Reviews from

in the past

I used to love the base building as a kid. It's still pretty fun to design a village and watch it progress and get upgraded but most of it is just waiting which isn't fun obviously.

The raiding never really appealed to me and it still doesn't today. Clash Royale's combat is much more simplistic and enjoyable in my opinion. This game just feels like spamming 50 of the same unit over and over again and hoping it works. I guess if I were more experienced I would understand how to read a defence and break through it but I just don't know how to do that.

I cannot stand this game. I'm biased because back when this game dropped I was in school and literally everyone was playing it and wouldn't stop talking about it.

I tried many many times to get into it, but I just find it tedious and dull. You spend most of your time not playing the game as you wait literal days for stuff to be built. Raids are boring. The whole thing just feels really cheap animation and production wise and everything is absurdly expensive to build.

I can't reccomend.

cookie clicker with pvp. trader mishimas clan 2024 takeover

Played for long time, but gets really fast boring because of long upgrade times.

waiting 1 month for my cv update

1000000000000000000 gold to upgrade 1 wall

I like the early version of this game, not the current one. Good gameplay.

Lembro de ser divertido e bem caprichado para um jogo de celular, joguei pouco mas tenho boas lembranças.

I only play this game once a week so I think it's perfect for me.

i can not believe you have to wait actual weeks for buildings to upgrade

I had to restart like 4 times.

Too long to do anything in this game.

wbijasz do gry raz na dzień odbierasz kupujesz coś wychodzisz i czekasz 2 tygodnie żeby ci się ulepszył dom

Clash Peaked during the era of Jorge Yao.