Reviews from

in the past

TMNT IV: Turtles in Time is a classic beat-em-up and one of the best Turtles games ever made! It's got fast-paced action, hilarious animations, and those iconic tunes blasting in the background. It's a little on the short side, and some boss fights are cheap... but throwing Foot Soldiers into the screen never gets old. It's a must-play for retro gamers and TMNT fans alike.

Solamente uno de los mejores Beat Em Ups de todos los tiempos, en su version de SNES no le pide nada a su version de arcade.

think I played through this 5 times and hyperstone heist twice.
Really enjoyable experience, but I remember it being really easy, with the exception of the slash boss fight.
while it's not straight up better than shredders revenge it's faster and more fluid to play and doesn't have dumb movement inertia. Also takes about 50 minutes to complete

I'd recommend Raphael since he has the fastest walk speed

(Completed in TMNT Cowabunga Collection on PS5)
TMNT Turtles in time is a game which I have a complicated relationship with. There are some elements which I think are great such as the artstyle with it being very visually appealing, the use of iconic characters from the show rather than simply inventing new characters that other games based on licensed materials like to do and the fluent controls. However, I found this game so difficult for some reason and it just felt like a nightmare to complete and felt physically angry when I kept dying especially in the Jurassic era of the game which definitely impacted my enjoyment. Additionally, the gameplay felt very repetitive and monotonous which was problematic when going between the different sections of the game and when the game did try to spice it up and create original content; it felt worse than the main game such as the sewer portion. Overall, I think this game is a product of its time which was likely really good back in 1992 but has not aged the greatest.

An absolute classic co-op beat 'em up. Could only play it at friends' houses as a kid, but it was always a hoot. More games should have the characters hop through time beating people up

I've never watched the show, but just from this game I can tell how much personality is there. Such a vibrant, fun game. Not the best feeling beat-em-up I've played, but a damn great one.

El culmen de los beat em up de TMNT, extremadamente divertido.

Beat'em Up clássico que imagino que tenha sido o primeiro de muita gente da minha idade.
Não é um jogo excepcional em nada, e apresenta vários erros muito comuns neste tipo de jogo, como picos de dificuldade elevada em momentos aleatórios.
Um exemplo disso é o fase 5, da pré-história, que na minha opinião foi onde o jogo foi mais difícil, e é só a metade do jogo naquele ponto. Os cenários posteriores à esse, e o próprio final boss, tem uma dificuldade MUITO reduzida, tornando até um pouco chato.
Outro problema é a sua variedade de inimigos: simplesmente inexistente. Este jogo repete os mesmos ninjas, apenas com variações de re-color e equipamentos, o jogo INTEIRO. Na terceira fase tu basicamente já vai ter visto tudo que tem pra ver, porque são sempre os mesmos.
Pra um jogo que explora viagem temporal em épocas como pré-história e velho oeste, podiam ter feito skins diferentes, inimigos variados mesmo... por exemplo: na fase do velho oeste, fizessem inimigos característicos da época, mudassem a skin dos ninjas pra casar com o ambiente, mas não há nada disso. Essa é uma área feita com bastante preguiça no jogo.

A história é um completo foda-se. Tem uma mini cutscene no início do jogo contextualizando o que tá acontecendo, mas depois de duas fases tu já não faz ideia do que tá acontecendo. Algo comum nos jogos da época: se não é focado em narrativa, o enredo é bem preguiçoso (isso quando tem um).

MAS nem tudo são espinhos, afinal os personagens são muito legais. Os ataques básicos tem pouquíssimas variações entre cada um, mas eles tem suas características. Há momentos que tu vai achar mais vantajoso usar determinado personagem, mesmo você podendo jogar o jogo inteiro só com um deles.

O jogo é muito bonito, tanto os sprites dos personagens quanto os cenários. É tudo muito bem feito.
Sem falar nas animações variadas, tipo quando você cai em um bueiro ou queima o pé.
Neste aspecto, o jogo tirou de letra e fez um trabalho excepcional.

As músicas também são muito boas e muito bem utilizadas. Temos a música que rola basicamente por todo o cenário, e então ela troca pra uma outra quando a boss fight vai iniciar. É bem utilizado, e ajuda na mudança de atmosfera.

No geral, é um bom jogo sim, mas está LONGE de ser o melhor. É divertido, mas tu vai passar raiva em vários momentos.
Eu diria que, por ser mais tematizado em uma série de renome, pode ser bom pra quem quer conhecer o gênero, até porque o primeiro cenário é bem gostoso de jogar, te cativa bastante, mas também acho que existem opções melhores e menos frustrantes pra isso.

