Reviews from

in the past

Alright fellas we got the whole Twitter starter pack squad over there. The MC's strongest soldier, the guy who's inexplicably racist at times, asshole who just insults everybody equally, the dog pfp who's just as bad as the rest but gets zero traction... they really burying the stars... actually that really is the plot they couldn't be more blatant about it. Bury me like one of your french girls! To be honest, I thought collapsing buildings would be a bigger part of my life as a kid.

Our scooby-gang kpop edition, by a stroke of luck that one of these Twitter folks would probably come up with in a fanfic, are the only ones to make the cut after a terrible accident on set. Too busy singing their hearts out they couldnt escape on time, and being addicted to drama they immediately go at it within the ruins of the studio, checking twitter at times and being reminded why they want to die everyday. In that regard the game displays things accurately, as much as the minimalist (= amateur) translation can portray. Sometimes you get rapport events where everytime the character gets a flashback cg they look unrecognizable. These guys have alt accounts irl frfr.

Due to said translation, it can feel as if you're a contestant in Who Wants to Be a Millionaire once you're hit with any type of choices. You want to comfort someone and suddenly you're badmouthing their mother. I know Do-yoon really feeling like the betrayer when that happens +_+ he doesn't have that masters degree in rizzology!

Characters ordered by who I'd bark for: Inha, Juyong, Do-yoon Gyu-hyuk, Hyesung, Seil. I should have been buried with them ong

Not sure how to feel about Buried Stars. It’s a murder mystery visual novel with an interesting premise, but not a whole lot actually happens. Most of the game's events are inconsequential, and the free conversation gameplay got really old really fast. Suggesting keywords to each person over and over was so boring that I ended up just speeding through text until I could get to actual story progression, which was decent.

This might just be a me thing, but I felt the mystery was pretty simple and I figured it out almost right away. This is probably a side effect of the game's cast being super small, so there's not a lot of room to hide.

The game forces you into a bad ending regardless of your choices on your first playthrough, which I thought was a really weird choice. The game is already repetitive, and having to replay a significant portion of it was super tedious.

The game's characters are decent, and I was still compelled enough by the story to finish, but it's not an amazing game. It's just okay.
