Reviews from

in the past

This is a very good game, surprising how well it has aged. The guns feel weighty and powerful. The destructibility is incredible, something I was completely surprised by. The story is something I did not pay an iota of attention to. You're supposed to be a kind of spec ops guy who goes rogue? Not certain. All I really cared about was the gunplay. Which was pretty good! Good enough to go back and play? Maybe not. But I had a good time with it. I say that because, though probably among the best FPSs of its time, feels kinda bad to play now.

The fact that your screen goes blurry when you reload and that there's no proper aim-down sights but instead just a zoom in of holding it at your hip is annoying. Also the fact that every time you pull a gun out you have to do an animation. Nothing more infuriating than trying to swap to your shotgun because a guy is right on you and having to wait a second to finish fiddling with it.

Another issue is how often the game is just you spraying bullets into a guy who is standing still making the same flinching animation. A little tiring. Blowing the heads off of guys was fun but it could be very boring trying to take down a guy from far away with your AR. Still. despite all that, managed to have a fun time.

Each level is about an hour long which was perfect. No save states and some pretty unforgiving checkpoints makes it real annoying if you end up dying, which can easily happen on the later levels which was maddening. I also lost an hour's worth of gameplay because I forgot to save after mission end even though I made it back to the menu. Almost wanted to just delete the game after that. But had a great time completing an hour-long mission in the evening after work and then leaving the next mission for the next day, it was a good time! Would recommend if you're into older stuff.

Esse jogo é dificil pra caralho. Nunca consegui zerar.

Hidden gem, clunky mess only a mother like me could love, phenomenal sound design.

pqp to surdo até agora com os barulhos do tiro

Buon FPS, si lascia giocare tutt'ora. Ma non è per nulla un gioco semplice anche a normale.

Black is quite the interesting game artistically. Guns designed to be pleasing to the eyes and ears of players rather than be accurate, environments filled with destruction with a harmonizing soundscape, very detailed maps and post processing for the 6th gen, the depth of field effect on every reload... Lots of things that will impress those putting this into a PS2 or an emulator.

Unfortunately, a lot of the levels are very bland looking despite the impressive tech and it kinda falls short on gameplay. Controls are sluggish, the aiming sensitivity is LOW for a bit and then just goes higher by keeping the stick moving for half a second, with no settings for controls whatsoever. If you need to precisely aim, you have to hold down the zoom button which also kills your view speed, but at least it won't wildly turn cause you took that frame too long. Dumb as hell enemy AI, they always take cover in the same couple spots if they don't just run at you and stand or side step on the same line. The plot was added last-minute and they still made the decision to make cutscenes unskippable knowing it wasn't great. Only thing I really liked was that some levels can be fairly big and there's collectibles all around, but it didn't help that much when combat generally has little sauce.

I wish I could see what others do in this game, but outside of those moments where the bullets and debris are going all around, I was mostly bored or annoyed with the controls. For 2006, I expected it to feel less clunky, considering FPS games on consoles had already been evolving a lot in the few years before. I wonder if the game would have turned out better had it not been made under a split team, but what ifs are complicated. A bit disappointed to be honest and was getting burnt out despite the short length.

The guns in this game were so loud, it snuffed out my parents arguing at each other.

It's great fun if you can enjoy it for what it is - style over substance. There's nothing special about the gameplay or the narrative. It's all about the explosions and destruction with bullets, bodies and debris flying everywhere.

I'd argue it's best enjoyed on normal or even easy. This was the first FPS I ever played with a gamepad back in the day, so I sucked really bad and had a tough time. Eventually, I came back and beat it on the hardest difficulty, more to prove a point than anything else. On this last playthrough I played on normal again and found it pretty lenient, but in a good way. You can afford to be sloppy and just go in all guns blazing like it says on the back of the box. On the harder difficulties you can't carry health packs, so you are forced to go more slow and steady and pick off enemies from afar, which is not a fun way to play what is ultimately a power fantasy game. You also don't have to worry about mandatory collectibles which can disrupt the flow of the experience. Leave those for subsequent playthroughs, if you are the completionist type. The game's super short anyway.

The story is not very original or interesting. Something about a deep black ops conspiracy. They throw so much military jargon at you that it's a bit hard to follow. I do like the visual style of the live-action cutscenes, though. The orchestral score is used sparingly, but it's really good at building tension or creating an epic feel.

I've seen people make the claim that this is the best FPS on PS2. I don't know about that, but it might very well be the most technically impressive one. Yeah, the lighting is all baked and the destruction is pre-calculated, but it looks great in motion, especially for the time and hardware. I played in 480p (activated by holding X and triangle while the game boots) and it does have some slowdown during heavy scenes, but it's fairly minimal considering the quality of the visuals. There's a widescreen mode, but you should avoid it, because it's just cropped-in 4:3.

"Black" stands out as a remarkable achievement in the fifth-generation console era, boasting graphics that pushed the limits of the hardware and set a new standard for visual fidelity. The shooting mechanics are exceptional, offering tight controls and satisfying gunplay that make every firefight intense and exhilarating. In its time, "Black" was undoubtedly the best shooter game available, showcasing the capabilities of the era's consoles. While the story may be somewhat average, it still manages to deliver a cool and engaging experience that complements the action-packed gameplay. Overall, "Black" remains a standout title that continues to impress with its groundbreaking graphics and solid shooting mechanics.

zerei quando era muleque, provavelmente foi no easy, me marcou muito

Eu amo esse jogo, considero um must-play da sexta geração e recomendo fortemente pra qualquer um que goste de jogos de tiro. Lembro que zerei 100% na época do Playstation 2, todos os modos finalizados, me orgulho muito desse feito!

Esse não é só um dos melhores FPS que eu já joguei, como também é um dos melhores jogos que eu já joguei, não só do PS2, mas, da vida, é um jogo com uma dificuldade bem acima do padrão, mas, não de uma forma negativa, e sim de uma forma desafiadora e legal para o player, o jogo tem gráficos lindos, boa jogabilidade, é um jogo frenético, tem ação o tempo todo, é um jogo que dá uma satisfação diferente de zerar.


genuinely one of the best FPS games i’ve played. for coming out in 2006 this game was impressive. i remember when i first played it, i was about 6 and had no idea what i was doing. years later i’m 17 and decided to beat it. my favourite part about the game was the weapons. the guns feel amazing, it can be slow to aim but honestly it fit perfectly. the option to go guns blazing or assassinate everyone by just equipping or unequipping a silencer is so cool. the mechanics feel very smooth for an XBOX game. my second favourite part about the game is the environment. the level design was excellent i didn’t feel bored when i was traversing through the levels. i had a a lot of fun exploding half the environment. i think it’s super fucking cool that this game had this level of in depth design. a lot of games that have destructive environments don’t do it well or it’s mad clunky. but BLACK exceeds these expectations. my third favourite part of the game was the atmosphere. the moments where you just got done fighting for your life and picking up your loot feels so satisfying. im not sure how to explain it. i loved the missions where you’re alone. it feels so good being able to stealth around and just headshot everyone without being scene. makes me feel like i’m playing ODST. now this game isn’t perfect it has its flaws like the story isn’t that crazy, it had a cool plot twist but a boring start. the soundtrack could use some work since half the time your playing it’s nowhere to be heard. which made the world feel empty for me. but overall for a game that came out in 2006 this is awesome.

I'll be honest I forgot about this game.

Overall, an FPS.