Reviews from

in the past

Tem tudo que eu esperava de uma demo da valve. É muito bom jogar algo feito com carinho.

A testament to the fact Valve really could just make some really cool games if they wanted to. Makes me sad they gave up such a concept :(

Funny little demo for a new physical product from the laziest videogame company on the market.
They sure were afraid of getting no shit on their little machine. Still not understanding your grasp on the market eh valve?

Valve keeps edging us with amazing tech demos like this or the Lab but refuse to make a new Portal game, shame.

A decent introduction to the placement of all the controls on the deck, but a bit too slow and too frequently non-interactive to be much fun as a game, or very recommendable as a general control tutorial. Entertaining dialogue and performance throughout.

القيم بلاي : تقريبا ما في قيم بلاي نادرا اتحكم بشي وما يكون ممتع اللعبة تركز على الكوميجيا بقصتها
القصة : كانت غريبة وجميلة نوعا ما استمتعت شوي فيها
الجرافكس : جدا عظيم والانميشن كان شي عملاق
الموسيقى : ما علق شي براسلي ما اتذكر اي شي منها غير الموسيقى اخر شي وكانت اضافة جدا جميلة
تقييمي : التجربة كانت مميزة بس ما حسيتها ممتعة جدا بنفس الوقت ما كانت مملة

This makes the deck seem just as cool as it actually is.

A great introduction to the steam deck’s features. And a brilliant, original sci-fi setting from Valve.

Valve please make something you're clearly still good at it omg

Технодемка возможностей дека, но хотя бы забавная