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An amazing first person adventure in the Metroid franchise. Had a lot of fun throughout the whole game with the gameplay combat and exploring. I'd like to see the other prime games remastered and I'll definitely be getting Prime 4 when that comes out.

Beautiful atmosphere, held down by the chozo artifact grind at the end.

The atmosphere is excellent and the overworld overall is so cool,i havent played too many metroid games but this one is worth it

I really love the 2D Metroid games but I had never had the chance to play Prime until the remaster came out. And for the most part I had a great time. The pacing was extremely snappy, the game looks incredible, the music is great and the combat and exploration was satisfying. That was until I got to the Phazon Mines then all of that momentum comes to a screeching halt. Save points become incredibly scarce, the enemies are brutal, the map is even more confusing to interpret and navigate. The Omega Pirate is one of the most frustrating bosses I have fought in recent memory. And on top of it all in order to beat the game you must collect 12 random collectables across the world killing all of that good pacing I had just praised. Metroid Prime is a great game that deserves all of the praise it gets, but it just didn't make the landing for me.

Que experiência incrível! Comecei recentemente a me tornar um fã da franquia metroid e é assustador esse jogo ser criado em 2002, progressão perfeita, gameplay precisa e em ritmo agradável, assim como metroid dread tbm foi incrível, esse jogo é capaz de levar a exploração e descoberta a outro nível, com a utilização precisa de cada habilidade ou armadura que você coleta no caminho, minha única crítica é que deveria ter uma mecânica de fast travel, já que trafegar pelo mapa do jogo mesmo tendo os elevadores como atalho pode ser bem enjoativo para procurar o que fazer, mas ainda sim, esse jogo é digno de ser chamado de masterpiece

A perfect remaster of my favorite game of all time. An immersive blend of exploration, logging, and combat across a beautiful alien world.

My OCD-rattled brain cried out in immense pain when I realized that I wouldn’t be able to 100% the Scan Logs because I didn’t scan the first boss

un murciélago suicida me impidió el 100% del juego
simpeo a samus

This game is a perfect model for all metroidvanias and has some of the best audio and game designs out there, but godamnit the backtracking is the biggest pain in the ass.

Almost perfect. Nearly every change was for the better. They finally fixed the x-ray hands bug. The only failing point is that the morph ball, your bullets, and your charge beam doesn't actually emit light anymore so you can get kind of lost in the dark.
Artistic direction minor qualms: they used the Trilogy rewrite of the script, the new echo effect in tunnels is maybe a bit too severe, the helmet was retconned to be an energy-projection-thing instead of a physically removable piece to cater to Other M I guess, takes longer to fire a charge shot because the beam-cannon is semi-auto now, and I wouldn't mind if they made each Chozo Ghost fight a one-off instead of a recurring thing, and it would be cool if grabbing an Artifact didn't lock you out of getting that Artifact's lore entry.
That's it, I'm entirely out of complaints. Great job, new Retro.

When I had played the original Metroid Prime back in the early 2000s I was amazed and loved the game to death. the graphics were beautiful, the world felt vast, and it was an amazing adventure...that said, I realize before playing the remaster, I had only played the original once back then and never played it again after I had beat it. This is kinda important to state because...

Starting Metroid Prime Remastered I had a weird sort of blending of reality versus memory. For the first time ever, my brain was actually making me think the remaster was still the same game with almost no real changes...I was remembering the original game to look exactly like the remaster was as I was playing it. I know that wasn't the case, but it was a feeling I couldn't shake...

The graphics were still very beautiful, the world felt so alive and everything felt so clear. I loved how the world looked and every little particle just added onto the beauty. While yes I could tell the very rare low texture in very few spots, but you would REALLY have to look for them to see them, which because I was sooo invested with looking at every little thing, it was bound to happen.

I remember the music to the game being very well done, like most of the series, the music is down to tones that blend so well with the area that it almost sounds like ambience that just happens to fit the music. This combined with the very clear sound of everything, I honestly was kinda shocked hearing Samus' footstep, I don't remember hearing that in the original.

I'd say the one thing in the game that was actually very frustrating throughout was the's not entirely the game's fault per se, but I kept switching the controls A LOT because I felt it's default controls weren't ideal and had certain actions in areas I wasn't comfortable with...while the classic controls for from the original game...well...that control style was 20 years ago and was a product of it's time and was extremely uncomfortable to use, because of how archaic it was, ironically I did find myself accidently pushing the wrong buttons due to thinking the modern controls were the classic...apparently I still had 20 year old muscle memory locked away.

