Reviews from

in the past

A strong start that eventually gives way to instakill enemies and that the fighting system just isn't made for some enemies in mind.

Music is usually good but sometimes is incredibly basic drum thumps.


- Like Hotline Miami but less difficult -
A este ya lo tenia visto desde hace tiempo pero apenas decidi comprarlo y jugarlo.
Y Wow, es accion y fretismo, todo el combate está hecho para ser rapido que junto a su musica tan estilo John wick le da un Plus en sus combates.
Hay variedad de tecnicas que desbloqueas mediante el juego, que hacen más sencillo el combate junto con una buena cantidad de armas por usar, tanto de a Melee como a distancia.
La historia me gusto pq es una que te encuentras en una película de accion, pero no talvez dentro de las mejores y su final queda abierto, cosa que no me gusto mucho.
Lo que si no me gusto mucho fue lo monoto que se puede llegar a sentir a pesar de tener todo lo mencionado y no creo se capaz de rejugarlo en un tiempo.
■ Pero sinceramente me gusto bastante y deberian de existir más juegos así o mejores

This has been on my steam wishlist for a while but after recently signing up to ps plus, I noticed it was on there so gave it a go.
I was expecting something like a mix between SIFU and Arkham combat, but I came away disappointed. The game is focused on combat but the combat just felt imprecise to me. It wasn't really clear to me how to read enemies actions and how to counter them effectively. It ended up being a bit too button mashy which wasn't particularly satisfying to play in a game where the focus is on combat.

This is probably objectively more of a 6-7, BUT IT'S AN 8 IN MY HEART. I had a blast with this one because it fits the John Wick action vibe I adore. Loads of levels and content (so many unlocks from additional challenges, member when games still had that? Although some of the challenges are just unfun), a rather stylish but otherwise unremarkable combat system that veers into slightly frustrating with some enemies and a soundtrack that carries the badass vibe the whole way through.