Pra um jogo com tantas falhas comuns entre os jogos de seu gênero, ele exerce bem o seu papel, mas não deixa de ser um dos mais frustrantes que já joguei.

this game is why a lot of people love ninja turtles

it was good i just like the nes ones better still a good game though.

não é o jogo mais prestigiado das tartarugas à toa. beat'em up com uma rejogabilidade excepcional.

Cute as hell, the soundtrack rocks, and the mechanics allow for some decent fun. Not the deepest beatemup, but makes up for it with its amazing personality. It is a pure joy to play and learn.

Perfect SNES Beat em up, nothing to add.

tá pra nascer um jogo de TMNT melhor que esse

Primeiro jogo que zerei na vida

One of the best beat em up games ever.

Eu gosto do donatelo por causa do tamanho do pau dele

A great beat em' up with a ton of charm, and great soundtrack. A solid way to blow off an hour or two with a buddy or solo.

That being said, who the fu- made Michelangelo the hard-hitter of the group

Best old school TMNT game easily

Este es un juego el cual posee tortugas , saben karate y hay viajes en el tiempo, sumado a que luchas contra ninjas robot que explotan. No jugar bajo los efectos de estupefacientes o drogas psicodelicas

Both Shredder fights are terrible but other than that it's worth at least one run through, if only 2020 was actually f-zero

Com certeza o beat'em up que eu mais joguei na vida, cheguei várias vezes na penúltima fase quando criança mas nunca tinha terminado.

É bem difícil como esperado pra jogos no estilo arcade da época, mas de todos que joguei no SNES é o mais justo. Não abusa de mecânicas baratas, só te enche de inimigos pra você se virar. Bem divertido, extremamente bonito e com ótimas músicas. Em especial as animações dos turtles são maravilhosas, desde eles caindo em buracos até pisando em espinhos ou tábuas soltas que batem na cara deles. Tudo bem cartunesco e divertido. A variedade de sprites de inimigos é bem sofrida, a maior parte é só recolor de um mesmo inimigo, mas pelo menos as diferentes cores significam inimigos bem diferentes com movesets e armas que pedem que você lide de formas bem variadas.

Também acho que o jogo tem uma ótima duração em contraste com os dois Batmans e Power Rangers que eu joguei, que todos parecem um pouquinho maiores do que precisava.

I rented this quite a bit as a kid. The absolute best part is the boss fight where you are looking at the level through the eyes of the boss, so you can only damage it by throwing enemies towards the screen. That's pretty good.

Co-op'd this with a friend twice last year after having never played it before and I've seen the light. This shit bangs. Super Shredder is on fraud watch.

Amazing Beat-Em Up Game, This has taken so many years of my life and I don't want them back

You could do a lot more with this time travel concept in a direct sequel. Imagine the Turtles fighting in the Stone Age, Ancient Egypt, Medieval Europe, the Roaring 20s, etc. There are so many possibilities.

Anyway, this is great. Combat is fast paced and exciting, especially the bosses. I've never watched the TV shows or movies, but it seems like the source material has been captured properly (from what I can tell anyway). Visuals are appealing and well-animated, plus there's a very good soundtrack to go with it all. As a bonus, you have a neat little time trial mode, where you fight a collection of separate encounters back-to-back. It's very satisfying to achieve sub-10 second rounds.

As for criticism, double tapping a directional button to dash feels quite inconsistent to activate. This is annoying when it becomes the main method required to beat a certain enemy (though tbf, you usually have another enemy that you can throw into them and defeat that way). Also, stage hazards on the pirate level feel a little cheap at times.

As an arcade port, this won't take up too much of your time. I think it's definitely worth checking out if you haven't played it.

So far in my adventures through the TMNT games of yesteryear, I haven’t really found much to get excited about. Sure, there were some good games to be found so far, but nothing that is gonna make me want to come back to one of these games over and over again in the future, especially with the original NES title. So I figured, since I did just recently play through a bad Spider-Man game and a bad Simpsons game, I want to play through a GOOD licensed game for a change. Yeah, I may be skipping a couple of other games when making this decision, but who cares, we can always come back to them later, and then we can properly give them the ripping that they deserve. For now though, I have decided to revisit what many consider to be one, if not THE best TMNT game of all time, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time.

