weak, wet fart. RWS are creatively bankrupt gamergaters which explains a lot.

it retconed postal III so this is good

had to lookup a walkthrough to find mission items at least twice throughout my playthrough but this was a fun romp