Reviews from

in the past

What in the fresh hell is this horrible covert art on Backloggd? Good lord, please upload the original Japanese / Europe box cover instead!

Anywho, Bomberman is a blast (HAH) and the first stays the king of the series (with 2 pretty close). This has the best adventure mode with really memorable boss, absolutely incredible character design and music themes ( the main theme / world 1 theme being the most iconic in the series and regrettably abandoned in the later titles). That mode's only flaw being that it is too easy. Short but very sweet, with a credit song that alone makes the whole journey worth it.

The multiplayer is what made the series famous and Bomberman 1 keeps it to the essential before Bomberman 3 and later opus flooded with gimmicks that break balance and add too much noise to a game that shines through it's simplicity.
Frenetic action, goofy situations, intense duels, all with very readable screens and perfect pacing. It's really easy to spend an entire afternoon bombing your friends.

Gráficos ótimos pra super Nintendo, trilha sonora ótima e Bosses muito criativos.

um bomberman que envelheceu muito bem

a arte é linda, os controles são fluidos e confortáveis de jogar e a dificuldade progressiva de inimigos equilibra o jogo como um todo, proporcionando uma sensação de que ele poderia ter sido lançado recentemente.

a variação de temáticas entre os capítulos traz cenários lindos e marcantes demais sendo que você só quer sair rápido deles e antes do tempo acabar.

um jogo da década de 90 que diverte até hoje tanto quanto na época em que foi lançado.

Infelizmente só joguei a campanha single-player, mas definitivamente teria sido uma experiência melhor jogar com um amigo. Tem uma ost boa, e os chefes são legais. Um exploit que eu acabei pegando é aproveitar os segundos iniciais de invincibilidade e lotar a tela de bomba, porque uma bomba explodindo, explode outra junto, então vira uma zona e você facilmente limpa a tela. O problema dessa estratégia é você uma vez ou outra vai acabar explodindo algum power-up, mas os tijolos da fase devem compensar.
Planejo jogar os outros jogos da franquia (inclusive os de fliperama), então essa nota atual pode mudar (3/5).

A perfectly serviceable bomberman game. The sequence late in the game where you have to fight other bombermen is kind of annoying to me (especially since if you lose you have to go back to the last boss fight!) but overall it’s not a bad time.

It makes complete sense that, out of all of the old Hudson Soft franchises that Konami would bring back into the modern gaming scene, Bomberman would be the one that they would choose, but the iteration of Bomberman they would bring back was a bit of a surprise. They have released a small variety of Bomberman games in the past couple of years, like Amazing Bomberman and whatever this stupid weeb shit is, but for the most part, the series has had its primary focus on the Super Bomberman set of games, starting with Super Bomberman R, and continuing on with other titles like Super Bomberman R2, which was released last year. These games could be considered completely separate entities from the other Super Bomberman games, considering how they look and feel much different from those games, but if that is the case, then why would they even bother putting the “Super” in that title in the first place? Not to mention, it is interesting seeing this kind of take on the character and its world in recent years, which has gotten me interested in this little sub-series, even if most of it has nothing to do with what is currently being made. But anyways, I figured I would start to give the sub-series a try by, of course, starting out with the first game, Super Bomberman.

I haven’t played this particular iteration of Bomberman before, nor any of the other games in this sub-series aside from SBR, but I have seen it in action several times before, primarily due to this video by Sr. Pelo, which, if you haven’t watched it, please do so, cause it is funny shit. But anyway, it did make me wanna try out the game, even though when going into it, I wasn’t expecting much from it. It was probably just gonna be another Bomberman game, just this time on the SNES, and to be fair, it is mostly just that, but there was enough new stuff there, as well as enough charm and character, to where I ended up having a pretty great time with the game as a whole, and I would say it is my favorite Bomberman game that I have played so far.

The story is somewhat complex for this franchise, but not by much, where a robot tournament is being held by the evil Carat Diamond in Diamond City, with the robots in the tournament having the same capabilities that Bomberman have, taken from the Black Bomberman after being kidnapped by them, but soon after, Black Bomberman escapes their clutches and goes to warn the White Bomberman as to what is going on, so it is up to the two of them to team up and take on Carat Diamond and his evil minions to stop their dastardly deeds. It is a simple premise, yet one that is somewhat creative and enjoyable, even though you will most likely not know what the fuck is going on in the game itself if you didn’t try reading up on the plot beforehand.

