Reviews from

in the past

A masterclass of Survival Horror and imo the definitive way to play the first RE. I do prefer the locations of RE:Zero but i can't deny that the overall game design is superior in REmastermake or however you wanna call this game.

Yay! My first play through! What a solid game. Very glad I finally played it. I liked how it felt old but aged really well. A lot of frustrating moments for sure (I only found out I was playing on easy once I finished when I thought I was playing on Normal) but overall I really liked the experience. Rough around the edges, but a classic that anyone who enjoys the series. Might say I even liked it more than the Remake of 3 but who’s keeping track? 😅

Perfect. I love this game and franchise with such a passion.

é o remaster mais perfeito que já vi

Simplesmente, uma OBRA-PRIMA do terror (ou horror, nesse caso). Um dos poucos jogos do gênero que realmente me dá MEDO, e não só se suporta em sustinho barato.

The zombies in this game terrified me, but not because they were gonna eat me. No: the zombies in this game terrified me because they were gonna kill me and reset to the last time I saved.

No notes, just incredible. I can't decide whether I prefer this or RE4R as my favourite RE game.

Resident Evil is a nostalgia trip for fans of the original survival horror classic. The scares still hold up, exploring the creepy mansion is suspenseful, and the puzzles are challenging. But the tank controls can feel clunky compared to modern games, and the visuals, while improved, are definitely dated. If you love the atmosphere of the early Resident Evil games and don't mind some old-school jank, this is a great way to revisit (or experience for the first time!) a horror icon.

Not a huge fan of the controls or stationary camera but it's scary and can be pretty fun

mechanics and camera angles are unbearable but it’s still a classic so i appreciate it for that reason ☝️

i fucking hate the camera angles in this game :angry:

it is amazing how well this game still holds up. Even after playing all of the modern RE remakes this still feels great to play, looks amazing, and is genuinely spooky. If we ever do get a Code Veronica Remake I honestly hope they do it in this style again.

Nossa, eu me perdi legal nisso aqui, tá?
Só zerei porque eu dei tudo de mim.

One of those games I tend to beat at least once a year. One of my favorite games of all time. Going for a 100% achievements. Now I know I can do invisible enemy and knife only on easy.

You still have to watch the stupid door opening animation every single damn time you open a door. Unbelievable. I want to play this again sometime when I have more patience, the intro is such a slog.

Move aside Leon, I'm afraid Barry is my new goat

After the incredible "metroidvania" style Mansion opening, the linearity of the following areas leaves a bit to be desired, but overall this was a fantastic experience. Great atmosphere and mood. The camera took a bit to get used to at first, but like many of the "outdated" things in this game, it ends up adding to the overall experience. Would have liked a less abrupt ending but what can you do. To those looking to play this for the first time, do yourself a favor and try to look up as little as possible online!

wish I was a jill sandwich

It took a while for me to get used to the controls and overall gameplay, but after a few hours, it just clicked, and the charm of this game captivated me towards the end.

After attempting to play Resident Evil 7 and Resident Evil 2 Remake as well as both this game and its 1996 original, it’s probably best that I come to terms with the fact that I simply do not like this series. Not only am I not a fan of this sort of “inventory management” horror, but I also don’t find solace in playing as/watching venerated and heroic depictions of police officers without any formal element to counterbalance this (serious question since I admittedly do not know any of the lore: do the cops in these game do anything else that couldn't also be done by just random people with guns?). I’ve also never quite found any appeal in the stories of Resident Evil as a series.

It’s worth pointing out that this is the best game in the franchise, mainly due to its intensely dark and mesmerizing art direction, which features lavishly decorated environments seeping in some of the most gorgeous lighting I’ve ever witnessed in any video game, maybe ever. It would also be criminal of me not to mention the fantastic soundtrack that accompanies the superb art style (the safe room theme is my personal fav). This era of pre-rendered environments with static camera angles and tank controls came and went much too fast for my liking, and quite frankly it’s a period in the video games industry that I honestly think is greatly underappreciated, as we still haven’t seen a new wave of video games as striking as this one in quite some time.

Long story short; I’m more of a Silent Hill boy :3

Não tem como definir esse jogo em outro termo... obra prima.

Resident Evil é o ápice do survival horror, o level design da mansão é genial, planejando tudo o que você tem que fazer pra avançar, sendo algo bloqueado no começo e la pro final liberando, o terror e fragilidade que você sente de cada nova criatura que encontra, o gameplay mais travado te fazendo tomar muito cuidado com cada passo e recurso que você gasta, criando um terror psicológico incrível. Resident evil 1 merece todo elogio e merito de ser um dos maiores jogos de survival horror ja feitos.

Eu amo o visual desse jogo, acho maravilhoso como esse jogo consegue replicar o sentimento de "q caralhos é isso?" o gerenciamento de itens é perfeito, não punitivo mas tbm não mto facil, o sistema de ink ribbon é uma coisa que no começo parece ruim, mas serio, é incrivel esse sistema, os inimigos são tão diversos e tambem sempre bizarros, aranha gigante, cobra gigante, uns bixo bizarro no laboratorio, e claro, zumbis, de longe um dos jogos mais gostosos de jogar, recomendo ate hoje em 2024

Insane horror vibe, started with Jill and then did Chris, somehow i enjoyed the Chris one more. Jill as a first campaign feels like a tutorial for Chris in a way and is kinda frustrating.

Then you are completing the game for the second time and it becomes way more fun, the game flows better (even with less inventory slots) since all the mechanics click together and it ends up being really satisfying. Cameras didn't bother me at all since i'm used to tank controls and shooting felt intuitive.

No wonder it is a classic honestly.

The best version of this masterpiece

This game still amazing until this day. Sure if you never played Resident Evil with "tank movement" and fixed camera this could turn into a very strange experience, but hear me and just try it a bit harder, you'll get used to it and you won't regret, because this game is great at its atmosphere, graphics, gameplay and it improves almost everything from the original, being scary as hell. Love this game and I replay it from time to time.

This review contains spoilers

first play: played jill, chris and barry lived, richard died sacrificing himself

I consider this game to be timeless. No matter how old it gets, the atmosphere will always be amazing. The locations and setpieces will be memorable. The framing of the camera and the angles they used are purposeful and look wonderful. The only thing that most people would have issues with, the tank controls, are now an option in these modern releases to swap out for traditional ones.

This game was just really ahead of its time. It for sure has tons of stupid moments. I never understood why everyone bashed 6 for its absurd moments, but you can have giant animals as bosses in this game and it's A-Ok!

But those moments don't really matter in this game because it is always fun and enganging. And there's so much content. Chris and Jill runs are so different, and there's even choices and minor branching paths to make in the middle of the journey. They don't lead to a lot, sometimes an item or new cutscene, but it's still welcome.

It's hard not to love this game. It succeeds at basically everything it does, and it continues to be great with age.