Reviews from

in the past

Melhor survivor que joguei na minha vida.

A perfect example of a game that destroys the argument of not being able to get into a game because of dated graphics: Silent Hill takes advantage of every single technical disadvantage it has and provides a psychological horror experience that’s still extremely effective and completely unique—a timeless work of art that everyone needs to play. They really don’t make em like this no more

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For personal reference more than anything else.

First time playing through this after a couple of attempts over the last couple of years with the furthest one in being about halfway through the game four years ago. Played on Easy and got the Good+ ending.

Originally I wasn't going to bother with this game as I tried it again quite recently and still wasn't really into it but changed my mind after how good Silent Hill 2 was and realising that (for me at least) its just better to play on the easier difficulties with these games as I then find my issues with them diminished. After playing I honestly can't really tell if I made the right choice by fully playing this or not.

I really couldn't get that interested in this game, the story was just told in a way where it feels like most of it happens in the later half and even then it just feels like its told kind of weirdly (as stupid as that may sound). If it wasn't for the fact that I'd seen the film based on this game not only before but recently I would've struggled even more than I already was in following it. None of the characters were particularly interesting and I felt that the voice acting in the game basically destroyed any last hope of me caring about the characters or the story. I didn't really give a shit whether Harry found Cheryl or not because it didn't even sound like he cared himself.

The locations in the game were sort of cool and I actually quite liked the hospital, sewer and Nowhere sections. I wasn't really a fan of having to do the school two times in a row though and exploring the town was a pain in the arse because of the constant roadblocks and the annoying enemies.

Speaking of which, I think that over half of the types of enemies in this game can just be described as annoying. The pterodactyls, the dogs, the mole people, the ghost children (in the final area) and even the bosses. I think most of it comes down to having to deal with them using tank controls and the fact that the majority of them have some kind of grab. But a couple of them fly and are difficult to see (even with holding down L2 (the look button or whatever its called)).

The puzzles in this game were absolutely not for me, I struggle too much when given a puzzle and being told "here, solve it," and not understanding what I'm supposed to be doing in the first place. I got to what was essentially the first puzzle of the game (the bird story and piano keys in the school) and I literally had no idea what I was even being asked of, so I ended up using a guide and I'm really glad I did. The guide was consulted a fair bit, especially towards the end of the game as I was just constantly confused. I don't consider this to be a fault of the game, just another reason why I personally couldn't quite get on with it. I did like the Alice in Wonderland tablets puzzle and the make the shapes from the pictures on the doors bit.

Some scattered thoughts:

• I really liked how the game looked and I think its so cool how the developers managed to work with the limitations at the time in such creative ways.

• Despite being a horror game I didn't really feel all that scared or anything outside of a couple of moments here and there, that's not a big problem for me but I do think that the game is kind of banking on the player feeling at least a little on edge due to its atmosphere.

• The music wasn't really for me but I think there were a couple of songs I thought were decent.

• I didn't really enjoy the combat most of the time but I loved using the hammer.

I think the game was alright and there were some interesting things in it but I don't exactly think I had a particularly good time with it and I don't think I'm going to want to come back to it.

The actual undisputed GOAT
I will shout Silent Hill 2's praises any day but would it be a cheeky if I preferred this one a teeny bit more?
There's just something about this game, it's aged certainly but the game is packed to the gills with so much juice it still feels fresh.
A masterpiece in every sense of the word.

visually amazingly progressive game. Even 25 years later

PS1-PS2 dönemine yetişememeden dolayı, kaçırdığım pek çok büyük isimden biriydi Silent Hill. Nihayet, yıllardır aklımda olan bu seriye de giriş yapabildim. Ve bu oldukça da güzel bir giriş oldu.

Harika ses dizaynı, harita görselliğini dinamik ve tutarlı bir şekilde değiştiren muazzam atmosfer, çözmesi hiç de fena olmayan bulmacalar ile oynaması gerici ve eğlenceliydi. Takdiri hak ediyor.

