Reviews from

in the past

I'm so sorry the game is amazing but I hated it

Every single minute of it

I am so so so sorry

I literally prefer to play 10+ hours of Drakengard 1 again than another minute of this game I just can't...

i should have been the one to fill your dark soul with liiiigghhhhttt

This review contains spoilers

So recently bought the hd collection+4SE after loving DMC5 and decided to give the rest of the franchise a shot. 1st things 1st: This game is more than 20 years old and is VERY dated which is shown through the gameplay and level design. Gameplay is fun but simole and the level designs for the most part were pretty good. From gameplay alone I would give it a 4/5. Story is surprisingly decent for what it was and i enjoyed it as someone who doesnt know much about DMC. The music in this game is pretty good, not nearly as good as DMC5 but certain themes like Griffon were great. Now for the bad of the game-the last 6 missions are actually just awfull. 17,18 and 20 have the nightmare boss who is just not a fun fight in the slightest and was agony learning his moveset. 21 has some of the worst enemies in the wall tendril fucks which might just be some of the worst enemies in gaming. And then theres the final boss Mundus, who is great lorewise but horrendous gameplay wise. I do not want to fly through space on a final bosa.

Overall game is pretty good but the quality takes a massive nosedive at the end. Definitely give it a try if you have played DMC 3,4 or 5.

"Looks like we have a winner." "Jackpot."

It's well known that Devil May Cry started development as Resident Evil 4, (in fact it started as Resi3 even), and that lineage is obvious when you play. Fixed camera angles. Take items from one part of the castle to another to solve puzzles. Yeah, I see it. But on this playthrough, I noticed some Resi DNA that I hadn't before. That this game is actually kind of terrifying in its own right.

It all comes down to the music for me. You step into the castle, greeted only by piano notes being slammed down in what is almost a rhythm if you squint hard enough. And occasionally there's an actual nice song being played, but it sounds like it's far off. No matter where you are, that nice music is somewhere else. Even the shop music is creepy! C'mon man, this is supposed to be a happy screen! This is where I get all my powers! How are you gonna do me like this? And then of course you encounter your first bad guy and the game goes from very scary to downright horrify... wait hang on. This song is banging actually. Oh, that's right. I'm playing as Dante. Let's rock. And you proceed to wipe the floor with the dumb puppet.

Or you get kinda owned, like I did lmao. This game is tough, but not overbearingly so. The Devil Trigger mechanic helps immensely. Of course it feels great to go into that state and decimate the demons, but the real beauty of it is when you aren't in your DT form. The gauges fill up so wonderfully fast, which made me play more aggressively than I would have otherwise. Even when things looked bleak, it never felt like a comeback was out of reach. "Just gotta hit the guy a couple more times, then I can activate DT, get some health back, and can turn this around aaaand I died. Aw well, let's go again."

And no matter whether you're styling on the enemies or not the combat just feels and looks great. (Though some parts taking getting used to, like how dodging in certain directions sends you 50 feet in the air, instead of just doing a simple roll). I never got tired of watching Dante just unload an endless amount of bullets into the demons. Infinite ammo baby, and he doesn't even need a bandana. Dante himself is just rad as hell, and his cockiness is always well earned. You bet I was feeling just as smug as he was every time a boss went down.

Devil May Cry is all about empowerment. It throws this dense atmosphere and freakish, unforgiving enemies at you, but it knows you can come out on top. And you're gonna do it with style.

Now go beat it again on hard mode.

se le nota bastante el paso de los tiempos pero no deja de ser el inicio de una gran saga (ignoren el dmc2)

Definitely pulled a little bitch move and called it quits for now. The camera angles were just not doing it for me, they would change so often mid-battle and I would just lose control of Dante for enough time to get smacked and lost two-thirds of my health. And the boss fights are so counterintuitive to the fluid combat mechanics. Not sure if I want to put in the time to get good right now. Like any other franchise I explore, I am not going to let the shortcomings of one entry impact my enthusiasm to play the rest.

Say it with me now: skill issue.

cool fait sur la version HD steam mais capcom a décidé de refaire que la moitié des cinématiques c un peu honteux

beat em up like this on ps2 ? that's crazy

definitivamente é um dos jogos que eu ja joguei. nao me leve a mal, dmc 1 ainda é uma boa experiencia e a gameplay envelheceu muito bem, mas tambem é um jogo meio sem sal. eu sinto como se o jogo nao tivesse historia, voce simplesmente é jogado no castelo e fodase, se diverte ai.

o estilo hack and slash é dificil de se acostumar no inicio, mas depois de um tempo é bem divertidinho de se criar uns combos variados, ja que combinar as espadas com as armas de fogo é muito fodinha. no geral é legal, mas nao passa disso

edit: alterando a nota porque se comparado com dmc 3, esse aqui é bem ruinzinho....

