Reviews from

in the past

What in the fresh hell is this horrible covert art on Backloggd? Good lord, please upload the original Japanese / Europe box cover instead!

Anywho, Bomberman is a blast (HAH) and the first stays the king of the series (with 2 pretty close). This has the best adventure mode with really memorable boss, absolutely incredible character design and music themes ( the main theme / world 1 theme being the most iconic in the series and regrettably abandoned in the later titles). That mode's only flaw being that it is too easy. Short but very sweet, with a credit song that alone makes the whole journey worth it.

The multiplayer is what made the series famous and Bomberman 1 keeps it to the essential before Bomberman 3 and later opus flooded with gimmicks that break balance and add too much noise to a game that shines through it's simplicity.
Frenetic action, goofy situations, intense duels, all with very readable screens and perfect pacing. It's really easy to spend an entire afternoon bombing your friends.

The definitive Bomberman experience at the time of its release. It continued to build on the franchise's core gameplay with a nice variety of multiplayer stages and powerups, while also delivering a solid story mode.