Tabi, özellikle tank kontrolleri sağolsun; oyunu oynaması tek döktürdü. Teknolojinin canı sağolsun, özellikle de save state'in. Ayriyeten 2. oyunun övgülerini düşününce bundan da bir sürpriz beklesem de, maalesef hikayeden kayda değer bir şeyler çıkaramadım. Arka planda ilgi çekici bir şeyler var gibi sanki, ama oyunda olmadığı kesin.

Neyse, siftahı yaptık sonunda. Bakalım daha neler göreceğiz.

some say harry is still looking for the little girl, who turned 7 last month, with short, black hair... his daughter.

Que pedo con los puzzles, gracias por hacerme pensar.

história e atmosfera boa, mas eu não gosto da gameplay desse jogo, principalmente os controles, sai transtornado mas muito feliz desse jogo, RECEBA

Aqui acabou. Muita gente deixou de jogar Silent Hill 1 talvez por causa de seus gráficos e gameplay de jogo antigo, mas vou te falar... Esse jogo é uma obra prima do horror, em minha visão consegue ser melhor que o segundo em vários aspectos. Silent Hill 1 é um jogo do gênero ''Survival Horror'' com foco em resolução de Puzzles e exploração, a dificuldade do game é desafiadora e testa bastante a capacidade do jogador em resolver os Puzzles, o combate não é dos melhores, mas esse nunca foi o foco da franquia, a história é muito boa e cativante, o núcleo de personagens do primeiro jogo é bacana e você consegue entender o que cada um está fazendo, podendo (ou não) se importar com eles. Silent Hill é um ótimo Survival Horror e recomendo bastante até porque Harry Mason é um personagem épico e merecia mais do que foi mostrado em SH3...

most enternaining silent hill gameplay (ei oikeest walking sim mut ajalleensa tosi hyvä)

blueprint for survivial horror in my eyes

The pure definition of a survival and horror game. Gameplay requires you to strategically manage your inventory and make high risk decisions to navigate the environment. Playing this game in 2015 I’ll say that it has the most intuitive map system I’ve ever seen, ala making red x’s over areas that are inaccessible and updates as the player explores the map. The atmosphere is the pivotal attraction in this game, despite the dated pixilation the environments evoke a tangible sadness and eeriness as well as suggestive and subtle imagery. Initially a technical restraint, the use of mist to hide the lack of draw distance creates a constant fear of the unknown. Atmosphere is also bolstered by the fantastic sound design of Akira Yamaoka, who at this point is synonymous with the SH series. As much as sound is important in horror film, it shows more in games. Indistinct, metallic, and uncanny sound effects populate the environments in tandem with subtle ambience or silence that builds a real sense of uncomfortableness and tension. SH also manages to tell a personal psychological story along with an impressive lore that mythifies small-town America. SH has no jump scares in sight as it’s mantra is subtlety and suggestion.

I remember how I was playing this game during a cold, rainy spring, coughing my lungs out due to my allergy. These conditions added so much atmosphere and joy to my playtrough, so I'll remember it forever.

The first Silent Hill game in the series is, in my opinion, the best in terms of atmosphere and locations. It's a scary, inconvenient, stressful and gloomy game, which makes you love itself for these traits of it.

Harry is probably my favorite character in the series (though he can fight for this title with Heather), and I enjoyed his journey as much as I only possibly could.

Silent Hill 1 has something unique behind it, which lacks in the second and third games, and this something notably highlights the game out from the other ones.

this really is the definitive psych horror experience to me. silent hill 1 is the most pure, raw definition of the genre, and for the first game in the series, it somehow doesn't suffer from "the first" syndrome. also just a wicked pretty game for ps1, konami weaved wonders with what they were given on the hardware. a lot of people say to just start with silent hill 2, but that's doing this game a huuuuuuge injustice. silent hill 1 is absolutely worth your time

This is one of those games that keep up very well even after 25 years

Classic horror game that everyone should have played. If you didn't it's best to wait for the remake.

i wish my dad cared about me as much as harry cares about cheryl

Joguei esse jogo por vários dias dps do trabalho de madrugada, e a atmosfera, história, puzzles e até a MOVIMENTAÇÃO transformam numa experiência arrepiante do krl, gostei muito por mais que tenha feito o bad ending, talvez depois eu tente novamente