Reviews from

in the past

Nintendo's Halo CE

There are only a few games I've played that perfectly capture the feeling of loneliness, this is one of them. Similar to Halo CE, Prime just masters the atmosphere. For pretty much the whole playthrough I didn't know what the fuck was going on or why I was where I was but damn was it a mood. The gunplay is very simple as is the platforming but exploring every piece of the planet is what sold me. I never got tired of the backtracking and frequently would stop whatever I was doing to go back to certain areas whenever I'd get new equipment just to see what it provides.

I like the idea of different beams but switching between them is a bit clunky, it's not very smooth and so when you gotta do it in comabt you're pretty vulnerable to taking damage. I also wish there was some sort of checklist like Dread where you can see how many collectibles you have left for an area just to make it a bit easier. I don't look at this as a bad thing but some of the missile upgrade locations where completely mental, even if I re-played this a dozen times I would have never found them without a guide.

I now understand the pain of the Metroid Prime 4 people

I am not a big fan of metroid-vanias specially of this kind. I feel like this game doesn't offer the help that the player might want or need. I felt specially frustrating that most of the unlocked shortcuts I got were not clear at all. Sometimes I felt like the only true way to advance is to wait for the game to tell where to go. Visually is really cool and I really like the mechanic of the visor. Overall good game but a bit tedious/frustrating.

really tried to love this game but it wouldn't let me. questionable design choices and a weird difficulty spike that comes outta nowhere aside, the change to first person brings a lot of problems. platforming can be irritating at times and the combat is... well, it exists.

thank god prime's metroidvania loop is still very satisfying and the atmosphere is incredible as it's always the case with metroid, especially the soundtrack this time goes really hard