Reviews from

in the past

Syphon Filter didn't really age well. Yet, here I am pondering on its absolutely weird take on its combat system. Hit-scans? Projectiles? What the hell, is that, Syphon Filter tells its competitors.

It manages to accomplish a level of power-fantasy unique to its system, with you running into dozens of enemies while regularly maintaining a status bar.

Also has the O button for rolling. Yeah, that's it for that sentence.

Don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser don't-mention-the-taser but seriously though the taser was so rad right

A quick play through of one of my most beloved PlayStation experiences.

It’s full of jank and bullshit, but the rewind feature on PS5 makes it far more fun. Eternally GOATed.