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Very enjoyable game. I think they really stepped it up with Ethan's character in this game which I was glad to see. Although he is a fairly basic character I do really like the determined father trope that they used with him in Village, and I also thought they improved on his dialogue not only from Biohazard to Village, but even as the game went on. I loved the game mechanics and found the combat very well done, not to hard to find bullets but difficult enough to be interesting (I think I died like three times this game which is really low for me). What made this game that much better for me, which seems to be a case in most of the RE games, is the lore drops you get from reading through the random papers. It was really interesting to get some background build up on the characters (mainly villains) and learn more about who they are. The lore behind the village was very well done, and the villains we got were very well crafted (my favourite being Heisenberg despite the annoyance of the factory). To be honest I was completely caught off guard by the fact that Mia was actually Miranda, did not see it coming at all, and thought it was a really good twist. I enjoyed this playthrough and am about to go and play the DLC's

This was an amazing game. There's plenty to say about it. The Storyline is amazing, the characters are all really good, I really liked the twist of Evie being the old woman cause I was hella confused on who she was, combat is really well done, and the difficulty of the game on normal was, I thought, a perfect median of playable and difficult. The antagonists were probably my favorite part of the game, especially the Bakers since they really weren't actually the bad guys even thought that's how you see them the whole game. Only change I would make is the fucking brightness being dark as fuck lmao