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Este juego es una verdadera tragedia. Empieza muy bien y muy fuerte y en cuanto se acaba la primera parte da un bajón del que no se recupera. Todo lo innovador y divertido del principio es sustituido por repetición y aburrimiento. Ojalá el juego supiera mantener ese listón tan alto, probablemente sería más conocido y tendría más nota.

great gameplay bogged down by mid writing. its really a shame

Um truco da pesada!

Esse é daqueles jogos que é essencial que tu n veja nada antes de jogar, só vai cara, que o jogo bom!!!

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Inscryption boasts a beautiful beginning with charming dialogue and wonderfully done atmosphere. Act 1 is a visual treat and, had it been the entirety of the game, would have honestly garnered more love from me. The rules are simple enough to learn quickly, with enough variation and ways to augment your cards that you can play all sorts of different ways. The boss fights in the cabin are lovely, too; the dark aesthetic marries perfectly with the haunting soundtrack, and the mechanics are all perfectly in theme with the boss, as well.

Unfortunately, the game drops off quite hard after this. It may be a staple of Daniel Mullin's work, but the meta-fictional plot is unengaging and underwhelming. I'm far more interested in the world inside the game, and I could feel all of my immersion get forcibly torn away each time I was forced to sit through a segment involving 'the real world.' The game's plot and characters suffer for this, in my opinion, as so much time is diverted away from the Scrybes and into Lucas Carder. The fact Luke will occasionally quip in over your gameplay, just after enough time has passed for you to forget he existed, was nothing short of irritating.

Act 3, at least for me, wasn't so terrible, though it certainly was /boring/ both to look at and read. The card game, however, was back to being reminiscent of the cabin, and I was pleased to go back to it with a fresh new set of mechanics. This does come with the caveat of the game playing much slower than before, though, so make what you will of it.

The half-baked plot concludes with one final stand against each of the Scrybes, though all are cut short. I for one, actually quite enjoyed this! It looked amazing, and gave me a taste of the decks I hadn't really been able to enjoy in the slog of the second act. Unfortunately, as cool as the set piece is, the Scrybes are neutered for plot-reasons and you may only play a few turns with each one before moving on. This segment simply furthered my need for the game to throw away the focus on the metafictional: I would happily play a game going through the worlds of each Scrybe, as you had done with Leshy's cabin, and enjoyed it much more than the actual product.

After this, the finale to the plot is... unsatisfying, at best, and honestly, comes off as downright laughable. Why should I care for Lucas Carder, or anything that happens to him? Why should I feel horror at PO-3's actions? What is the truth behind the mysterious card-turned-video-game? I've played other games that leave me turning questions such as these over in my head for weeks afterwards (shoutout to Signalis!), but with Inscryption, I felt no attachment to any of it. Honestly, I wanted the credits to roll faster, so I could get back to playing the cabin card game in Kaycee's Mod.

I don't think that Inscryption is bad at a base level. It's a fun game bogged down by terrible writing, leaving a perfectly mediocre experience. But I don't want a mediocre game, I want a game that continues to channel the fun and wonder I had at the start.

Probablemente el mejor juego de cartas que he jugado junto al Balatro, estéticamente muy único, diversos estilos y la historia god

Nunca vi nada igual, um jogo de cartas com suspense e terror, cada capítulo é uma experiência, tem um começo confuso e um final triste, não se engane com a capa e a gameplay do início, o jogo é bem mais complexo.

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one of my favorite games of all time, i love card games and it just reinvents that with talking cards, puzzles, and horror all in one. with each act being something different, it gives you a well thought out story ( while confusing at times with the real world stuff )
It really finishes up well with the ending, and the mod you get after beating it to repeat act 1 as a rogue lite.

With the amount of hype and mystery I’ve heard about this game from various youtubers, there’s absolutely no way that it will live up to the hype that I’ve built myself (my fault).
However, even if It’s not the masterpiece I think it is, it’s still a great game with plenty of surprises that delighted me (justifying the reason why most youtuber will just suggest you to play the game instead of listening to them ramble and possibly spoiler you).

Another thing, I’ve grown to hate roguelikes over the years, it was one of my favorite genres back then. But with the oversaturation of indie roguelikes (both bad and good), I got bored, hated it, then just blocked the entire genre on Steam. So if you’re like me but are curious about this game, you should try it.