The graphics are fantastic, having plenty of personality and detail put into all of the enemies, characters, and bosses throughout the stages, and the game’s overall style is much more preferable then what had come before it on the NES, the music is pretty sweet, having plenty of great tracks that I really grew to love while playing through the game, such as this one and this one, which I never got tired of listening to when they popped up in the game, and the gameplay/control is exactly like previous Bomberman games, so you should know almost exactly what to expect if you have played literally any other game in the series before, but compared to past games, it does add in a few new additions that make the game that much more fun addicting to play for me, hence why it is now my favorite title in the series so far.

The game is an isometric maze game, where you take control of whatever color of Bomberman you choose, go through a set of six different worlds, most of them containing their own set of levels that you have to conquer, use your bombs to blow up whatever debris is around you and blow up the many foes that you will encounter, while also making sure to not blow up yourself in the process, gather plenty of power ups that can either increase your massive firepower to heights you never thought possible, or become a detriment to you and cause you grief, because why would you pick up something that has a skull on it, you fucking idiot, and take on several bosses that will provide a bit of challenge if you aren’t quite ready for them. Most of it is your standard Bomberman experience, nothing to really get too impressed by, but it is the added charm and character from the graphics and animations in this game, coupled with the new additions to the series, that made me end up loving it more than I probably ever would have if they weren’t there to begin with.

While this isn’t the first game in the series to introduce them, this game now has boss fights, something that was severely lacking in the original two NES Bomberman games, with the bosses ranging from your generic big bad robots to a nightmare-inducing clown head that I want away from me as soon as possible. These bosses, as a whole, aren’t really all that challenging, and if you know what you are doing, you can take down a lot of them pretty easily, with the exception of the final boss, who does require a little more strategy to take on, and I did struggle quite a bit with him. Nevertheless, these bosses still provided fun enough challenges, and it was a nice change of pace to take these guys on whenever I got to them.

In addition, you can now play through the main game with a friend, who will control Black Bomberman and can do just as many things as the White Bomberman can do. I myself didn’t have the pleasure of playing through the game with a friend, because I am a lonely sack of shit, but the fact that the option is there is still pretty neat, and I imagine that that would be the best way to play through the main mode… even if you can still blow each other up with your bombs. If you are not a fan of doing that in a co-operative setting, then not to fear, because as is tradition with Bomberman, there is a Battle Mode where you and up three other people (with the multitap, of course) can duke it out in an explosive match in the arena to see which one of you truly is the mightiest Bomberman of them all. Naturally, this is definitely where most of the fun that this game offers is gonna be had, and from what I have played, this is definitely the best multiplayer mode that the series has had so far, even if other games after this obviously have managed to surpass this by a long shot.

Of course though, given that this is a Bomberman game that we are talking about, most of it is still the same old shit that you have been doing time and time again, and for those who can’t get into these games, or even for those who have gotten sick of them, there will be nothing in this game that will win you over above the others. Yeah, there are those new features and enhanced modes that I mentioned, but most of these additions are just standard features you can find in any other game, so having them here really doesn’t seem like a selling point, unless you are someone who is a big fan of the series like I am. Also, some parts of the game were somewhat annoying to deal with, such as World 5 of the main mode, which was just a gauntlet against the Robot Bombermen that were made, and let me tell you, fighting them was just… sharp inhale, SO MUCH FUN (kill me). But hey, despite all that, for a game that is over 30 years old at this point in a series full of plenty of other, very similar games, it still manages to be a fun time regardless, and that is all I care about at the end of the day.

Overall, despite not that much change, Super Bomberman managed to take the typical Bomberman formula, give it a new coat of paint, and expand on it enough to where I can say it is a great time, one that is great to play whether through the single-player mode or with some buddies in some versus matches, and one that fans of the series can get a kick out of all the same. I would definitely recommend it for those who are big fans of this series, as well as those who just couldn’t get into what past games like Bomberman 1 or 2 gave them, because while there isn’t much new here, it manages to polish up most of the rough edges and add enough personality to where you could get a kick out of it regardless of what came before. satisfied sigh... you know what, I am glad that I decided to stick to these games, cause each entry just seems to be getting better and better as I keep playing them, and it makes me wanna get to the next game as soon as possible! But, of course, I gotta look at some other stuff first, just to not make things too stale. So, I’ll see you all in a month or so when I inevitably play Super Bomberman 2, and probably forget this game ever existed at all.

Game #559

so de ler o nome da uma saudade de quando eu tinha costume de jogar isso. Minha mãe ama jogar esse.

