Reviews from

in the past

This is a game I want to like more than I do, but I just can't on board with "bumper" combat. It's not even that it's difficult or necessarily bad, but rather that it just feels stupid. Just let me swing my sword, man.

That complaint aside, Ys actually bothers with a story, good music, and dispenses with a lot of the mechanics that made something like Super Hydlide such a frustrating experience. The mechanics that it does retain are relatively straightforward (including the novel combat) which makes it pretty easy to get through.

Though the overall fidelity of the visuals is stronger than something like the first Zelda, the world and dungeons are unfortunately pretty sparse in the look department which makes playing through this feel somewhat dull.

All in all I think you can clearly see that Ys is a stepping stone a refined action RPG genre that just wasn't there yet, but earnestly trying nonetheless.