Reviews from

in the past

Fun party game with creative mechanics.

legit one of my favorite party games, i always have a ton of fun with this

Concept sympa de créer le parcours à chaque tour avec les autres joueurs pour le rendre de plus en plus compliqué.

Cuando hagan fiesta de videojuegos y no tengan idea de qué jugar, recomiendo 100% este juego. Gran humor negro y su nivel de dificultad depende de que tan malvados o vengativos sean tus amistades.

Tiene bonita animación, el gameplay es como cualquier Mario Bros o plataforma en 2D y antes de cada partida, tu y tus amigos deciden qué poner de obstáculo o ayuda para poder llegar a la meta.

Pocas veces me he reído tanto como con este juego y como saca a relucir lo peor de cada persona jajajajaja.

An incredible multiplayer platformer that leads to crazy outcomes every time with the sheer variety of stages, hazards, maps, tweak-able settings and more that makes it all a blast with multiple people!
Trying to make paths around or through obstacles to the end while also trying to sabotage others is always a fun time and highly under-utilised in party games like this. Well worth a try if you have 3 or more people to spare!

A game with awful controls but it's okay because it makes everything even funnier

The most annoying party game you can get.

Fantastic game when no one is a little bitch and scared of some action

É que nem blood trapland, jogo de plataforma pra passar raiva com amigos, a grande diferença é que você mesmo faz a fase. Quem teve a ideia desse jogo foi extremamente genial

People don't talk about this one that much, which is a shame because it is really good. A great game for a party. And to end some family nights in a bad mood.

animal abuse + gory deaths + wipeout + sabotaging your friends = good game

Joguem ultimate chicken horse AGORA