Reviews from

in the past

só gostava de voar com as moto kkkk fodase a história


Amazing story like always with rockstar games. Gameplay goes with that story almost perfectly. Not a fan of the abilities that all the characters had but it was fun I guess. The game itself was great and gave the player so much to do creating another great entry into the series.

Online was fun for quite some time, but eventually you realise it is all for nothing because the grind never ends and getting new stuff is just a quick reward. Never cared for the story.

Un juego que en muchísimos sentido es un absoluto logro y milagro técnico, y excelencia jugable en varios aspectos al que pocas obras le llegan.

Por otro lado, tiene todo el grindeo y grasa típicos de los mundos abiertos, varias historias secundarias no son lo suficientemente buenas para atraparte, y la historia principal se desinfla desde la mitad.

Y de los finales posibles, elegí el C, que me pareció malísimo, pero no podre decir si es el peor hasta que no vea los otros... sospecho que es el peor.

También he de decir, que lo fui jugando a lo largo de literalmente 4 años, desde que lo regalaron en la tienda de Epic en 2020. Tengo el inicio del juego grabado por haber jugado un poco en casa de un amigo, y quizás por eso me da la impresión de que la primera parte del juego es mejor, cuando vas conociendo a los personajes, sus historias se entrelazan, y te enamoras de las mecánicas.

Puedo ver por qué muchos les tienen nostalgia, fue la tormenta perfecta (lo que parece) refinamiento, cantidad con suficiente calidad para no fallar estrepitosamente, y uno de los años clave del crecimiento de Youtube.

Al final yo también le tengo nostalgia. Incluso si no lo tuve, pude jugar algo en casas de amigos, y me vi demasiados videos sobre gta5 en 2013-2014.

The singleplayer is fantastic and a marked improvment on GTA 4.

The multiplayer is fun for a while too, though it can also be really annoying and wears out its welcome after a while, even with friends.

What a ride the story of this game is... Not really basing this review off the multiplayer because I could care less.

amazing world and characters like you would expect from rockstar. shame dlc was cut due to online

Jogo muito bom, cheio de missões interessantes, mas começa a ser meio repetitivo no final, sempre pegar o carro de um lado pro outro sem parar, mas isso não afeta muito a gameplay, vc só sente isso pro finalzinho, ótimo jogo

everyone played atleast once in their life

Good game, but there are modder on online that i dont like.

الاونلاين فيها زفت

the most fun game i've ever played

worst in the series but that doesn't make it worse than valorant

Amazing game when it comes to online and story. The story for this game is unlike anything I've ever played before, showing the ability Rockstar has to make amazing games. I love all of the characters and the multiple endings are always cool in a game. The online is just as fun and I've spent hours on it with friends

It's grand theft auto but I must say I find the emergent stuff really boring actually and just enjoy it as a good netflix show that is interactive

juego que al principio estaba bueno, pero rockstar lo exprimio como si fuese una naranja. evidentemente,para mi, se quedaron sin jugo

This game was genuinely great until Trevor gets introduced lol

I've replayed and beat this game three times (Xbox 360, Xbox One then PC) and I've had fun playing it but to be honest I didn't care much about the story and just played it to do crazy stuff.

After playing IV and paying more attention to stuff, I wanted to replay V to get a better perspective of how I'd view at as I'm older and I was genuinely having a lot of fun at first. I really like Michael and Franklin as characters, they're both funny but have some traits about them that make them feel like they could be real people. The missions in the game are also pretty varied and enjoyable and IMO, much better than IV's missions.

However, as soon as you finish the Jewelry Store heist, I feel like the game's story just completely declines and even the missions start to become much less fun.

I fucking hate Trevor, there's genuinely not a single thing I like about him as an adult. He's ugly, insanely try hard edgy with him being a cannibal and being into bestiality for some reason? He's dick to pretty much everyone unless its made for comedic value like how he falls in love for Martin's wife because she's a silly old lady (because its funny I guess). He just completely embodies the QUIRKY RANDOM🤪 era of the early 2010's when this game was made and Rockstar tries to glaze him as much as possible and make him seem so funny and badass when he's just an insane retard.

Trevor's missions fucking suck too and I hate all of Trevor's friends. All of his friend's barely exist after you leave for LS in the part of the game where you're FORCED to play as Trevor and they all just suck him off and praise him and have no other traits. Again, Rockstar tries SO HARD to make you like Trevor but I feel like it would be impossible for anyone over the age of 18 to do so.

If it was just Michael and Franklin it would be a cool dynamic between the rich class who's disillusioned with materialism and Franklin who's trying to grind to get to the top. Trevor is has like no thematic reasoning in the story besides just being apart of Michael's past, he's such a FORCE!

This game in general has a lot of places where it jumps the shark in terms of trying way too hard to be satire to the point where it isn't funny. Don't get me wrong, there's still plenty of funny things in the game but so many of the Weazel News ads on the radio made me roll my eyes and there's still plenty of characters outside of Trevor's story that are just obnoxious and way too cartoonishly annoying like all of Michael's family. GTA has always had pretty on the nose stuff in terms of humor but idk I feel like in V they try way too hard.

I do like some of the characters though. I really liked Lamar and Franklin's dynamic (It's too bad Franklin just doesn't exist in the story after Trevor is introduced 🙃) and there are plenty of things that are cool about the game. Los Santos is really cool, the radio is great, I love the amount of customization and money sinks with the cars, weapons, clothes, stocks, real estate, etc.

I just am really disappointed with how much worse this game gets after the Jewelry Heist because tbh if the game was just as consistently good beforehand, I may even say that this game is better than IV, even despite its detail and gameplay downgrades.

Regardless of all the things I bitch about, the game is still pretty enjoyable IMO, just very disappointing in a lot of ways.

I've already completed the single-player campaign of this game three times, which for me is enough to show how much I like GTA V. The dynamic of three protagonists was something that put me off at first, but it proved to be another of Rockstar's great successes. It's a shame that they only focused on online after launch, as I couldn't care less about the multiplayer mode.

Gameplay is awesome as usual, but the plot felt so bad. I hated Trevor, hated Michael. Wished Franklin was a single main character

A game I could play forever such a great campaign and a great soundtrack/radio. GTA Online is some of the most fun I've had with friends in a game.

i like fucking around killing random people and police maybe i should play th actual game one day