Reviews from

in the past

It's def fun, i like it a lot. Very good concept and excecution.

The most annoying party game you can get.

Fantastic game when no one is a little bitch and scared of some action

É que nem blood trapland, jogo de plataforma pra passar raiva com amigos, a grande diferença é que você mesmo faz a fase. Quem teve a ideia desse jogo foi extremamente genial

People don't talk about this one that much, which is a shame because it is really good. A great game for a party. And to end some family nights in a bad mood.

animal abuse + gory deaths + wipeout + sabotaging your friends = good game

Joguem ultimate chicken horse AGORA

Fun multiplayer platforming game

pretty fun party game which changes every time, can be annoying if made impossible but that'll depend on who you're playing with and how they organise the area

la cabra la oveja el becerro el caballo la gallina el mapache la ardilla la....

Absolute blast with any number of friends. Highly customizable

This is a great time to spend with friends. Never fails to bring laughter and frustration (in a good way) to the friend group.

one of the best guns in the game

Fun party game with creative mechanics.

legit one of my favorite party games, i always have a ton of fun with this

Concept sympa de créer le parcours à chaque tour avec les autres joueurs pour le rendre de plus en plus compliqué.

Cuando hagan fiesta de videojuegos y no tengan idea de qué jugar, recomiendo 100% este juego. Gran humor negro y su nivel de dificultad depende de que tan malvados o vengativos sean tus amistades.

Tiene bonita animación, el gameplay es como cualquier Mario Bros o plataforma en 2D y antes de cada partida, tu y tus amigos deciden qué poner de obstáculo o ayuda para poder llegar a la meta.

Pocas veces me he reído tanto como con este juego y como saca a relucir lo peor de cada persona jajajajaja.

An incredible multiplayer platformer that leads to crazy outcomes every time with the sheer variety of stages, hazards, maps, tweak-able settings and more that makes it all a blast with multiple people!
Trying to make paths around or through obstacles to the end while also trying to sabotage others is always a fun time and highly under-utilised in party games like this. Well worth a try if you have 3 or more people to spare!

A game with awful controls but it's okay because it makes everything even funnier

always a great time with friends, might be one of my favourite couch multiplayer titles to suggest when we're down to play some games. the controls aren't the most satisfying or tight, but I think if they were, it'd be too easy to get too good to the point where the contraptions you and your pals create are too easy to overcome. also a good chunk of unlockable content, whether it be levels or cosmetics, is always a welcomed addition!!
super fun game yippie

An alright party game, but I'm not personally a fan of how the controls feel.

It's been so long since the last coop game I've played

If you play with people who share your skillset, then I think it's one of the most fun party games to play at the moment. A must have for your steam library.

I really enjoy the concept of having to make a platformer level that's easy enough for you but too hard for everyone else but I wasn't a big fan of the controls for the building and for the platforming and when both of those are your main gameplay it isn't great to deal with.

Actual cool game to play with friends, really needs a option to support more than 4 players.