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in the past

What a weird game... the elephant in the room here is that this game fucking sucks on original hardware. On vita, which is how I played it, which both analog sticks, it's pretty good. Playing it with the d-pad and face buttons actually is painful. It sucks.

This feels like a weird budget spin off more than an actual Katamari game. The missions are super repetitive and while some of them change the formula in an interesting way, most of them are just "oh roll bigger." It's like, I've done this before! Just on a console where it feels much better! I guess playing on a smaller handheld is pretty novel, but overall I would skip this one.

katamari beach episode. a psp port of we<3 without any of the mechanics that made we<3 interesting. weird controls but i somehow got used to it?

but hey it's katamari on the psp! no great additions to the soundtrack, no new mechanics, it's really just another platform you could play katamari in, if you got the thumbs for it. play it on a vita maybe?

While suffering from crappy controls and repetitive levels, Me and My Katamari offers a nice, not too serious set of levels to play in quick bursts during the day.

I recently picked up this game to pass some time with the Vita on my school bus, knowing already how the series plays since I have already played the other games in the series, consisting of short and engaging levels, full of joy and creativity

At first, it really felt like Keita Takahashi's passion of the series remained even after not dealing with this project, but soon after a few levels I realized it was a not so great demake of the more polished We Love Katamari

The concept of animals asking to create new islands became stale instantly, the controls were making me think I started to develop arthritis and the levels/soundtracks were constanly recycled for every damn level, even the ending one, and many of these are poorly designed, too easy or too claustrophobic, no inbetween

After all things said, you want to play this if you want to check everything in your Katamari backlog, but for casual PSP players I would rather avoid this title to have a better time playing the PS2 titles that have aged masterfully, but still you can have fun even without the other alternatives

A ver, es un Katamari y solo por eso ya es entretenido... pero el 90% de niveles son el mismo reciclado. Le falta variedad y encima el esquema de controles de la PSP es un horror, menos mal que en Vita puedes remapear al stick derecho. De los que he jugado el peor.

The magic of Katamri Damacy is definitely still here, but this is definitely the first "not as good" game in the series.

You're still doing the usual rolling stuff up to some of gaming's greatest music and terrorizing the world because your dad said "Ah my dipshit son I need you to make this cat a cute island" (and if you fail your dad will tie you up and beat you). But once you get used to the controls and the little too tight level design you'll do fine. There's not much variety in how you do it despite the specific missions saying "oh I want mine cute, fast, heavy" so prepare to go through the motions however.

The "not as good" part comes in the constant re-using of levels (with different themes) that gets even worse with the new mission structure. Now, the further in you go, you will roll up a Katamari in one area, then once you meet the requirement you'll migrate to another level, and late game this repeats for up to 5 level migrations for one super long mission. A decision that not only leads to the constant re-use of levels due to not having enough maps to support the idea, but each level becoming really long which is an odd decision for a portable game. By the end you do the big grand roll up the everything multiple times which kinda kills the excitement of getting to do that.

While Katamari Damacy and We <3 Katamari are excellent experiences despite having similar gameplay, Me & My Katamari is the first entry that really feels more of the same and drawn out. It will scratch that itch for more Katamari however so if you need to roll some stuff up and already played the first two, well, this exists just for you. I'd give this game a 3.25 if I could.

It’s impressive that this is a PS2-level Katamari game on the PSP with some minor frame drops.

Unfortunately Me & My Katmari feels more repetitive(side objectives that don’t really matter, the same OST as Damacy with some minor changes, the same level path for each island). On top of that, using the face buttons and D-Pad to control the Katamari is physically uncomfortable after a while and it’s harder than normal to control the Katamari.

you get used to to the controls quickly if you're good at rolling. it's a shame that they reused so much music from the old games, but the few tracks they did add were, of course, stellar. the earlier games outdo this one in every way except for portability HOWEVER, the credits are more fun in this game compared to wlk. not a bad job at all for porting a game like katamari to psp. takahashi's loss, while a death knell for the series, isn't felt too strongly.

really fun katamari game but the controls r shit b/c of the psp

they werent kidding it really just isnt the same. like at all. my heart is empty and full of sorrow. i yearn for the days in which we may ''funk'' together, i truly do, however for the time being...we must part our farewells...its not me its revoir.................katamari.....................

as versões do tema principal de katamari são as músicas mais hype dos videogames

One hour into this game and you practically played all of it. It's kinda tedious doing the same tasks over and over.
The final level is wonderful (as expected in this franchise), but naturally, you have to go through the whole game to play it. Not worth it.
Also the psp sucks