Reviews from

in the past

This is truly one of those games where it's like "OKAY ALL I HAVE TO DO IS THIS AND THEN I'LL GET OFF" for hours and hours and suddenly there's a day where you don't feel like playing anymore and you just completely abandon it

Incredibly fun and addicting. For me, eventually my base gets so criss-crossed and poorly built that it made me never want to play again though.

L'un des meilleurs jeux sandbox et le meilleur jeux de production/d'automatisation, un univers littéralement presque infini avec les mods. Super chronophage, balance, fun, multi propre. Juste le prix par pitié faudrait le baisser un peu...

I'm not done yet, but god damn this is endlessly addicting

its fun but making ur character an anime girl is like replacing 1000 frames i gotta 3d model a character out and replace him and make all the animations and im lazy

A perfect game in its genre. One of the most satisfying games ever made.
This game made me simultaneously feel proud of what I built and motivated to improve it. The real progression is your own knowledge and ingenuity improving. I don't think anything is more fun than that in gaming.

Anything you don't like about the game you can adjust in the settings and still get a meaningful experience. I think the biggest weakness would be a bit of a learning curve but it isn't too bad.

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Absolutely fantastic game. It's biggest flaw is that you can get in your own way and ruin the fun by spending 20 hours perfectly optimizing the little stuff and burn out before you get to the big stuff.

tenho mais de 500 horas nessa merda
toda vez q eu fecho o olho eu vejo mechanical belts se mechendo
compre nao importa o preço

nunca cheguei de fato a terminar mas PQP QUE JOGO BOM

It's crack.
Don't play if you've got shit to do next morning.

games that require an engineer degree (of any kind) before playing