Reviews from

in the past

What a game to really kick off the FPS genre! The music is absolutely phenomenal, leagues ahead of anything of it's time (and even most games released since), the gameplay is generally smooth and packed full of adrenaline, and the villains are just so satisfying to leave in a heaping pile of gore that you can't help but want to come back for more! (and that rhymed....)

The reason people port Doom to everything is because I want to play Doom regardless of where I'm looking.

Pensé que se iba a notar más el tiempo que tiene y se sentiría obtuso, pero no podría haber estado más equivocado, se siente genial matar monstruos y da una adrenalina increíble

This was my first game. It is one of the best games.

No es tan bueno como el Blood. Thy Flesh Consumed es un dolor de cojones intenso

probably the best fps of all time

taught us all a valuable lesson about running into walls

People overhype doom as if it were the best shooter ever. Shooting is fun, OST is iconic, lot's of gore and guns but the thing holding it back are the arcaic level design and repetitive graphics on the level making it hard to know were you're going suck so much. Play it with mods tho, it gets way better

proof that good game design doesn't age

I kind of wish I played this when it first came out, as its definitely something I would have enjoyed. Unfortunately it was a bit too dated by the time I got around to it. I love the recent reboots though.

Good game but a bit dated

Fine. Doesn't hold up the best without altering the original experience.

It may not have invented first person shooters, but it codified what the genre would come to be, and aside from that DOOM is just a fantastically fun time, as well as blazing a trail of robust mod support which has kept its fan community alive to this very day.

I have nothing profound to say about DOOM. You know what it is, you've played it. One time my boss caught me playing DOOM at work on my first edition iPod Nano. He was probably jealous.

wish I could play this or any DOS game for that matter for more than 30 minutes without having motion sickness. god tier game regardless

Played it ages ago and it was fun

it's doom what else is there to say

DOOM has aged spectacularly (if you don't get hung up on petty grievances like graphical fidelity or other such nonsense most gamers obsess over). Docked half a star for not having the Super Shotgun.

Probably one of the very, very few games that are truly timeless.


This is a certified hood classic.

a game that i was WAY too young to get into, it's 6 years older than me. Still fucking slaps though Which is a good sign for it

fun even if i ragequit halfway through doom 2

I played it on the easiest difficulty and died on the final boss by walking into lava

Quizas el FPS mas importante de la historia de los videojuegos.

El Diseño de niveles es tan bueno que uno nunca se aburre recorriendo los pasillos y a su vez no se pierde debido a que si ponemos atencion podemos encontrar la salida.

Visualmente y Musicalmente es una maravilla, en primera porque hay un uso excelente de colores y iluminacion y el otro porque tiene temas a lo heavy metal que resulta muy inmersivo a la hora de juegar

y por ultimo los controles responden muy bien y son divertidos de usar.

una joyita mis panas.