All of that combined, this remaster was amazing to revisit, and enforced even more why I love the Metroid series no matter if it's the 3D games or 2D, this is still an amazing series.

you would be committing a crime by not purchasing this

This review contains spoilers

Overall thoughts:
Amazing game that got me started to the series and introduced me to Samus Aran whom I thought was a man. I never beat the game as a kid and playing this remastered version I realized why but I still enjoyed playing and beating the game this time around and will definitely play this again later on the hard difficulty I unlocked.

> The fact that there isn't a sprint button sucks and is pretty rough when you have to backtrack which is apart of the end gameplay unless you're that good at searching stuff/figuring out riddles or follow a guide
> SPOILER - I remember why I didn't finis this game as a kid because I couldn't find all the Chozo artifacts hidden throughout the map. This part is very rough cuz the movement in the game is kinda bad. There's backtracking in Metroid Dread kind of but at least the movement is amazing in that game.
> The enemies and the different weapons and the shooting is fun but this game is definitely a relic of its time. I wanna say it was 30-40% nostalgia that was pushing me to finish the game towards the end. Still a great game CAN'T WAIT FOR METROID 4

3D metroidvanias exist and this game is the proof

An incredible update for an already incredible game. Didn't finish due to having played the original more times than I could count and had other stuff going on but I'm sure I'll go back later. Looks great, performs great, sounds great; no notes.

A great game but really has it flaws, which ruined the game for me enough to not give it a higher score. Overall still a game that can still be played today, especially with the updated graphics. Tried to go for 100%, like I did with all 2D metroids, but this game doesn't seem to encourage that.

My thoughts:
(+ = (mostly) positive; - = (mostly) negative)
+ Gameplay;
Most puzzels are nice, but it's a bit of a shame you have to scan a lot, to progress in the game. Really like the lock-on feature which really improves the combat. Till the point when you have to collect the artifacts, is the game super fun to play. Sadly after that it goes downhill, because it's tedious to collect them all without using a guide. Some seem almost impossible to find, if you're not using one.
After collecting those, the game gets back to what makes it good. So I'm glad it ended on a high note.

++ Music;
Very atmospheric fitting the game. Couldn't really imagine what other kind of music would fit this game, it's really good.

++ Graphics;
Super impressed by this being a remaster and not a remake. shows how good of a developer retro studio really is. Can't imagine how good prime 4 will look..!

+ Story/Characters;
To be fair, there was a lot of text, like a LOT. At the start I tried reading it all but lost interest after a while. Because of the visual story telling I could still (somewhat) follow what the game was about. The unique bosses were also pretty nice.

Yes, but be warned of the last part. I've tried playing metroid prime on the wii, but would recommend this version. The graphical upgrade really adds to the experience.

Cara, esse jogo é uma sacanagem de bom, fiquei genuinamente surpreso com o quanto eu gostei disso, até porque meu primeiro contato com a franquia foi com o Super Metroid e quem viu meu comentário na época sabe que eu não gostei muito do jogo, foi uma experiência bem negativa que tive com ele. Mas apesar disso eu ainda tinha interesse no Metroid Prime, mas imaginava que talvez eu não fosse gostar tanto, então não fui com as expectativas muito altas, porém, acabou que achei o jogo simplesmente sensacional e melhor que o Super Metroid em cada linha de aspecto, não dá nem pra comparar, foi outra experiência.

De verdade, não consigo pensar em muita coisa que me incomode nesse jogo, acho ele genuinamente consistente pra cassete, gostei de absolutamente tudo, a gameplay é ótima, a trilha sonora é MUITO BOA, as boss fights são bem legais, principalmente as duas últimas que são fodas pra caralho, a atmosfera disso aqui também é de outro mundo e os cenários são muito bem feitos e divertidos de se explorar, além de tudo ser muito intuitivo, o que acaba deixando a exploração mais gostosa ainda, acho que só tem um problema em relação a esse aspecto que é o fato do jogo não ter fast travel, isso é uma parada que fez falta, porque o jogo tem bastante backtracking e as vezes fica cansativo ter que ficar indo e voltando entre os mapas, até porque ele é consideravelmente grande, mas é isso, porque de resto o jogo é perfeitinho.

