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in the past

Sonic 3D: Flickie's Island isn't really Sonic and it isn't really 3D. Let me explain what I mean.

Sonic 3D marked a significant departure away from the usual Sonic side-scrolling formula. Instead, Sonic 3D is an isometric game that tasks Sonic with scouring levels to find and rescue flickies. In truth, Sonic 3D is a spiritual successor to SEGA arcade classic Flicky, where the premise is also that of rescuing flickies. Taking a franchise in a new direction isn't always a bad thing but in this case so much about the premise just doesn't compliment Sonic the Hedgehog.

The isometric view doesn't play well with Sonic's speed; he feels unruly and floaty to control, as if he's running on ice the entire game. The top-down view also puts too much focus on the floor, rendering the game visually bland. Search Google for Sonic 3D screenshots and you'll see nothing but endless checkered floors. It's pretty drab. All of the flickies are trapped inside badniks but again the new perspective works against you because jumping into badniks is tricky and imprecise. The game just fundamentally doesn't really work.

I said that Sonic 3D isn't really 3D because, well, games with this faux 3D presentation are as old as Q*bert. To frame this game in a historical context, it felt like this game contributed to Sonic losing a lot of his edge and coolness in the mid 1990s. It felt a little like SEGA were trying to pull the wool over the eyes of fans and convince them that Sonic had crossed over into a new realm. Keep in mind that this game was a contemporary of Super Mario 64 and Crash Bandicoot. Compared to those two, Sonic 3D felt totally antiquated and inadequate.

I do have a couple of positive things to say about the game. I like the music a lot, it's an underrated Sonic soundtrack. The Saturn version of the game does look slightly visually richer as well but sadly it's never been re-released or included in subsequent Sonic compilation collections. Ultimately though, if we ignore all of the Master System games, I think Sonic 3D was the Sonic franchise's first true, major misstep.

Goes alongside Labyrinth as proof to baby me that games are bad actually

There are many ideas implemented here that I should hate on paper, but there's something about how bizarre it all was that drew me in.

The gameplay loop with the flickies did get repetitive real quick though.

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It is better than I remembered. The isometric view is actually impressive and I LOVED it's soundtrack. The gameplay is mixed: sometimes you gotta go fast but most of the time you have to be cautious. That variability felt balanced for me, unfortunately I can't say the same about the combat and the platforming sections. Yes, you'll get used to the mechanics throughout the game, but it's clumsiness can be veeery frustrating, specially when fighting bosses. I liked exploring the stages by looking for Knuckles and Tails (who give you access to the special stages) even though I got stressed trying to collect the 50 rings needed. My biggest complaint is the fact that I just couldn't find Sonic's friends after Volcano Valley, don't know if it is possible though. I wish there were more continues, or at least more lives, 'cause getting a game over will push you back a lot. Despite its flaws, 3D Blast is a very fun game and worth playing if you like Sonic and wants an innocent challenge, with good music and beautiful 16-bits visuals.

Sonic 3D Blast? More like Sonic SHIT BLAST! (voiced by AVGN)

По СЮЖЕТУ Соник спасает инопланетных птичек от Роботника и выступает для них в роли своеобразной мамы утки, уводя их рядком в безопасное место, что и является основой геймплея сей игры. Кому, блять, это вообще показалось хорошей идеей? Нет, ладно бы Соник по классике просто бил роботов, освобождая птичек, и летели бы они себе восвояси. Но нет. Мало того, что роботов надо найти, а оставшиеся от них маленькие пернатые кучки пикселей поймать, так после этого их могут задеть препятствия, вражеские снаряды и прочее мракобесие, вследствие которого они будут от вас оторваны и вновь придётся играть в пятнашки. Звучит крайне весело, не так ли? И всё это добро в форме отвратительного платформинга в изометрическом пространстве, где за скользящего, еле управляемого в здешней изометрии ежа боишься лишнее движение сделать, лишь бы не подставиться под шальную пулю и растерять всех своих скопившихся попугаев, которых вновь по одному придётся догонять и собирать. Боссы варьируются от сносных до откровенного издевательства, требующего точечного передвижения в считанные секунды с великим риском нарваться на незримый кусок хитбокса. Финальный же босс так и вовсе конченое трёхфазное месиво, троекратно умножающее всю погань местных столкновений, под конец сдабривая всё это рандомным буллет хеллом, где и шагу спокойно не ступишь.

Зато в 3D!

This sure is a "video game" that "exists"

My mother really liked this game for some reason.
I don't think it's good, but its not terrible.

The existence of this game is infinitely fucking funny to me. Like, imagine being a Sega fan back in September of 1996. You have owned a Saturn for over 2 years now (i know this is a review for the genesis version, but bear with me here for a sec). The Genesis hasn't let you down, so you have faith that Sega will deliver a breakout hit for their 3D console anyday now. A new Sonic game that will make that 399$ price tag and 2 years of waiting totally worth it. Meanwhile, your friends at school are talking about Super Mario 64, Crash Bandicoot, and how cool as hell those games are, and oh my gosh, the 3D!!! It's so amazing!!! But all you have is your Saturn. And unless you dipped your hands into Panzer Dragoon, or Nights into Dreams, neither of which proved to put the console on the map... you don't really have anything you can boast about. All you can do is wait, while listening to your friends talking about how they made all the right life choices.