The only thing I knew prior to Devil May Cry was that it was the original concept for Resident Evil 4. I think that's what intrigues me the most here personally, as this game has a surprising amount of design cues from the Resident Evil series, adapted in a unique action-focused experience. You got the cheesy story, the single setting, the items and puzzles... but then there's the addition of action and platforming.

This is a fine game, surely with room for improvement. Thankfully it's fairly short, as I found the story to be nonsensical and pretty much secondary to the rest. The only real flaw here is how the controls are laid out; finding myself frustrated to accomplish certain tasks mainly because of having to hold down the shoulder button to activate other sets of commands. But overall, Devil May Cry is well-paced, nicely-structured, and a good enough experience.

If it wasn't for that bum ass camera this would probably be my new favourite game of all time.

Always seems to be much more concerned with the corner of the room than the dark knight about to shoot a laser blast at me.

Resident Evil 4 com demonio


dante you’re gonna fill my what⁉️

-good ass combat
-soundtrack still slaps
-camera angles are the hardest enemy in the game
-nelo angelo 2 on dmd stole my lunch money
-ifrit my beloved

very good game and it still mostly holds up

game can feel like a slog at times, but it's still a good time

Devil May Cry 1'i 10 yılın ardından tekrar oynadım, 10 yıl önce oynadığıma göre daha çok beğendim. O vakit pek beğenmemiştim zaten ama şimdi biraz daha fazla beğenmemin sebebpleri şunlar; oyun bu sefer kanser etmedi beni. Sebepleri de şunlar;

İlk kez oynarken save sistemine ayar olmuştum baya çünkü direkt bölüm başına atıyordu, checkpoint yoktu. Bu da beni sinir etmişti ilk kez oynarken çünkü en baştan başlamak beni hep sıkan bir şeydi. Şimdi dert olmadı çünkü şunu fark ettim; bölümler süper kısa.

10 dakikanın altında bitiyor böümler. Kimi bölümler 1-2 dakikada hatta. Save gereksinimi yaşamadım o yüzden. Bir de can basma gibi destekleyici eşyalar da olunca üstelik. Yellow orb'lar da zaten checkpoint sistemini işliyor aslında, sadece sınırlı sayıda.

Yellow orb'lar saçma sapan yine de o ayrı. Çünkü öldüğünde sana sormadan aktif oluyor hemen. Aktif edildiğinde de checkpoint işlevi görüyor ama o ana kadar eşya kullandıysan onları yenilemiyor. Ve görev başında ölünce de kullanıyor, ki gerek yok çünkü zaten bir checkpoint yok.

Oyundaki tek saçma bulduğum sistem Yellow Orb'lar, onun dışında öldüğünüzde bölüm başından koymuyor bölümler kısa olduğu için. Ve açıkçası düşmanlar zor da gelmedi bana zaten, pek ölmedim öyle. Düşmanlar zorlu aslında ama oyun sana da cömert davranıyor gayet.

Devil bar'ı çok hızlı doluyor ve uzak menzilli silahlar aşırı dağıtıyor düşmanları, özellikle Grenade mahvediyor herkesi, boss'ları bile. Bir de kasılmak zor da değil oyunda. Bir de oyunda map sistemi var ve çok işe yarıyor, hiç kaybolmuyorsun oyunda.

Nereye gitmen gerektiğini de gösterince özellikle direkt çok hızlı bitirebiliyordum bölümleri. Bu ilginç çünkü ilk defa oynarken ben bu oyunda kaybolup duruyordum. Ya map'i hiç kullanmayı akıl edememiştim ya da fark etmemiştim bile bilmiyorum.

Oyunun combat'ı çok tatmin edici. Savurduğumuz hamlelerin ağırlığı ve düşmanların tepkileri o yıldan çok güzel ayarlanmış. Ses efektleri de aşırı iyi, ateş etmek çok güzel hissettiriyor bu oyunda. Bölümler de hiç fena dizayn edilmemiş, pek kompleks değil öyle ama yeterli.

Genel bölüm haritası her ne kadar bir bütün olsa da; gitmen gereken yerler çoğunlukla bariz olduğundan düz gidiyorsun yine ama bir bütünlük olması güzel. Yolunu kendin buluyorsun en azından map'e bakarak. 5.oyunu gibi "Düz koridorda yürü sadece" oyunu değil.

Bölümler çok güzel tasarlanmış. Atmosfer şahane. Gotik tasarımı çok yaratıcı ve temasını güzel donatmış oyun. Baştan aşağıya görsel dizayn olarak ustalık ve profesyonellik kokuyor. Tek sorunum combo ve yakın silah çeşitliliği konusunda biraz kıt olması. Tekrara biniyor oyun.

DMC replay maratonundayım ve ilk oyunu bu sefer sevebilmiş olmanın memnuniyetini yaşıyorum. Bayılmadım o ayrı ama gayet sevdim. Bu da yeterli benim için, fazlasında gözüm yok. Beni PS2 dönemine ışınladı bir de.