Bem, não tenho muito mais o que falar não, só queria fazer esse pequeno comentário aí mamando Metroid Prime.

PS: A Samus é maravilhosa.

Improves upon everything, while removing nothing. This is how a remaster should be

We all know that Metroid Prime is good. But is it actually fun to play? In my case, tragically, only kinda? Which is bonkers given everything this game has going for it. It’s beautiful and atmospheric (the remastered graphics are so pretty!), even quite effectively spooky at times. The gameplay replicates the experience of a 2D Metroid in a 3D world without losing a thing in translation, which is impressive even today, so I can only imagine how revolutionary it must have been twenty years ago. Good first-person platforming in a game of this era?! What the heck.

So what’s the deal? Has all the joy been sucked out of this formula for me by Metroidvania oversaturation? That might be part of it tbh. It also dawned on me while I was playing that I really do not enjoy the combat in this game, like, at all. At its best it is just kind of there; at its worst it can be incredibly annoying. And although there is less pew-pew than in other FPS games, it still feels like there’s a lot more of it than there needs to be. Why am I fighting the same dang respawned space pirate for the fifty-eighth time? What sort of satisfaction am I meant to derive from this? It often feels like the combat is only there to slow down and pad out the exploration, which is far more rewarding—or would be, if the combat wasn’t constantly interrupting and turning it into a frustrating chore. Honestly I think I would prefer a version of this game with all enemies except bosses removed, Shadow of the Colossus-style.

Speaking of bosses, I’m stuck on the final one, and after a few attempts, I’m not sure that I actually care enough to try again. Which is sad. Usually, if I sink enough time into a game to make it that far, I’ll keep trying until the bitter end. But in the case of Metroid Prime I had to step back and ask myself if I was really having any fun with it anymore. I’m still mulling that one over.

It's the presentation that sells Metroid Prime. The visuals and audio design. The way the environmental design really tries to create a believable space. The details of Samus' helmet display and how it reacts to the environment around her. The ways in which the arm cannon will open and extended when using different weapon types. All together it creates an incredible sense of immersion and atmosphere.

Scanning the environment and enemies for details and clues. Frantically switching visors and beams to take on different enemies. Exploring the and rooms and corridors of Tallon IV.

The biggest problem of Metroid Prime is something that the series often faces. The enemies just won't stay dead. Enemies often respawn after you've moved just a few rooms away. Meaning that if you ever make a wrong move and have to turn around, you'll come face to face with a gang of combatants you killed just a few minutes ago. It makes exploration and backtracking more tedious than it should be and makes combat something you feel like you should avoid if possible.

Besides the hassle of backtracking Metroid Prime remains a masterpiece, taking the fundamentals of its 2D predecessors and translating it into a first person adventure with sheer precision. The ambience of the world in Prime is still magic with the updated graphical fidelity adding to the effect. One of the best FPS adventures ever remastered to make it even better. A must play for any Switch owner.

I had a hard time with this one. after 10 hours of playtime I finally came to the conclusion my time with Metroid Prime felt more like a chore than something to look forward to. I don't need to spend my free time to arbitrarily complete this game and this game doesn't deserve that either. Because I can kind of understand why people would praise Metroid Prime. But the gameplay loop didn't do anything for me. It's hard to say if this was a personal headspace thing, because I've loved some of the metroidvanias I've played in the past. But the backtracking/exploration rarely felt adequately rewarding to me and the combat didn't supplement this frustration in anyway like hollow knight or the first dark souls game did. I'll likely come back to this at some point. It's a game worth re-evaluating. But I definitely need some time away from it.

Metroid Prime is still one of the best designed games ever. Really, every tile is thoughtfully placed and every gear, every item has a perfect use. Retro Studios are absolute masters!