But, November rolls around, and you finally get your Mario 64 competitor. And this is it. This is the representation of your revolutionary new console. Sonic 3D Blast. This utter fucking marketing lie of a title, is all you're getting for the foreseeable future. Sega simply couldn't deliver a 3D Sonic title in time to compete against everyone else, so they figured if they would just slap the word "3D" into their isometric pre-rendered platformer, it'd be enough to fool the dumb children who were unfortunate enough to put their faith in a game publisher. I mean, I guess at this point you have something you can talk about to your school friends. But are you really going to?

Within historical context, I consider 3D Blast to be a disaster of comedic proportions. This one game single-handedly disqualified Sonic as Mario's rival for the rest of eternity, even if people may have not felt this at the time. From here on out, there was no more consistency to be found in a Sonic game, no gurantees made, all expectations belonged to the fools, fools such as me. Whereas Mario was an experimental playground with consistent rules, Sonic began to no longer care about rules, cohesion, or its audience as a whole. We have now entered an era where Sonic just kinda does whatever the fuck it wants. Sometimes, this leads to some great things, other times it doesn't. Next to Knuckles Chaotix, Sonic 3D Blast is one of the first examples of where it really doesn't.

Taking out all historical context however, it's not like 3D Blast is the spawn of satan, or anything... by itself, this is just a very okay game. Probably the biggest mistake it commits is citing one of its inspirations as Sonic Labyrinth, which I cannot imagine anyone in their right mind doing today. But, as a whole, it's functional, beatable, and even a casual player could see its true ending. We were only just exiting out of the age of insanely difficult games mind you, so having something like this back then was pretty nice. That is, if you cared less about challenge, and more about just having an experience that doesn't frustrate you.

Perhaps this is my just my fondness for collect-a-thons coming out, but I do enjoy the loop of exploring a level to find the 5 flickies required to progress onward. Labyrinth influences aside, it's pretty difficult to get lost in here, everything is very contained and exploration segments are segregated into digestible chunks. It's doable, and that's good. The bad, is that once you've cleared one level, you've basically seen them all. The only thing that sets them apart from there on is visual variety, but the gameplay loop fails to introduce new elements at a consistent enough rate to not make every level feel like you're doing the same thing. Perhaps introducing more inventive ways of catching flickies would've helped, alongside new types of flickies that behave in different manners. But the game shows all its cards in just one stage. From there on, you catch them in the exact same way, every single time.

I think it also goes without saying that a game like this absolutely does not lend itself to the style of gameplay that Sonic is known for. Being originally created for the Genesis, means that the isometric field of view can't be too large, and the field of view being like this means that you can't make Sonic go too fast, lest you'll be running into obstacles all the time. So, out goes the speed that Sonic is primarily known for, in favor of a leisurely jog. Which in hindsight, makes me realize that this game could've probably made a lot more sense if they didn't use Sonic for it at all. But, that'd of course means less copies sold, so here he is. In name only.

I've never been a big fan of the previous special stages that accompanied the classic Sonic games, and the ones found here aren't all that better either, buuut... they are pretty easy. This leads back into me saying how even a casual player could see the game's true ending, as it honestly takes very little effort to access the special stages in this game. And the special stages themselves are shockingly banal, a literal short-width bridge you run straight across, with some spikes you occasionally jump over. Missing the rings here is near-impossible, they all last less than 20 seconds, and there is barely any difficulty ramp-up to speak of. As long as you explore the stages a tiny bit, you'll get the 7 chaos emeralds in no time.

Interestingly, the Saturn version completely redid the way its special stages work. While the rest of the game was created by Traveller's Tales, I hear that Sonic Team stepped in for the Saturn special stages. And get this: They're the best part of the game, and a huge reason to play that version of the game over this Genesis counterpart. They're like the Sonic 2 special stages, but done right. They're in actual proper 3D, ensuring smooth scrolling and movement, Sonic himself feels pretty good to control in them, and they're just better designed, maintaining a good flow throughout. If the entire game was just an endless runner version of these stages, I'd hop into it more often. Unfortunately as it is, they're just one small good part of an ultimately mediocre package.

But wait! There is something else I can praise about this, and - you guessed it - it's the soundtrack! I have absolutely no idea what caused Jun Senoue to score Sonic Superstars the way he did, because if you go back all the way here... he did the entire soundtrack for the Genesis version of 3D Blast, and it's great! This is what I'm talking about! It feels like an extension of the music found in Sonic 3. Same style, same general instrumentation, but more strong melodies, and a unique song for every single act. The CD Audio soundtrack composed by Richard Jacques for the Saturn port is no slouch either. It's a very different style compared to the type of Sonic music we're generally used to, but it's very bright, cheery, and nostalgically welcoming. Completely unlike Richard, when he finds out people make covers of his songs!

Well, in any case, a good soundtrack and a series of excellent special stages for a specific port of the game is not quite enough to save the whole thing. It's only enough to elevate 3D Blast into a totally passable experience. It sure as heck functions, but it couldn't have been possibly made in a worse time and place. Accompanied by a true follow-up to Sonic 3 & Knuckles, 3D Blast could've been remembered as a neat distraction for when you're bored. In the present reality however, 3D Blast IS the Sonic 3 & Knuckles follow-up, whether that was its intention or not. The circumstances made it that way. Now, that's all I'll remember it for. And the memory will make me giggle.