Reviews from

in the past

A lot of 3d shooters feel like 3d shooters, but Doom also feels a videogame.

Joins The Godfather, Illmatic, and the works of Shakespeare in the pantheon of "Things That are Actually as Good as Literally Everyone Says They Are."

"A story in a video game is like a story in a porn movie... it's expected to be there, but it's not important"

I hate Doom and I hate id software. I think that John Carmack is a genius. I do not think that Romero is a genius. I truly despise the influence that these games have had on the gaming industry. Wolfenstein, Doom, and Quake are like an infection, a festering wound on American game development. Nothing that those two have touched matters to me in the slightest. They epitomize the absolute worst that American culture has to offer: the power fantasy, pure escapism, actual intentional Satanic imagery, glorification of violence, speed, destruction. It is the perfect game for a segment of the population which looks to games for thrill and excitement alone.

These stories have no meaning. You can't learn anything from these games. They are intentionally anti-literate. American parents of the time were fully justified in experiencing moral panic stemming from the onset of games like this.

Frankly it is frustrating to hear "gamers" defend Doom, Quake, retro shooters and act surprised that ordinary individuals took offense to them. Simulating corpses blowing to pieces is not fun. Just take a step back for a second. In all seriousness, what is fun or enjoyable about that? It is the genuine equivalent of fast food. It is tasteless, cultureless, visual stimulation devoid of any thoughtful content whatsoever. These games are agonizingly bad.

Doom is Duck Hunt. It is literally Duck Hunt. Aim cursor at target, press trigger, watch target fall, aim at new target. Duck Hunt is the rightful air to the title of "first important FPS" along with all the other light gun games. At least in Duck Hunt, we were simulating a relatable, recognizable activity that had some degree of cultural justification and acceptance.

What is Doom? There is no narrative context. Game opens, gun in hand, shoot. The targets, rather than being contextualized as ducks on a day of hunting, are human beings and eventually demons in hell.

For those readers who say " :( no ur wrong there is actually good story and content ur destroying demons and thats a good message :) " turn on your brain. Demons are defeated by one's strength of moral character, by personal struggle against temptation, by self sacrifice. There is no recognized moral tale about man blowing demons to bit with a shotgun or rocket launcher with the help of exploding barrels. It doesn't even mean anything. Even if one were to try to argue that Doom is some sort of literary metaphor for Christ's descent into hell, or man's descent into the psyche to defeat demons, the metaphor fails on it's own criteria. Because certainly such a metaphor would not suggest that we delight in the joy of carnal destruction, delight in visualizing human bodies blown to pieces. To believe in such a metaphor would only be to justify one's own base and violent desires under a thin veneer of self-serving moral argument.

No. It is far more reasonable and far more obvious to believe that this game was created from mans animal impulses. The Dionysian war impulse, setting man free from the "thou shalt not kill" dictate and allowing his evil desires to play out freely. This game is a signpost indicating the path of moral decay in our technological reality. In this world, there is only the superman and the enemy. And the superman of Doom, Quake, and the other early FPS games is a far cry from the superman of Nietzsche.

In this world, the only capacity the superman has is to kill. Man is reduced to a killing avatar. He engages in a world while violence is his only purpose.

They were right to make the ESRB and to punish id software for creating this. Yet another "Hatred", justified under the "but they're demons!" argument.

What an evil, reductive game. A man can only be reduced by playing it, and I deeply resent its influence on the industry that built on top of it. I hate Doom.

"If only you could talk to these creatures, then perhaps you could try and make friends with them, form alliances... Now that would be interesting."

Still need to complete the master levels but great game and i'm amazed how well it holds up to this day. One of the grandfathers of FPS and scared the hell out of me as a kid. Floppy disk still resides in my collection.

The shooter that shaped the gender, still being one of the best shooters ever and one of the hardest. The level design is soo iconic and characteristic side by side with the art direction which gives an immersive atmosphere.

June 16th: I have finished episode 1 (Knee Deep in the Dead) of DOOM 1 on Ultra violence with NO cheats for the first time. :3

June 17th: Episode 2 beaten. The Cyberdemon was as big of a pain as I expected. XD I'm not sure I'll be able to keep this difficulty up for all four episodes.

June 18th: Finished Episode 3, and it was fantastic. The further I got, the more comfortable I was with the difficulty, which felt amazing. It strikes me as great game design.

Some dated mechanics but still fun