Reviews from

in the past

Now that I replayed the entire Rush trilogy I really feel like there are some fun parts that get very annoying later on, this one was the least offensive and mostly fun but was incredibly mediocre in everything other than the base gameplay. Level design was also nothing special, what this has going for it most is just the movement, as it's the closest 2D has come to perfecting the boost formula.

james fucked this game up really bad

its not aaaaas good as the wii game but for what its worth its fun and unlike the other rush games i actually finished this one

DS version is unironically better

Incredibly nostalgic the game that made me love sonic.

I have a massive nostalgia bias for this game and I don't think it's designed quite as well as rush adventure, but this is still a really fun time. I actually think the wisps are implemented way better in this version, removing the trick system is a massive step down from the rush games though. I still really enjoy this game and it's one of the games I'll still randomly bring with me on a train or something since it's so easy to just pick it up and quickly blast through a couple levels.

My first sonic game I love the robot desgins and the wisps but I didn't find it very fun

I'm not the biggest fan of the Rush formula, played this game years ago on a emulator and didn't really vibe with it. Years later, I found the game dirt cheap at a used games store, and thought I'd give it another go.

After beating the game in a evening and then coming back to it multiple times for replaying its levels, I can say I'm really positively surprised. The game has way fewer bottomless pits than the average Dimps game, the Wisps are fun to play and add a lot of value, most levels have multiple routes and the game doesn't really get gimmicky until the very last zone.

True, its a really easy game, and the few times it tries to do difficulty it doesn't really do it in the way I personally like Sonic to be, so I feel it could be really worse if it tried being harder, glad it doesn't!

Definitely the best the Rush formula has ever gotten to be, makes it a shame it never really got proper attention after this one. Worth a shot!

My first time playing this masterpiece on official hardware, and I still stand strong on my take of this being the best Sonic game. On all fronts. And if you want to know why I think this, click here: