Reviews from

in the past

this is really cool and fun and i love the aesthetic!! theres seriously a lot of charm to this and i enjoyed what i played but i also just do not think this style of gameplay is for me unfortunately

A 3D platformer without a jump button is a really neat idea in concept… luckily in practice it was also very engaging! You drive around as the titular Yellow Taxi launching yourself off ramps and cliffs to collect as many green gears as you can to keep unlocking new stages. It definitely has the collectathon feel, each stage is full of the important progression collectables as well as some optional or less important ones so it always feels like you are making progress (though sometimes it can be a bit obtuse). There are even levels that add in a Crazy Taxi like mechanic where you are on the clock and need to drive people around to raise the time you have in the stage, all while finding the collectibles. Sometimes the game is a bit too lofty in its ideas and the controls/camera can’t hold up but all in all it’s a really solid unique game in the genre.

Fun platformer. Can be a tad bit confusing at times, but I highly recommend giving it a shot.

Very sweet game. Has a very unique and fun humor to it, and the platforming is very well tuned. There are some moments that I felt a little frustration, specifically with the larger areas. But overall this is a great collectathon. I wish it kinda had less stuff - I'm generally against the movement to have more collectables ala Super Mario Odyssey because it ruins the value of a collectable. The amount of gears in this game (and how easy it is to find them) creates a feeling that they are worth a little less. I kinda wish more gears were tied to doing specific tasks rather than doing a speck of difficult platforming in order to offset this feeling. It's still a great game though, with gorgeous visual style and wonderful music/sound design.

this is definitely the best feeling car game I've played in many years. I personally love the level design since it really focuses on that aspect. not much to say other than if you like crazy taxi and the tone of pizza tower than this game is for you.

Honestly, Yellow Taxi Goes Vroom is an incredible platformer. Even though it lends a lot of its ideas from other games, it still feels fresh and fun. The jumping mechanics are precise and satisfying, and some of the harder challenges are genuinly difficult.

The graphics and OST are very fitting, and the performance is outstanding in my opinion. I could care less for most of the dialogue/story, but that is not the reason for playing YTGV whatsoever. Would recommend this to anyone who is in for a fast-paced, challenging 3D platformer.

The enigma of removing a traditional jump button while including precision platforming is a mystifying and honestly misguided design choice. However, its joyous exploration of various 3D platformer staples is as inspiring as it is refreshing, and will surely go down as one of the more entertaining collect-a-thons I've played in years.

Full Review:

Lots of fun, although I'd be lying if I said it wasn't exhausting past the 30-minute mark of playtime.

very good game, i don't think theres many platformers where you control a car. There's a lot of momentum physics movement that you can use to find collectables in imposible places. Very cool.
Minor complain: there should be a couple of racing missions, giving that you are...a car
major complain: the sense of humor is real stupid. Like forced memes stupid, it's the worst aspect of the game