Reviews from

in the past

TMNT IV: Turtles in Time is a classic beat-em-up and one of the best Turtles games ever made! It's got fast-paced action, hilarious animations, and those iconic tunes blasting in the background. It's a little on the short side, and some boss fights are cheap... but throwing Foot Soldiers into the screen never gets old. It's a must-play for retro gamers and TMNT fans alike.

Solamente uno de los mejores Beat Em Ups de todos los tiempos, en su version de SNES no le pide nada a su version de arcade.

think I played through this 5 times and hyperstone heist twice.
Really enjoyable experience, but I remember it being really easy, with the exception of the slash boss fight.
while it's not straight up better than shredders revenge it's faster and more fluid to play and doesn't have dumb movement inertia. Also takes about 50 minutes to complete

I'd recommend Raphael since he has the fastest walk speed

Primeiro jogo que zerei na vida

One of the best beat em up games ever.