Me senti jogando resident evil hack and slash, por ser de 2001 devil may cry é um ótimo jogo, mas infelizmente envelheceu mal, o combate é bom, mas a câmera do jogo estraga a experiência em vários momentos, os bosses repetidos são outra coisa paia, mas é entendível. No geral, minha primeira experiência com devil may cry foi legal

esta mezcla no esta hecha para mi

Se eu ganhasse um real pra cada diva de cabelo grande com uma espada foda que consegue ter um dos melhores jogos do planeta, eu teria cinco, o que é estranho que aconteceu cinco vezes. Esse jogo apesar de sofrer com gameplay antiga, ainda consegue ser gostosinho depois de se acostumar com toda a putaria, só é um inferno a última luta.

Dante so good they made Dante 2

Eu não gosto de hack n slash mas o jogo é legal, deixando registrado aqui que tentei

todo fudidokkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk mas é melhor q o 2

What a pain, fight demons and the camera
had to cheese my way through
shout out air raid

If I had to tell anyone where to start with Devil May Cry, I'd say with 3, as it is both a prequel and a better game.
This does not mean the first Devil May Cry is a bad game, far from it.
But as the first of its kind there are many things that weren't ironed out, and it could throw off potential players from future installments.
Regardless of all that, Dante is always cool.

Devil May Cry is a series I knew virtually nothing about before I played this, but if the rest of the series is like this game I can see why people like it so much. The Basic gameplay loop of fighting enemies by executing different moves and combos and collecting the red orbs they drop to get upgrades was pretty satisfying and addictive and the mission level structure felt pretty good and made sure no section outstayed it's welcome. The game's setting and atmosphere reminded me a lot of Resident Evil in ways, a secluded island with a large manor and evil creatures dwelling within it made for a really interesting place to explore and I was always wondering where the game would take me next. Probably my favorite thing about the game was just how damn goofy it was in the best way possible. Though he didn't get many lines seeing as the gameplay was clearly the main focus here, almost every word out of Dante's mouth was a riot, combine that with incredible early 2000s voice overacting, and I can see why people love this silly character so much. Apart from just Dante though, the story, dialogue, and overall vibe of the game felt cheesy in a way that felt endearing and I absolutely loved it. My only real complaint with the game were it's boss fights, some of them were ridiculously easy while others were punishingly difficult and there really was no in between. On top of that the game reused the same four bosses over and over and it just didn't feel that fun to fight the same thing over and over again as opposed to something original. Apart from that the game only allowed you to save at the end of levels (at least as far as I could find) meaning if you died in a level and didn't have any yellow orbs left to revive you then you had to restart the whole level over again which just took me out of the game a few times during difficult missions, overall this is more of a symptom of being an older video game rather than a problem with DMC specifically, but it still wasn't great. On the whole though, I really enjoyed Devil May Cry and look forward to playing more of this series.

Cool b movie vibe, bosses were mostly ok even if i kinda disliked the bird, mundus was a good boss tho.

Surprisingly short but it wasn't a bad thing, platforming parts felt a bit awkward to do.

Combat was ok but it's the first one so it's understandable.

Overall it was enjoyable.

Imagínense enseñarle este videojuego a un morrillo pendejo, ósea, yo. Literalmente tiene todo para impresionar, combate frenético, fluido, un protagonista “cool”, soundtrack asombroso. Todos esos factores fueron más que suficientes para cautivarme, si bien opino que no envejeció muy bien, si me veo regresando algún día.

this is my favorite game ever and is the reason i got back into gaming after so long. one of my dads friends got me dmc 5 for christmas and i thought it was cool but nothing really stuck out to me. then after i graduated high school i downloaded the dmc hd collection of the playstation store and holy shit was i hooked. i’m really bummed out they cut out the whole gothic setting and aesthetic of the first two games as i much prefer them to the cheesy action aesthetic of 3-5. if you know anything about dmc 1 you’ll know the reason why the first game is so different from the others is because it started life as the prototype to re 4 and you could really fucking tell that. the fixed camera angles a lot of backtracking and the use of keys the music and it’s so dope and makes it one of the most unique action games i’ve ever played although some mfs complain about the fixed camera angles which i mean get good at the game lol. another thing that i like about this game compared to other dmc games how much less shit there is in the game. there’s only two devil arms and if you farm enough red orbs you should be able to get every move for alastor (i use alastor for mode and ifrits on hard mode and i would recommend the same) i get in later games it’s for replay value but honestly i would rather much just replay the whole game rather than certain levels. i also love how this game doesn’t throw a boss at you every level too it creates a new sense of pacing and it feels more realistic fighting the same boss three times i feel like this getting too long so i’ll end it with this. if you bitch about the underwater levels you’re fucking gay lol

completely kicked my ass. have a few issues with this (mainly the camera and that the final boss is kinda bad/unenjoyable, even if I only really dislike the first phase) but really I can't complain about a game that made me actually proud of myself for beating it. dante must die will take years off my life