Esse é mt bom, as vezes ainda volto pra jogar e passar o tempo pq pra mim é o mais divertido da saga. Eu só curto mt de jogar o battle mode principalmente na primeira fase ( Normal Zone / 1 ) desse aq pq é a melhor versão da franquia, fora q tbm gosto da fase das madeiras ( Western Zone / 2 ) e dos q tem vários itens em volta ( Duel Zone / 7 ).

>> Prós
• DIVERTIDO : É legal pra passar o tempo.
• JOGABILIDADE : É uma das coisas mais fáceis de se aprender.
• BATTLE MODE : A melhor coisa do game é ficar jogando o modo de batalha, sempre volto aq pra jogar quando n tenho nada pra fazer.
• FASES : Pode ser bem simples ( já q é o primeiro ) em comparação aos demais, mas é bem legal o design de algumas zonas.

>> Contras
• I.A. : Em certos momentos os 3 bombers inimigos podem estar vivos mas só focam em matar o player e não entre si.

It's Bomberman! This one feels more like, balanced and accessible than the other ones I've tried, where I usually get wrecked by boss fights. I'm very appreciative that the whole level doesn't restart when you die.

No começo é bem divertido, porém depois de um tempo fica bem repetitivo e muito difícil.

the first bomberman game for snes! not a lot to say about it

Well-designed power-ups
Cute artstyle
Unique worlds
Fun gameplay loop (bomb, run, repeat)
Frenetic pacing
Chaotic Battle mode / multiplayer

Horrible procedural generation
Toxic enemy designs (cough Kierun cough)
"What-should-I-do-here?" boss fights (specially the final one)
Long campaign with no built-in save system
Lack of visual indicator to what power-ups you have
Non-intuitive GUI

3.5 estrellas por el multijugador

1 estrella por la campaña

Really fun game with good enemy and visual variety. Powerups feel incredibly strong, massively increasing your capabilities or giving you new ways to kill enemies—the bomb kick is a masterpiece of powerup design. Losing them on death hurts, but it's always possible to recover (unless the next level spawns you next to one of a couple of overpowered enemies).

The penultimate world pits you against fake bombermen in a series of quasi-battle mode fights. It's a fun changeup.

Start-of-level mercy invincibility lasts upward of ten seconds; if you have enough powerups, that's often enough time to kill every enemy on the stage. I'll take that over Bomberman 2, where you have no mercy invincibility and so wall-ignoring enemies can simply beeline for you at the start and kill you before you can do anything.

Lategame enemies take too many hits, bosses take way too many hits and are incredibly boring, and the final boss inexplicably requires a specific powerup to hit; if you die and lose it, you must wait upward of a minute for another one to spawn.

Completed with no continues.

If it weren't for the final boss, I'd give it a 4 more.

The definitive Bomberman experience at the time of its release. It continued to build on the franchise's core gameplay with a nice variety of multiplayer stages and powerups, while also delivering a solid story mode.

Super Bomberman is a perfectly fine game as one of Bomberman's earliest games. If you know how to play Bomberman, you'll know how to play the game with bombs, power-ups, and positioning. As one of my first Bomberman experiences, I did suck at the game, but I still had fun with despite some bosses and generic enemies annoying me. Music is pretty nice and catchy, though the footsteps sound effects could get eargrading at times. The bosses are alright, but the final bosses's second phrase is bad game design since you need a upgrade (the boxing glove) to actually damage it. Otherwise, its short, sweet, and a perfectly fine Bomberman game. 3.5/5.

Caralho mlk eu não lembrava que esse jogo era tão bom pqp to viciado as boss fights são uma delícia que isso

For my first Bomberman game, I was thinking of trying the NES one, but decided on this for 2 reasons, firstly because the NES Bomberman has 50 FUCKING LEVELS, and also because i liked the footstep sound effects in this one, idk why, they just itch my brain in the right way.

Anyway, this was a great time, and one of the best ways to start with the BM franchise. It's pretty easy for a SNES game, since you have unlimited continues which start you off in the exact level you were in. The stage 4 boss can go smd tho.

the ost also bangs, stage 4 and the boss themes are both top 10 snes music tracks

Jogabilidade simples, dificuldade na medida e boa trilha sonora: tudo o que pede um jogo da geração, Super Bomberman entrega com todos os méritos. Jogo espetacular.

I've been a fan of the Bomberman franchise for most of my life, so I'm glad I was finally able to play my first Bomberman game today.

Pretty fun, but because it's the first in the series, it lacks a lot in content compared to its next installments.
Still worth playing if you like the franchise.

Este juego no es la gran cosa.

