Reviews from

in the past

Everything people say about this games aesthetics are 100% true. Everything, from the menus, the soundtrack, the graphics, completely top-notch, it's just incredible. The game is easily worth playing for those alone. I completed the normal and hard difficulties and found them to both give a pretty good challenge (although hard kinda kicked my ass in the finals lol) and I loved how you slowly befriend the managers as you continue, it gives a nice human element to the races that give outside motivations. However (and this is the reason I'm leaving this as shelved), I never really felt like I got the controls down. This feels like the type of game where your supposed to hone in your skills over a longer amount of time and I'm just not the type of person to do that. Maybe sometime in the future I'll come back to it, because I do want to get better and maybe try for extreme difficulty.

Yeah musics goated and it looks pretty but yall dick ride this shit too much

One time I rented this game from Blockbuster and when I got home they'd accidentally put the disc for Rayman in the box and then my mum wouldn't drive me back to exchange it and just told me to play Rayman and honestly that was a poor weekend.

One of the best if not the best arcade racers. This was one of the first PS1 games that was recommended to me at a time when I really only knew the console for Crash Bandicoot and Gex. I still come back to it on a pretty regular basis. There's not really any big gimmicks with this game since it's just straight forwards racing but it does that really well with a sick soundtrack to boot.

estiloso pkrl curti mt esse jogo

One of the best game soundtracks ever, and the presentation in general is the definition of style. Feels great to play. The weird visual novel-y career mode is neat too, if a little underdeveloped. Would like a little more variation in the content available. I think that’s about my only problem with it.

As someone who never played this until 2024 I was expecting to not be able to get into a game with dated controls and graphics but honestly, this game plays super well and i'm having a blast playing it

Fantastic music, fun arcadey feel, and great overall vibes. The presentation of the game is so stylish, and the stories, while not super deep, were a pretty great addition and did a lot to set the mood.

Não analiso esse jogo como um jogo finalizado, ja que pela sua natureza arcade fica meio complicado de analisar ele nesses termos, analiso mais por sentir que ja entendo o suficiente da gameplay base pra comentar sobre.

Um dos melhores jogos de corrida que ja joguei na vida.
A falta de conteúdo realmente pesa um pouco por que tipo, eu quero mais, muito mais, queria achar mais justificativa pra ficar horas nesse jogo, mesmo ja tendo ficado quase 8 horas nele só pelos controles viciantes e as pistas super desfiadoras. Ok a dificuldade é muito difícil pra um público casual (onde me encaixo) pegare jogar mas esse jogo foi me recompensando por aprender mais e mais dos seus simples porém complexos controles.

Jogar Ridge Racer Type 4 é como montar num touro mecânico, tu precisa aprender a ter uma quantidade enrome de auto-controle e equilibrio pra não perder o fio da meada e quanto mais tempo você fica montado mais recompensador fica, ainda não sinto estar perto de dominar esse jogo mas essa é a graça, ir múltiplas vezes ate sentir que suas inumeras tentativas estão fazendo diferença, vai chegar ao ponto que um touro mecânico não vai parecer nada alem do que uma cadeira de massagem pra você ai tem desafios ainda piores te esperando.

Pela natureza do meu TDAH não sei se o hype que to sentindo quanto ao jogo vai se manter mas o que ja tirei zerando o modo facil e normal dele (com performances bem ok) sinto que ja achei aqui um jogo que posso considerar um dos melhores que ja joguei.

Ridge Racer Type 4 é um magnífico racer de arcade que eu adoraria ter mais conteúdo pra me permitir devorar esse jogo por mais horas a fio, mas devido a sua natureza ja estou suficientemente satisfeito com o que tenho.

Sem contar também a apresentação absolutamente espetacular do jogo, um dos jogos que acho que a sua idade mais o afetaram positivamente do que negativamente por conta das limitações que deixaram seus visuais desse jeito, o look de ps1 misturado com suas absolutamente magnífica trilha sonora composta por Drum and Bass, Acid Jazz e outros gêneros de música eletrônica populares nos anos 90 criam essa estética que hoje em dia é replicada mais para celebrar os tempos que passaram, é como se os visuais fossem o pão e a música a mortadela nesse misto quente delicioso (o resto do jogo é a manteiga e o queijo). Sem contar que Move Me, a faixa 12, é uma das melhores músicas de video games da história, com sua progressão de diversos estilos ainda mantendo o dnb como sua base sólida, gerando uma música intensa, trancendental, dançante, instável, tudo num mesmo pacote de apenas 4 minutos, com diversas melodías que tiram sua alma do corpo e da vontade de fazer diversos drifts incríveis nas pistas estelares desse jogo, sem isso ridge racer type 4 perde o que faz ridge racer type 4 tão único e excepcional, o gameplay é o centro, a estética o que gira ao redor desse centro, como a lua e a terra, um sem o outro seria caos.

Absolutamente estelar!


Easily the nicest feeling controls on an arcade racing game I've ever played, I prefer them just a little bit over Sega's arcade output like Daytona USA 1/2 and Scud Race. The visuals are amazing, UI is incredibly clean and stylish at the same time. Has one of my favorite game soundtracks too. This game fucks.

i played one gran prix and this game fuckign rules

it really is that good. Banger ost.

Completed the Grand Prix mode.
All I can say is that this game is as good as people say it is. Definitely recommended, even for those who aren't fans of racing games.

Lastly I have to mention the OSTs of this game, phenomenal

After hours. I am a single line across which all other lines unfold, slick, slipping. Going so fast the strands slide through the cracks of the emulator.

2:00 am. My automobile body funnelled into video-tunnels that stretch without end to the rhythm of nu-jazz beats. A drama that plays on repeat for my Pearl Blue Soul.

Someway, somehow, R4 reminds me of a Hong Sang-soo film.

It's a senseless comparison, played-out across mediums and genres but every time I come back to these tracks it persists, blends-in along the city lights and tire marks in my rear-view mirror.

There's a tension in this philosophy of drift, the joyous longing of century's sunset, that makes me pause for thought at the end of every race. The stories are so simple, the game presented with such expert straightforwardness, as to blur the feeling itself in Camarro-yellows.

Still, where I think this iteration of Ridge Racer joins the cinema of the author is in that insistence to make flows coexist - rub emotion and expression against one another in ways most often hidden - and leave the outbursts at the edges of the screen.

The speed of Ridge Racer is the pace of life itself but for all its glamour breathlessness the moments that truly stir are those near-misses, the curves in a length of road where the vehicle goes slightly out of control and you brush past a rival. The little encounters. The seconds where the heart stops. I wish I could've held-on to your hand a horizon longer.

Type 4s and margaritas, that’s all I want for the summer.

This shit is so fucking raw man.

Gotta be one of the greatest soundtracks in gaming. Night Glow, Spiral Ahead, and Your Vibe are insane booty shakers.

What this game lacks in quantity it more than makes up for in quality. Despite there being only 8 tracks, the tight controls made learning and mastering each of these tracks a blast. Pair the tight gameplay with the impressive PSX visuals and legendary soundtrack, and it's not hard to see why people are still raving about this one to this day.

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