Reviews from

in the past

this game was funny and made me smile, but i wish there was just a liiiitle bit more 'game' to it instead of 'interactive movie'.

It’s a 30 minute tech demo narrated by Nate Bargatze what more do you want from me.

I think this needed less "story" and quips and more tutorial, like Meta Quests' free demo games: First Steps and First Hand.
But hey whatever.

Great short tech demo showing off what the steam deck can do and after finishing it id say it does that well it shows off every button and feature the deck has aswell as being a portal series game which i love if you have a steam deck definitely try this it is also free

The very first thing you should play on your Steam Deck, familiarizing you with the hardware. Otherwise, it's a very short game full of charm and humour.

This is one of the strangest games that I have ever played. It's actually kind of difficult to even consider this a game. It's mostly just a glorified, yet charming, tutorial for the Steam Deck. The experience is very short. It maybe lasts an hour or an hour and a half. When it comes to the story, I think it has a lot of interesting ideas that play with the already pre-established lore of the Portal/Half Life franchises. It creates a lot of speculation on whether or not this will play any effect into the final consummation of a rare Valve trilogy. I think it was probably the most Valve answer to having a tutorial for a new and foreign device that was being attempted for the first time. I think I rate it so highly mostly out of respect for it. It never was looking to be considered a real game. It was merely an amazing hook for a device that people were skeptical of. It did everything it was supposed to and did a fairly good job with it. In the end, 3.5 / 5 seems fitting for this title.

Valve keeps edging us with amazing tech demos like this or the Lab but refuse to make a new Portal game, shame.

Funny little demo for a new physical product from the laziest videogame company on the market.
They sure were afraid of getting no shit on their little machine. Still not understanding your grasp on the market eh valve?

Uma experiência divertida, servindo como uma forma de apresentar o Steam Deck. O uso do controle na gameplay é bem feito, os gráficos são bonitos e a trilha sonora é incrivel(como todo jogo Portal).

Uma simples com o intuito de demonstrar as capacidades do Steam Deck mas feito da maneira mais sem graça possível.

this was cute, shame it was so obviously a stream deck game, but thats what it was going for i guess

Cute way of letting people get a feel for the controls and layout of your gaming device! Not much of a game but still flowing with Valve personality.

Технодемка возможностей дека, но хотя бы забавная

Valve please make something you're clearly still good at it omg