If you have heard anyone singing any praise about any TMNT game, chances are that it is either this one or Shredder’s Revenge, which did take most of its inspiration and ideas from this game. I myself have played through the SNES version before back in the day, and yeah, I remember loving it back when I did, thinking it was one of the best beat-’em-up games I had ever played at that time. It has been a while since that original playthrough though, so I figured that I should give it another shot, and yes, I am sticking with the SNES version of the game, because that is the best version of the two despite not looking as good. So, after playing through it again, I would say it is still pretty great to this day. It may not be that unique from other TMNT games, or other beat-’em-ups, but it makes up for it with its fun and satisfying gameplay that I didn’t get sick of at any point.

The story is about as simple as a TMNT story can get, about them needing to get the Statue of Liberty back from Shredder, which is about as goofy and ridiculous as you would want one of these plots to be, the graphics are pretty great, definitely being the best looking TMNT game so far, and while it doesn’t look as good as the arcade version, the SNES version still looks pretty good for a port, the music is FANTASTIC, being without a doubt the best soundtrack in any TMNT game, having some incredible tracks throughout the entire game, and not a single dud I can think of, the control is simple yet satisfying, with there being a good impact present for whenever you beat up anybody, and there are no problems with the general setup to speak about, and the gameplay is familiar, yet still satisfying to run through, especially with a friend to join you along the way.

The game is your typical Ninja Turtles beat-’em-up, where you take control of one of the four Ninja Turtles, take on a set of stages from your home in New York City, or throughout multiple points in time, even including 2020 (looks a lot different then what we ended up getting), beat up every single Foot Clan member, robot, and Pizza Monster that get in your way throughout the game, gather plenty of pizzas and special invincibility boxes along the way to give you an advantage over your foes, and take on plenty of familiar foes to come from the TMNT from either the classic cartoon or the movies of the time. As is expected, it is pretty much what you would expect from your typical beat-’em-up of the early 90s, with not much else going on to make it stand out from the crowd, but there is one aspect of the game that I have to admire over everything else: it does everything it sets out to do, while also not fumbling the ball at any point.

This is, in my opinion, the quintessential TMNT game. Sure, the other games had some positive qualities about them, and there would be future games that would also reach the same level of quality as this, but when it comes to some good ol’ classic Ninja Turtle action from the 90s, you can’t get any better than Turtles in Time. Everything about the gameplay feels extremely fun and satisfying, from beating up your foes, to the different types of stages that you can play through, to the rockin’ tunes that go through your head whenever you do play it, and of course, fighting for the pizzas against your friend so you can be the ultimate jerk. There aren’t many other experiences like this. And not to mention, when it came to the SNES version of the game, it did add more to experience and enjoy, such as with new bosses, new types of stages that take advantage of the console’s Mode 7 capabilities, as well as the ability to throw enemies directly at the screen, which is the main gimmick for one of the bosses. Granted, it does take away some other elements, like the lack of four-player co-op, but aside from that, it is still the great game you experienced in the arcades.

With that being said, if you aren’t into TMNT or even into beat-’em-ups, then I can’t really say that you can find much to love about this game. Like I mentioned, there isn’t much else that this game does differently when it comes to others like it, so if you are looking for anything new and unique from a beat-’em-up, you won’t get that here. Not to mention, there are some elements that, while they don’t bother me personally, they may bother others. First off, when it comes to the SNES version, just like other Konami games, they lock the true ending behind the hardest difficulty, but thankfully, they don’t lock any content behind the difficulties, so it really only matters if you really care about some text boxes. In addition to this, those annoying-ass instant kill attacks from the original TMNT arcade game make a return in this game, and while they aren’t that big of an issue this time around, it does still suck whenever they are thrown at you. But then again, I could always just get better, so whatever.

Overall, despite a lack of originality and some bullshit moments here and there, this is, without a doubt, the best TMNT game so far, and one of the best beat-’em-ups of the 90s that I have ever played. I would definitely recommend it for fans of the Ninja Turtles, as well as fans of beat-’em-ups in general, because while it may not become one of your favorites of the genre, I can guarantee that it will be a good time with a good buddy to play it with. Anyway, now with all that out of the way, how do I end this review? Uh… maybe by making a snide comment towards the remake of this game, but I never played that one. So, uh… ooh, remake bad, ah, they ruined my childhood, ugh, Konami should throw themselves into a pachinko machine and never come back out.

Game #393

Arguably the best beat em up game of all time, at least at the time. Iconic music, animations, and a fun story make this a great, especially with a friend.