I didn’t find the roguelike elements as annoying as in many others(Hades, Dead Cell, Binding of Isaac, Slay the Spire, etc). It’s also relatively easy so I managed to pull through with a minimal amount of replay.

Go in completely blind and prepared to be amazed. The only thing I'll say is that if someone told me that David Lynch made this, I wouldn't even question it.

It was awesome, but too short !
We wan't more !!

so the full game is definitely worth playing and does a lot of unique, fun things with the format.......but the meta-story does not always land, it can feel intrusive, and--way too often--outright silly

i'd recommend it, but i'd say that you need to have some tolerance for cringe - and that, while the gameplay is fun, the story will actively prevent you from enjoying it in a way that feels intentional but is still really annoying

I solemnly believe that every single person must experience this! This is the furthest thing from anything you could ever expect. Do not let the genre (decbuilder/card battler) turn you away from the most meta & unique story you will ever play.

Addictive gameplay, spectacular story, and high difficulty, all of this together made Inscryption the best indie game I've ever played.

Во первых, это очень хороший карточный рогалик. Простые механики складываются в уйму комбинаций, которые при удачных обстоятельствах могут сломать игру.
Во вторых, это Daniel мать его Mullins. Если видите это имя то можно гарантировано ожидать, что эта игра гораздо глубже, чем кажется.

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Last year, I did something I have been trying to avoid my whole life: I got into Magic: The Gathering. I have been trying to avoid this for several reasons: the community has an awful rep, the cost to play (and pay to win nature of deckbuilding) is astronomical on my tiny budget, and the game itself seems so daunting with its keywords and finicky rules. That being said, after taking the plunge due to my incessant roommate, I have fallen in love with the game for all the reasons I thought I would dislike it.

Inscryption is a bizarre loveletter to TCG's. it really nails the beauty of creating an absolutely busted deck, and the thrill of the hunt when it comes to finding just the right card to bring that synergy together. It also taps into the inherent goofiness of TCG themes (MTG is about to release a set of cowboy cards, so the jump to robots in the third act is in line with the inconsistency of the goofy expansions).

I went into this blind, and was surprised by all the twists and turns.

At its core Inscryption is a card based roguelike with a twist. Players are tasked with building and refining their deck of cards to battle against a series of increasingly challenging opponents. However what sets Inscryption apart is its innovative use of mechanics such as deck manipulation, creature sacrifice, and environmental puzzles. Each battle feels like a carefully orchestrated dance of strategy and wit, as players must constantly adapt their tactics to overcome new obstacles and adversaries.

One of the most captivating aspects of Inscryption is its incorporation of metagame elements. As players progress through the game they uncover layers of hidden secrets and cryptic messages that blur the lines between fiction and reality. The meta narrative woven throughout the game adds an extra layer of depth and intrigue keeping players engaged and eager to uncover the truth behind the games enigmatic world.

Visually Inscryption is a masterpiece of minimalist design. The games hand drawn art style perfectly complements its dark and surreal atmosphere creating a sense of foreboding and unease. Each card and environment is meticulously crafted imbuing the game with a sense of tangible depth and immersion.

Similarly the sound design in Inscryption is superb. From the haunting melodies that accompany players on their journey to the subtle sound effects that punctuate key moments in the game. Every auditory element serves to enhance the overall experience. The combination of visual and auditory elements creates a cohesive and immersive world that draws players in from the very beginning.

Inscryptions narrative is perhaps its most compelling aspect. The games story unfolds gradually as players progress through its various stages revealing snippets of lore and backstory that hint at a much larger and more complex narrative. The writing is top notch with clever dialogue and well developed characters that keep players invested in the unfolding mystery.

However its worth noting that the narrative in Inscryption can be quite dense at times which may not be to everyones taste. Some players may find themselves struggling to piece together the various threads of the story leading to moments of frustration or confusion.


Innovative gameplay mechanics that combine deck-building, puzzle solving, and narrative driven elements.
Immersive visuals and sound design that create a dark and surreal atmosphere.
Compelling narrative with well written dialogue and intriguing characters.
Metagame elements add an extra layer of depth and intrigue.
High replay value thanks to procedurally generated levels and hidden secrets.


The dense narrative may be off putting to some players.
Steep learning curve may deter newcomers to the genre.
Occasional bugs and technical issues can detract from the overall experience.

