Reviews from

in the past

I was attracted by the graphics and general atmosphere of the game.
But the gameplay itself is not engaging. I got quite bored after 1 hour.
I really wished it would click more for me...

I can't get into it.

The game's world is beautiful and dripping with style, the atmosphere is cool, the lore is doing some fancy ideas and the plot doesn't seem all that bad, but the game itself is just... bland.

The combat is so unbelievably bland it ceases to be believed, so shallow and easy that I put 0 points into might and still clubbed enemies to death with a sword because it was still MUCH more effective than spells, the enemy variety (in terms of gameplay) is practically non-existent, and the character building has nothing to chew on.

There's just this... lack of sauce to the game. It's all kind of there, looking pretty, but there's no bite to any of it. It's all so surface level, toothless. Maybe I get bored too easily, but I sadly can't find the motivation to turn the game back on.

Ohh Paeguthhhhh what's your number haha heyyyyyyyyyy