¿Es entretenido?, sí. Sus gráficos son preciosos, tuvo sus aportes para la franquicia del bombadero blanco como la instauración del modo de 2 jugadores en el modo historia, y el multijugador está a la talla, tal como nos suele acostumbrar Hudson Soft.

Pero tiene varios problemas, su diseño de nivel deja un tanto que desear.
Los mapas son muy pequeños, y si le sumas que el juego te regala varios segundos de invencibilidad al inicio, puedes ir a lo loco espameando bombas hasta eliminar a casi todos los enemigos.

Incluso el Bomb Kick te permite matar hileras de bichos consecutivos.

Tendría más sentido que el mundo 1 inicie con mapas pequeños, y que después la curva de dificultad se vaya ajustando para presentar mapas más extensos o complicados, cosa que si hicieron bien juegos como Bomberman 93 o el Bomberman de Turbografx.

Esto no quiere decir que el diseño intente por lo menos presentar un reto fácil, pero sustancial.

Varios enemigos pueden aguantar más de un golpe, y otros contienen habilidades que te mantiene atento a lo que sucede en los mapas, como los enemigos que cruzan bloques rompibles, o los bichos dientones que se comen tus bombas.

También, si explotas una bomba en la meta por accidente, el diseño te penaliza con más enemigos.

El mundo 6 como recta final, está bien hecho. Te ponen caballeros cuya resistencia es más elevada a los enemigos promedio, incitándote a posicionar bombas en ciertos puntos del mapa, y dañarles con cierto uso de estrategia.

Y el tiempo límite de 2 minutos, funciona bastante bien. No es permisivo, pero tampoco super exigente.

No será la solución de diseño más adecuada, pero como tal, cumple.

Los jefes también son decepcionantes. Muchos se sienten como enemigos enormes con más HP de lo normal, tienen patrones predecibles, y los puedes matar mediante el exploit de invencibilidad comentado anteriormente.

Pese a tener aspectos en contra, no diría que es un mal juego.

Está decente, y es más disfrutable cuando se juega con amigos. Pero si quiero jugar algún Bomberman, tengo otras opciones mucho mejores como el excelente Saturn Bomberman, las secuelas de la saga Super, Bomberman 94, entre otros.

Battle Royale antes dos Battle Royale

A nata de todo Bomberman.
Ele faz o básico muito bem, mas peca em dificuldade. O jogo as vezes é muito fácil, e as vezes é desnecessariamente difícil.
Há momentos em que é necessário perder uma vida para conseguir matar alguns inimigos específicos, para então começar a limpar a fase.
Os bosses são todos muito fáceis, mas achei eles divertidos, sinceramente. É fácil descobrir suas fraqueas, e isso leva à uma batalha dinâmica.
O game não tem qualquer enredo rolando. Você faz o que faz apenas "porque sim".

Eu gostei dele, tho. É um jogo rápido, divertido e fácil de jogar, excelente pra passar um tempo.

Some bosses might be a tiny tiny bit baloney (AND THE STAGE 6-4 KNIGHTS) without the respawn invuln bomb spam trick, specially if you are on a fresh password reload without any fire powerups...but having that little trick on your sleeve to burn through annoying enemies and bosses if needed is not only really funny to watch but also helps with the run time whenever you happen to die to use it, and overall is something fun to use as the only game that has it. Reminds me of Sonic Adventure and the spam dash lol


First time I played it with him was in July 25, 2023, then hadn't played it again until today January 21, 2024 as of writing this and actually completed it. Two sessions and the game is done- short but sweet (had a password to restart from the last time we played).

Bomberman with co-op is such a simple but effective game not only because Bomberman itself is easy to pick up by kids, but also there's so much funny stuff that can happen when both are trying to get one enemy, or even surprises when your little nephew managed to ace that one last enemy remaining on a stage while you somehow ran out of lives. Even if many time its you carrying the stages, but teamwork is what makes it fun, y'know.

We even managed to complete the game, me giving a last stand to the final boss after my nephew died and ending the second phase without dying with the Bomb Punch, right as his dad said it was time to go. Still surreal to think that such perfect timing happened, but I'm glad that it did.

TL;DR: Play this game- alone it should be worth to power-up and survive with it or go ham with the respawn trick, but if you can play this with Co-op, then DEFINITELY do it. With friends, cousins or nephews, it is a blast that's easy to get, and really easy to get some laughs at.

Acho que esse jogo tem bosses mais bem feitos que os outros

fofo e direto ao ponto!

tinha uma memória secreta de ter jogado esse jogo antes mesmo eu achando que eu nunca tinha