Reviews from

in the past

Тот самый портируемый шедевр, одна из самых влиятельных частей серии. Инновационный вид от 3-го лица, новые геймплейные возможности, коричневый фильтр и БЕЗУМНОЕ количество контента. Как подметил один комментатор, "самая прекрасная часть Resident Evil 4 заключается в следующем: когда вам кажется, что игра показала уже всё, что могла, и близится к концу, происходит приятный сюрприз". Лучше не выразишься. Вплоть до самого конца нам предлагают что-то новое. Невозможно просто перенасытиться происходящим. Четвёрка — последняя номерная часть серии, пройденная мной. Специально оставил на десерт как самое сладкое, зная, что многие фанаты боготворят её. И не прогадал!

There is no denying the influence that this game brought to the industry. It's so well made that to this very day literally no game imitating it managed to surpass its legendary status as one of the best and most influental games ever made.

Even after playing the remake, RE4 still holds up pretty well and didn't age a bit, with cool characters and cool moments, awesome gameplay, and good action.

I'm sure I've played at least 400 games in my life, and Resident Evil 4 remains my favorite of all time, I love this game, and this game made me love the franchise, I love this franchise so much, that I bought them all the games (except the Remake) even though I can't play them, because my PC is very weak, but this game will always make me happy, in any version of it

Jogo a frente do seu tempo, falta apenas 2 conquistas, mas é um game que vale a pena cada minuto que tu joga, história, gameplay (que hoje eu acho um pouco datado já), ambiente, dificuldade boa e um terror de leves mas que funciona

They always told me to play Re4 and how it was one of the best Resident Evil ever made and the first time I picked it up I ended up giving up very quickly, I remember stopping a little before meeting Ashley, but this time I took 1 week to finish it and I had fun all the time. days playing, the game is not perfect, there are several parts that are a bit boring and tiring (Resident Evil doesn't know how to do a good part of the sewer), but other than that, the game is for the most part, extremely fun and addictive to want to continue.
I liked most of the bosses, I really like their design in general, I think the boss battle I liked the most was Bitores Mendez and Salazar, I found it very fun but most of the bosses are also good, an example is also the fight with the giant el It's very painful, especially when the dog appeared.
Resident Evil 4 was a surprise for me and one day I intend to buy the remake to see how good it is.

Resident Evil 4 is one of my favourite games of all time, it single-handedly changed the survival horror genre and it's camera (Over-the-shoulder) had such a splash on video games as a whole it's actually crazy.

The gameplay can be pretty sluggish at times, it'll definitely have its moments and those tank controls don't help but I can assure you those with iron out with time. Watching the story and cutscenes unravel is a joy to experience, beautifully animated and the quick-time events always seem keep me on the edge of my seat which is surprisingly engaging.

Long story short YOU need to play Resident Evil 4 not to be confused with Resident Evil 4.

INCRIVEL, uma experiência maravilhosa do inicio ao fim, o port pra PC não é a melhor coisa do mundo, mas com alguns mods básicos corrigem e tornam a experiência sensacional, é um jogo de muito carisma