Reviews from

in the past

I'm sure that for Postal fans this must've been great, but I couldn't wait for me to finish this DLC, I found it really boring. Same as the weekend DLC.

what can you say, it's more Postal 2. I like the apocalyptic setting I guess
the gamergate shit is pretty cringe but because it's Postal you can blow up the major cameo and piss on his corpse so who's to say if it's bad or not

everything ive ever asked for. infinite replayability. i love this plotline so much

Casi tan bueno como el juego base, la única pega es que junta lo bueno de postal 2 con lo malo de apocalypse weekend y termina siendo un juego decente con algo de padding le he bajado nota por crashear con excesiva frecuencia

postal man hears about this "gamergate" thing from a thread on /v/ and starts calling anthony burch a cuck on twitter dot com

The ending of Postal 2.

It's ok? What were you expecting really, it's more Postal 2. More chores, more days, more weapons and a new revamped map. Same map as the base game, tweaked a little just enough to call it something different.

The humour this time takes a wacky approach. I would have wanted something more in line with the dark jokes and tones from base Postal 2. It's, kind of innoffensive now for better or for worse.

i like postal 2 and this is more postal 2 but wackier but also it crashed on me pretty much every 10 minutes so i stopped playing

Paradise Lost is, in my opinion, just worse than Postal 2. The humor took a hit and went from being crude satire straight into... toilet humor and weed jokes. The new gameplay additions like dual wielding and some of the new guns are definitely welcome, there are some actual half-decent bosses in there, but doing another lap across the map I know by heart with superficial changes to some locations just felt tiring near the end. I don't foresee doing a replay of this anytime in the future, if even at all.