Inscryption is a tour de force of game design that pushes the boundaries of what a card based roguelike can be. With its innovative gameplay mechanics, immersive visuals, sound design and compelling narrative it offers a truly unique gaming experience that will linger in the minds of players long after the credits roll. While its dense narrative and steep learning curve may not be for everyone those willing to delve deep into its dark and enigmatic world will find themselves rewarded with a gaming experience unlike any other.

one of the best card games youll ever play

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the ending was disapointing

Queria continuar jogando para saber mais da história, mas nossa é muito repetitivo a forma que vc ganha cada partida, não é bem um jogo de carta, sei la, a fase dos inimigos robôs perto da usina me fez parar, todo encontro parecia igual.

Enjoyed first bit the most, progressively lost steam the closer to the end I got. Felt like it over stayed its welcome but my stubbornness won out.

bom tava só adicionando uns jogo no meu perfil pra não ficar vazio mas sobre esse aqui eu vou ter q falar

é com certeza um dos melhores se não O MELHOR jogo de cartas já feito, inicialmente não vou mentir, ele é repetitivo, vc vai sentir isso jogando, mas não é no sentido ruim da coisa, é mais como um rougelike do q qualquer outra coisa

tem gente q não tem paciência de ficar morrendo várias vezes e voltando sempre pro ponto inicial, é realmente frustrante as vezes, mas com o tempo eu aprendi q é só não levar tão a sério a derrota "porra morri no final mlk..... agr vai" meio q isso até vc passar

não posso e nem quero falar com todas as palavras o pq esse jogo é incrível pq isso seria um spoiler grande, vc jogando e tendo a surpresa na hr é bem mais legal, oq digo é, vale muito apena vc dar uma chance pra essa porra aqui

literalmente a única crítica q eu consigo fazer a esse jogo é ele acabar
eu queria q tivesse mais
cade o 2?
pq acabou?
é quase o mesmo sentimento q eu tenho com o sekiro mas até pior se pá pq esse jogo te dá muuuito um gostinho de quero mais no fim, é bizarro o quanto esse jogo me surpreendeu e o quanto ele é bom


inscryption thrives at conveying a sense of foreboding tranquillity despite its dark ambience and sound design. everything production-wise for this game is aligned perfectly with its fun gameplay and puzzling narrative, there's not a single choice i could point out that would've been better if they made any changes.

but! there's always a but. i can't shake the feeling that the overall mystery of the game (including the ARG) did not conclude satisfyingly. feels like it should have had an extra hour or two exploring the themes of the cursed game/overpowered script/malevolent company, and of course some more exploration of the character we are playing as throughout the game.

despite my gripe, i absolutely recommend this game.

games like this are so hard to review because if i say ANYTHING about this game it will ruin the experience for you. you just gotta trust my word on this when i say this game is fucking incredible. easily the best card game i’ve ever played. inscryption has an amazing plot, an absolutely gorgeous art style, a surprisingly phenomenal soundtrack, and some of the most unique mechanics and plot twists i’ve ever seen. easily the best $20 i’ve ever spent, play this damn game and go into it as blind as possible i’m so serious.

The first part is soooo good, then it gets worse.
It can be hard for these types of games to work, and Inscryption pulls it off sometimes, but sometimes the effect is just a bit silly.

Daniel Mullins is, no questions asked, my favorite game developer in the industry. This is his absolute best work, and one of my all-time favorite games. Inscryption, on top of being a deckbuilder that revels in letting the player break it in a billion different fun ways, houses some of the most clever meta subversions of storytelling I've seen, while oozing through the seams with dank atmosphere.

This, of course, is not where the game ends. The people aren't lying, you should play this game for yourself spoiler-free. Believe me, there is so much waiting for you beneath the surface.

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The first act is easily a 5/5.

Jogaço da porra, só falta jogar o Kaycee's Mod mas acho que não vou zerar ele pq to com outras coisas pra jogar, apesar de eu ter já visto a série do Markiplier no yt esse jogo ainda me divertiu bastante e segredos que não fazia idéia que existiam.
Enfim, apenas jogue este jogo, vale super a pena e o mais importante, jogue sem saber de nada.

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The first act is way superior to the others that come to follow. The gameplay just kept getting worse. The ending was cool tho and heartbreaking.
I hated Leshy because of what he made me go through but hearing him talk like that at the end was sad.

Achei o jogo completamente pelo acaso e me surpreendi muito, toda vez que eu me acostumava com a gameplay, ele inovava em algo. E a temática e ambientação é e extremamente genial e linda