Not my type of game in some of its clunkiness, but the music/sound design is great

The quintessential video game.
Original Score Before Backloggd Rounding: 10/10 (Perfect)

Metroid Prime, and in particular this Remastered edition, is in my humble opinion (which might not mean much) the perfect video game. And I say this as someone who has always been of the belief that nothing can ever be truly perfect, that nothing could possibly deserve a full 10/10, or 5 stars. Every time I had an issue with this game, I realised it was my own skill as a player preventing me from progressing, and when I fought Meta Ridley, I realised what an experience I had just had, as the music swelled and I dodged and dived around the battlefield, using my trusty arm cannon to lay in shots whenever I could. Admittedly yes, there are some aspects even today that might be considered archaic by some, but I don't believe that entirely. The way I see it, we as humans have begun to use our brains less and less, leading to us losing our ability to deduce puzzles and riddles on our own time. This has been a trend in recent years, as we turn to technology, guides and others to give us all the answers, and our brains aren’t performing on the same level that would have been expected of them in the past. I too would have usually fallen into this camp, but Metroid Prime is so well designed, so well structured, that I rarely ever got lost or had to resort to a guide. Such an experience as this one, so expertly crafted and polished, and aged like a fine wine is hard to even quantify with words, though I will do my best.

The music is incredible. It takes the beloved ambient, isolating music of beloved titles such as Super Metroid and dials it up to 11. The environmental storytelling is utterly fantastic, packed with all the right information and occasionally something surprising. The gameplay mechanics are well thought out and utilised. The visuals are absolutely gorgeous, and it went from the best looking title on GameCube, nay, arguably the best looking game of the sixth generation of consoles, period, to the best looking game on Nintendo Switch. It is a true love letter to the original 2D Metroids, fully realised in 3D, and a game where I can honestly say that I have no real complaints about it. No nitpicks, nothing I would change or do differently, nothing. Even the endgame quest can be done throughout the course of the main story, and isn’t that strenuous even if you somehow missed some of those objectives along the way. The new controller options elevate the experience even further, meaning that you can play the game your way, no worries. You want traditional twin stick shooter controls? You go right ahead. You want classic tank controls or Wiimote style pointer controls? Sure, they’re there: Samus's first 3D adventure might very well be her best, though Metroid Prime 2: Echoes offers a different approach and design philosophy to it’s world and gameplay in the first place.

Overall, it's just hard to find the words to describe this game in any greater detail. Retro Studio's first ever outing shines more brightly here than it did even on the GameCube or Wii, and that is a feat in and out of itself. If this is a sign to come for what Metroid Prime 4 will eventually look like, I think I can safely say we're all in for a treat, and I look forward to seeing what comes next for this amazing franchise, whatever form it may take.

[European Portuguese - Nintendo Switch - Dated 02/03/2023]

"Metroid Prime Remastered é um título obrigatório de ser vivido. Ponto final. Fora niquices pessoais não encontro um aspeto que possa criticar. Os dois elementos principais da jogabilidade estão equilibrados, a atmosfera criada pela banda sonora e detalhe de Tallon IV é imersiva até dizer chega, e os visuais na Nintendo Switch estão espetaculares a sessenta fotogramas por segundo, seja Docked ou Portátil. Como se não bastasse o novo sistema de controlo, e consequentes opções de acessibilidade fazem dele um tanto mais acessível. É espantoso como, vinte anos depois, o núcleo de Metroid Prime não envelheceu um cabelo branco que seja, servindo ainda hoje como modelo e exemplo a seguir dentro do género em que se insere."

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A lot of backtracking but still really great.

While I can definitely see the appeal of the game and how at its core design it has lead a new format/genre of games, and that the visual and control improvements of the remaster greatly improve the overall experience, this is still a game largely stuck in its 2000s roots and you painfully feel that as you play.

As someone with no prior metroid experience, I come into this completely clean with no nostalgia or understanding of the game, which means I had to have a fucking guide open as I played the game or else I'd have an extra 4 hours on my playtime running around to finish this game. My main complaints are:
- lack of fast travel/shortcuts around the map, makes backtracking in the latter half a pain in the ass.
- meta ridley boss fight is ass, the rock monster fight drags way too much, and overall the difficulty seems to just spike in the last 1/4 of the game
- some enemies are just fucking annoying, especially the face suckers and the jetback guys, legitimately just made me mad with how aggressive the room respawns can be when I'm trying to run through an area
- "plot" told through scanning random shit across the world = zzz

All that being said, it still gets 2.5/5 cause it doesn't overstay its welcome, and I did enjoy the visual improvements and the very very core design of powering up as you progress through the game is solid and popular as we see in the years to come.

Pretty great although switching between Visor Modes and Weapons can be extremely annoying made the Metroid Prime Boss Fight spawn several tumours in my brain. Make more of these Nintendo thanks.