Reviews from

in the past

Tá faltando muita alma nessa sequência

It was an alright game, but it felt very dragged out with nothing to keep me playing till the end.

- Teto

Loved this as a kid and I may come back to complete it later because a was too scared to do so back then haha

I beat this game in like 2-3 days the bosses are kinda boring desgin except for the last two in the game I love the ghost desgins they are super entertaining and polterpup is super cute

It may be the weakest of the trilogy (supposedly), but it's still goated

First Luigi's Mansion I played and was decent - the Polterpup is cute and the game is made well. Not sure how well the mission structure worked but also kind of made sense given the game was on a handheld

Game was fine, but feels like it was meant for a home console rather than a handheld.

It may seem a weird comparison, but jumping from Luigi Mansion to Luigi Mansion 2 feels like going from Mario Sunshine to Mario Galaxy.

The first title is a weird experimental openworld-like adventure with a lot of the weird charming personality of the Gamecube era, which doesn't shy away from introducing weirdos in the Mario world.

THe second title on the other hand gets rid of the more open levels and biomes in favor of a more linear experience, based on "Missions", that kick you out of the level the moment you get the shiny object. It's a cool idea on paper, but where Mario galaxy sells you on the change thanks to the spectacle of the adventure and the amazing presentation.... I don't think the same can be 100% said for Dark Moon

The thing that sells you on this game is how Luigi is portrayed: not just because is more expressive as ever, but the way it is animated makes me feels like I am watching an animated movie of him. It is really nice to see him here..... but honestly the rest of the game doesn't have the same amount of charm, especially compared to what the first title did.
E. Gadd is back and Polterpup must be protected at all costs, but everything else feels too safe: the locations are technically unique (Classic mansion, haunted garden, cabin in the snow, clock tower) but they all feel too samey and doesn't go full on with their respective concepts. The ghosts have less personality than the ones from Older Disney cartoons, and especially the bosses (with the exception of King Boo) are just boring: the best thing you can do in terms of design is a giant Spider (not even a cool mario spider, but a realistic spider with eyelashes or smt) and a.... set of 3 stairs?

At least the gameplay is fun: a really cool evolution of the gamecube title's gameplay, and a set of new cool gimmicks, even if the pacing can be interrupted by unskippable cutscenes of E Gadd always throwing boring explanation at you.

THe multyplayer was fine at the time: I think I never met more that 1 other people, but at least the idea of going through technically infinite rooms is a cool idea.

Overall, a cool sequel and a nice revival of a beloved mario psinoff.... I jsut felt that especially now that a third title exists that fixes a lot of the issues here, this is the least memorable of the trilogy..... still, it is a solid time.... it was kinda weird to see it remastered for the switch tho...

It was ok. Not as good or memorable as the first game. Very pretty for the 3DS. Wish the ghosts had actual designs and not copy pasted generic ones.

Too linear for my taste, one of the things I loved about its predecessor was the attempt at a spooky atmosphere without being a horror game but here the limitations (or maybe a different artistic decision) made this game something different from what a fan of the franchise would expect after the GameCube game.

But that doesn't mean it's bad, it was funny but it lacked difficulty and exploration which is a shame since the level design and art style is awesome.

If only the difficulty of the game as whole without counting the last mansion was as difficult as the last one and that last one were a though challenge it would totally make up for the linearity and lack of exploration of such immense levels.

What it would be more scary than facing ghost that may take you down in two hits just like in the level previous to the last boss, a entire game with a polished controller and with that hack and slash-ish open world game would instantly become my favorite Luigi's mansion game and maybe one of the best Nintendo games just because it would extend what the first game was loved for.

Missed potential but anyways, a really good game