Reviews from

in the past

Really fun game and the art style makes it so that the early Doom games age really well. This is my first time completing the game and I had a really fun time, except for the bonus episode "Thy Flesh Consumed", which I found more irritating than fun and challenging. I also played the entire game without making any saves, so when I died, I had to start with only a pistol and no armor, which made the game more challenging but in a fun way. On to the next!

- Its doom.
- So much mods that you can really play this game forever and people have been.

Fun game, even if it was built in 1993 but mainly bug free and runs on low end devices with ease.
Used gzdoom.

Doom envelheceu igual vinho, gostosinho demais de jogar.

This game would be perfect if the pistol just wasn't in it but I'm not disappointed.

doods idk why i never played many fps games probably because i grew up with nintendo games this is raw kino though (from the amount i played of it)

I've played through the first episode of Doom many times in the past, but have never truly gave it a chance until now, and yeah, it's just as good as everyone says it is.

Even 31 years later, Doom is still just as atmospheric, labyrinthine, and fun as it was in 1993. Hell, it's even a bit scary at times, especially in Episode 3.
It has stood the test of time brilliantly.

fuck limbo though, all my homies hate limbo

Un videojuego legendario. Doom es un shooter en primera persona de acción frenética y niveles laberínticos, los cuales te incitan a explorar para conseguir todo tipo de armas y secretos. El videojuego está compuesto por tres capítulos, cada cual con su jefe final, cada uno con unos 8 o 9 niveles más algún nivel secreto. Los enemigos son variados y numerosos, cada tipo con un rango de resistencia y ataque diferente, que pueden incluso dañarse y matarse entre sí, aspecto que encuentro muy interesante, ya que, usando el escenario a tu favor, puedes usarlos de escudo. Los niveles, además de enrevesados, en los que tendrás que encontrar la salida (cuentas con un mapa que se va desbloqueando mediante avanzas) están llenos de peligros como suelos de fuego o veneno, más alguna que otra trampa difícil de detectar que te puede matar muy rápidamente. Al morir perderemos todas las armas que hayamos recogido (motosierra, escopeta, laser, ametralladora y lanzamisiles) quedándonos solo con la pistola y nuestros puños (Sí, podemos darle puñetazos a los enemigos con una nudillera de pinchos) lo cual nos empujará a explorar los escenarios en busca de nuevo equipo. Aunque sea solo un detalle, es bastante satisfactorio el caminar por el mapa y que se mantengan los cuerpos de los enemigos que hemos matado a lo largo del nivel. La música, caracterizada por el género Heavy Metal, se ajusta a la perfección a la ambientación, violencia y velocidad del videojuego, que se ha convertido en emblema de la saga.
En definitiva, Doom es más que un clásico, siendo uno de los padres de los videojuegos modernos, con hijos directos como Quake (de los mismos creadores) Alien Trilogy y Resurrection, Duke Nukem 3D, Goldeneye, Medal Of Honor, Painkiller, FarCry y un largo etcétera. Es un videojuego obligatorio al que tienes que jugar.


I played this on my school Chromebook back in 11th grade algebra class, fun times

Existe maior exemplo de bom game design do que DOOM?

Simplesmente um exemplo de construção de fases e progresso, consegue te manter no objetivo principal enquanto explora o mapa além de ser rico em todo o seu conteúdo. este jogo é magnífico não só no que se propõe como tbm no que se faz.

Eu esperava q por ser meio antigo a sua gameplay seria bem travada e entediante em alguns momentos, além daquela dificuldade arcade onde o desafio é maior doq oq vc tem. Mas oq eu vi foi uma gameplay muito bem definida e controlada do começo ao fim, uma dificuldade muito boa e q te desafia no momento certo mas não segura a sua mão, Se ele continua muito bom hj é pq foi uma obra prima em seu passado.

Top 5 reasons why DOOM still rocks in 2024 (by a tenderfoot born in 2000):

1. The amount of testosterone per pixel. If you want to play in lower difficulty levels you’ll have to acknowledge your lack of masculinity and pick the “I’m too young to die” option. I find it endearing.
2. The shotgun.
3. The main character’s walk cycle. It’s so exaggerated, I love how much it moves up and down, right and left, and how the weapon also swings around with each step you take. It makes you feel like a fucking berserker.
4. The action is great, but there are also some amazing horror set pieces. Lights will suddenly switch off and you’ll have to survive a shooting in the dark by trusting your instincts and the fleeting light of each shot you fire.
5. Finally, a horde of demons coming from Mars is too cool and iconic to be true and we should point out more often just how well this thing knows its own aesthetic.

The best cover art of all time. It's one of the most iconic and influential video games to ever exist.

Ah, Doom. What’s there to even say? It’s an awesome thrill ride and one of the most influential games ever made.

Doom has its flaws; some of the maps are overly simplistic or overly cryptic. That being said… shooting demons is so much fun that it barely matters. Rip and tear. Rip and tear! RIP AND TEAR!

perhaps the most impressive thing about doom is that 30+ years later, no fps has managed to make gore more satisfying than gibbing a marine with an explosive barrel.

the couple of shit levels in episodes 2 and 3 doesn't make them un-fantastic. sandy peterson worked a got damn miracle with 10 weeks. don't let the haters tell you otherwise.

A true classic for me. I used to play this ALL the time, and it wasn't the base game either, but loads and loads of mods, before we even used that term! That was what made Doom for me. Playing other people's levels, mods that affected gameplay, replacement music, and more. I loved it.

Bom demais, fiquei rodando igual barata tonta até descobrir que tem mapa e matei todos os bichos com a shotgun

Моя любимая серия шутеров от 1-го лица. Где ещё ты пойдёшь с кастетом на чудовище, которое больше тебя в 3 раза? Где ещё ты воткнёшь огромному пауку большое ёбаное оружие в рот? В ремастер наиграл около сотни часов в кооперативе за счёт пользовательских уровней. М Я С О

You just grab a shotgun and black out...

Would have continued but my Game Pass ran out :(

I had a nightmare I was in a Cacodemon nest and they were trying to cook me with their fireball breath making me melt and scream in agony and it was the most metal dream I ever had, Doom rocks bro

Still holds up to this day as one of the most pure fun FPS games ever made. Hunting for keycards breaks up the breakneck pace sometimes, but Doom II has that problem more and it feels more restrained in this one. The guns feel awesome, the levels are fun to explore, and boss fights are a blast

Maybe I'm just too much of a young buck but I couldn't get into this game because of the gameplay

This game's complete disregard for vertical space may be one of its greatest assets.

This was like the third video game ever made and it's still, like, really good. Damn.

This did not age bad at all, was insanely fun to play.